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  六级翻译新题型训练 北京烤鸭(1)


  中国有句说法:不去长城看一看或没有品尝北京烤鸭(Beijing Roast Duck)都不算来过北京。如果你想更多地了解中国菜系、文化和习俗,北京烤鸭作为著名的、拥有悠久历史的美食是绝佳的选择。供应烤鸭的两大最著名的餐厅是便宜坊 (Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant)和全聚德。这两家餐厅都有100多年的历史了。 品尝烤鸭的真正方式是这样的:首先拿起一片小薄饼,抹上甜面酱(sweet bean sauce),加点葱段,再加几片鸭肉,最后将饼卷起来,咬上一口。你会为这种美味而感到惊奇的。

  1.中国有句说法:可译为According to a Chinese saying或There is a saying in China。

  2.不算来过北京:可理解为“游玩北京不完整”,故可译为no visit to Beijing is complete。

  3.绝佳的选择:可译为an excellent choice。


  5.咬上一口:译为take a bite。


  According to a Chinese saying, no visit to Beijing is complete if you miss seeing the Great Wall or dining on Beijing Roast Duck. As a famous and delicious food with a very long history, Beijing Roast Duck is an excellent choice if you want to know more about Chinese cuisine,culture and customs. The two most famous restaurants that serve Beijing Roast Duck are Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant and Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant. Both have a history of over one hundred years.The way to really enjoy the Roast Duck is as follows: first take one piece of the small,thin pancakes provided, spread it with sweet bean sauce,add small slices of spring onions and then some pieces of duck. Finally roll up the pancake and take a bite.You will be surprised by the terrific taste!

  六级翻译新题型训练 香囊(scented sachet)(2)


  香囊(scented sachet),古代也称“香袋”,通常是用布缝制或彩色丝线编织的 袋子,里面塞满香草(aromatic herbs)。香囊最初用来吸汗、驱虫和避邪。香囊不仅 有用,而且可作装饰品。它们的形状和大小各异,有圆形、椭圆形和其他形状。它 们通常配有精致的图案,每个图案都象征着特别的含义。例如,双鱼或成对蝴蝶 图案象征男女之爱;莲花或牡丹花(peony flower)等图案象征女性;松树和仙鹤 图案象征长寿;石榴(guava)图案象征很多孩子。漂亮的香囊不仅是装饰品,而且 含有丰富的文化和历史内涵。

  1.也称..:即“又称”,译为also called…

  2.里面塞满香草:“塞满,,可用动词stuff表达,故此处译为stuffed with aromatic herbs。 其中“香草”译为aromatic herbs。

  3.吸汗、驱虫和避邪:可译为absorbing sweat,repelling insects and warding off evils。动词前是介词for,故用动名词形式。

  4.它们的形状和大小各异:可译为They come in different shapes and sizes.其中 come表示“以某些颜色、形式、样式、尺码出现”,例如Bicycles come in all shapes and sizes.自行车的形状和大小各异。

  5.每个图案都象征着特别的含义:可译为with each pattern symbolizing a special meaning。

  6.石榴图案象征很多孩子:可译为 a guava pattern symbolizes lots of children。


  Scented sachets, also called “fragrant bags” in ancient times, are bags usually sewed with cloth or weaved with multicolor silk threads and stuffed with aromatic herbs. The fragrant bags were originally used for absorbing sweat, repelling insects and warding off evils. Scented sachets are not only useful, but also ornamental. They come in different shapes and sizes, such as round, oval and many others. And they are normally decorated with elaborate patterns, with each pattern symbolizing a special meaning.For instance,a double-fish or double-butterfly pattern smybolizes the love between a man and a woman;patterns like lotus or peony flowers symbolize women;pine and crane patterns symbolize longevity and a guava pattern is the symbol of lots of children.A nice scented sachet is not just an ornament,but more of something that contains cultural and historical richness.

  六级翻译新题型训练 拱手礼 (fist-and-palm salute)(3)


  在中国,会见亲朋好友或在春节期间拜访某人时,除了握手之外,拱手礼 (fist-and-palm salute)也是常见的礼仪。拱手礼是中国古代重要的礼仪,有着2000 多年的历史。它形成于西周时期,后来成为同辈人见面时的礼仪。中国人以距离表示对他人的尊重,不像西方人常以身体的亲近表示尊重。拱手礼保持一定的距离,比较符合现代卫生(hygiene)要求。因此很多礼学专家(etiquette expert)都认为,拱手礼是一种最恰当的交往礼仪。

  1.拜访某人:其中“拜访”可译为pay a visit to, call on或drop in。

  2.除了握手之外:“除了…之外”可译为besides或apart from。

  3.同辈人见面时的礼仪:可译为the etiquette when meeting peers。

  4.中国人以距离表示对他人的尊重:“表示对他人的尊重,”可译为show their respect to others; “以距离”也就是“通过距离”,可译为through distance。

  5.身体的亲近:可译为名词结构physical closeness。

  6.符合现代卫生要求:“符合”即“与…一致”,可译为be in line with。


  In China,besides handshaking,when meeting friends and relatives, or paying a visit to someone during the Spring Festival,the fist-and-palm salute is also common etiquette. It is an important etiquette in ancient China with a history of more than 2,000 years. The fist-and-palm salute was formed in the West Zhou Dynasty, and later it became the etiquette when meeting peers. Chinese people show their respect to others through distance,which is different from Western people who usually show respect through physical closeness. Fist-and-palm salute is done from certain distance, which is in line with modem hygiene requirements. So many etiquette experts believe that fist-and-palm salute is the most appropriate communication etiquette.



