
时间:2013-08-03 01:37:40
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  导语:斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金(Stephen William Hawking),1942年1月8日出生于英国牛津,英国剑桥大学著名物理学家,现代最伟大的物理学家之一、20世纪享有国际盛誉的伟人之一。以下是小编整理轮椅上的霍金课文原文的资料,欢迎阅读参考。

  Sitting in a wheelchair for 40 years, only three fingers will move and the speech and answer can only be achieved through a speech synthesizer. However, his popular science book, a brief history of time, has a myriad of readers around the world.

  He's the king of the universe Stephen Hawking.

  Fate has been cruel to hawking. In 1963, when he was a graduate student at Cambridge university, he suffered a muscular atrophy of lugali's disease, which was soon paralysed and confined to a wheelchair. In 1985, hawking underwent trachea surgery for pneumonia and was stripped of his ability to speak. 40 years later, the disease has made his body completely deformation: his head is tilted toward the right, is left to lower right shoulder high, her hands tightly and, holding a palm-sized onomatopoeia keyboard and two feet twists in itself. The mouth has been shaped like an S, with a little smile and a grin. Now, that has become his signature image. He can't write, and machine must rely on reading a book, read literature must let a person will split each page on a big desk, and then driven wheelchair like silkworms eat mulberry leaves the page to read.

  The doctor had diagnosed the terminally ill hawking for only two years, but he survived and became the world's acknowledged scientific giant in this unimaginably difficult time. Although, his body was not left in a wheelchair, but his mind was flying out of the earth and fly out of the solar system, flying out of the Milky Way, flew to the depths of the universe by billions of light-years away, flew to the mysterious black hole. He imagines, argues, and calculates in his brain. He thought about when the universe began and when it would end. He discovered the vaporization of the black hole and deduced the big bang of the black hole... He also established a very scientific cosmological model. He was chosen to be the youngest member of the royal society, and became a professor of mathematics lectures at the university of lucentis, which is only a big scientist like Newton.

  Rather than being worshipped all day, he would rather be alone in thinking about the fate of the universe. The door of his office usually hangs a wooden sign that reads:

  "Please keep quiet, the master is sleeping."

  That's probably not true. Hawking just doesn't want to be bothered by outsiders. He must have been sitting in this cozy little room with a high ceiling and quietly working in front of the computer for hours. In the two or three plants around him were pictures of his three children. At 4 p.m., he would talk to graduate students with the help of nurses. They drank tea and exchanged ideas about the universe. If a student raises questions about his theory, he will immediately give a grin.

  Hawking's charm is not just that he is a legendary physical genius, but also because he is a convincing life. His constant pursuit of scientific spirit and brave and tenacious personality power deeply moved the public.

  Once, at the end of the academic report, a young female journalist beat up the pulpit to face at that time, she has lived in a wheelchair for over 30 years of the giants of science, deeply admire, and some compassion and said, "Mr Stephen Hawking, the disease has you forever fixed in a wheelchair, don't you think fate let you lose too much?"

  The question was obviously abrupt and sharp, and there was a hush and silence in the lecture hall.

  Hawking is still full of quiet smile on his face, he will also move finger, hard to tap the keyboard, so as the synthesizer standard London accent, large projection screen slowly and strikingly shown as follows:

  My fingers can still move,

  My brain can think;

  I have a lifelong dream,

  I love and love my family and friends;

  Oh, and I have a grateful heart...

  The shaking of the heart, the applause thunderous. People flocked to the platform, surrounded by the remarkable scientist, to pay his sincere tribute to him.



