  每逢新春佳节,吃饺子(dumplings)已经成为中国的习俗。究其原因,首先是因为饺子形如金元宝(gold ingot),人们在春节吃饺子取“招财进宝"之意;二是饺子有馅,便于人们把各种吉祥的东西包到馅里,以寄托人们对新的一年的祈望。 人们常常将花生、枣和栗子等包进焰里。吃到花生的人将健康长寿,吃到枣和栗 子的人将早生贵子。饺子因所包的馅和制作方法不同而种类繁多。即使是同一种 水饺,亦有不同的'吃法。

  1.每逢新春值节:可译为during the Spring Festival。

  2.饺子形如金元宝:其中的“形如”可浲为be shaped ike;此句也可译为dumplings look like gold ingots。

  3.取“招财进宝”之意:可译为wishing to bring in wealth and treasures。其中wishing是非谓语形式作目的状语,表示“人们在春节吃饺子是希望能‘招财进宝”的含义。

  4.以寄托人们吋新的一年的祈望:可译为in this way people pin iheir hopes for the ncxi year.

  5.吃到枣和栗子的人将早生贵子:可译为those who eat Chinese dates and chestnuts will have a baby soon。“早生贵子”可译为have a baby soon。


  It's a Chinese custom to cat dumplings during the Spring Festival. The first reason for it is that dumplings are shaped like gold ingots. People eat dumplings during the Spring Festival, wishing to bring in wealth and treasures. The second reason is that dumplings are stuffed with fillings, allowing people to put a variety of auspicious things into it, and in this way people pin their hopes for the next year. People often put peanuts, Chinese dates and chestnuts inside the dumplings. Those who eat peanuts will be healthy and live a long life; those who eat Chinese dates and chestnuts will have a baby soon. There are a wide variety of dumplings due to their perse fillings inside and different methods of making. Even dumplings of the same kind have different ways of eating.



  中国人对玉(jade) —向有着特殊的尊爱之情,从而延伸发展出一种优秀而古老的玉石文化。作为配饰供人赏玩是玉器的原始功能之一,也是玉器最广泛的一种用途。玉器作为一种文物,它也是历史的见证,有着不可复制的唯一性,更为当今世人所器重。玉器从一种美化生活的装饰品,到简单的生产工具,然后被融入各种礼节(ritual)内容,被人格化、道德化,继而被看成是财富的象征、宗教图 腾(totem)的崇拜……这些无不反映出中国传统文化和中华民族爱玉的心理。


  2.配饰供人赏玩:“配饰”可译为decoration, “赏玩”可译为admiration。

  3.历史的见证:可译为the witness of history。

  4.美化生活的装饰品:可译为ornaments that beautify our life。

  5.融入:可译为integrate into或blend into。

  6.被人格化、道德化:可译为be personified and moralized。

  7.宗教图腾的崇拜:可译为worship for religioiis totems。



  Chinese people always show special respect and love for jade, thus deriving and excellent and ancient jade culture. Being used for decoration and admiration is one of the original functions of jade, and is also the most widely used one. As a cultural relic,jade is also the witness of history,the uniqueness of which cannot be copied,making it valued more by people around the world today. From ornaments that beautify our life,to simple instrument of production, and then being integrated into a variety of rituals, jade has been personified, moralized and further regarded as a symbol of wealth and worship for religious totems…All of these reflect Chinese traditional culture and Chinese people s love for jade.

  英语六级翻译新题型训练:宫保鸡丁(Kung Pao Chicken)(6)


  宫保鸡丁(Kung Pao Chicken)由鸡丁、花生和红辣椒做成,是著名的传统川菜。这道菜以晚清时期的官员丁宝桢的名字命名。据说,丁宝桢很喜欢吃,尤其是 “爆炒鸡丁”。丁宝桢在四川做巡抚(governor)时,他常常以爆炒鸡丁宴请宾客。为了迎合四川宾客的口味,丁宝桢改良了他最爱的“爆炒鸡丁”,加入了红辣椒。结果, 辣的鸡丁比以前更美味。丁宝桢后来被授予“太子少保(Palace Guardian)”的官衔, 也就是“宫保”。为了纪念丁宝桢,人们把他最爱的这道菜命名为“宫保鸡丁”。

  1.…是指…:可译为refers to...


  3.兴起:即“形成”,可译为was formed。

  4.深植于:可理解为“生根于”,译为deeply taking root in。

  5.分为三大类型、400个曲种:此处可理解为“曲艺大致分为三大类,又细分为 400种”,译为the art is pided into three styles and subpided into 400 parts。subpide意为“再分,细分”。

  6.在口音或音乐方面:可译为in either its accent or music。


  Quyi refers to folk vocal art forms such as ballad singing, story-telling and crosstalk. As an ancient performing art in China, quyi is a general term that covers several different types of performances in which speech, singing or both are used. As an independent art, it was formed in the middle Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Song Dynasty. Deeply taking root in China, the art is pided into three styles and subpided into 400 parts. The three major styles are story-telling, story-singing, and joke-telling. Story-telling can be either words only, or words with music. One of the most representative non-music styles in the North is called Pingshu. The most important form of joke-telling is crosstalk. Story-singing seems to have the largest audience. Each style has a strong local flavor in either its accent or music.


