The memory robot 题库

时间:2016-07-01 03:41:50
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The memory robot 精选题库



  1. q ________ what you ask

  2. u ________ know the meaning

  3. e________ like sth. very much

  4. m ________ change your house; go from one place to another

  5. M ________ the fifth month of the year

答案:1. question 2. understand 3. enjoy 4. move 5. May


  1. I hated the memory robot because he followed me e______.

  2. Thomas Edison i_______ many things in the world.

  3. There is an old Chinese p_____ on the wall in my room.

  4. I u_____ my teacher’s words in English yesterday morning.

  5. This is a u______ animal. It can drive other animals on the hill.

答案:1. everywhere 2. invented 3. painting / picture 4. understood 5. useful


  1.What ___ you _____(do) last night?

  2.They ____(begin )to study English three months ago.

  3.I often hear the girl ____ (sing) in the morning.

  4.Where ____ (be) you yesterday morning?

  5.He finished ____ (talk )at 1:00.

答案:1.did, do 2.began 3.sing 4.were 5.talking


  Jack: Hi, John! 1 I ask you some questions?

  John: Yes, 2 .

  Jack: When were you 3 ?

  John: I was born on February 17,1982.

  Jack: 4 were you born?

  John: I was born in a small town near London.

  Jack: 5 6 did you live there?

  John: For about five years. And then we 7 to France.

  Jack: 8 did you move there?


Because my father found work in Paris. After two years we came to China.

  Jack: Are you enjoying 9 in China?

  John: Yes, we're enjoying it very 10 .

答案:1. May 2.please 3.born 4.Where 5.How 6.long 7.moved 8.Why 9. living 10. much


  Jack London was a famous (著名的) American writer. He was born on January 12, 1876. His family was very poor (穷的) and Jack had to leave school to make money. He worked hard in many different jobs.

  Later, Jack went back to school, but he did not stay long. In 1879, he went to Alaska(阿拉斯加) to find gold(金子). Instead, he found ideas there for his books and stories. He came back home and started to write. He became rich(富有的)and famous in his twenties.

  Jack London was not a happy man. He died(死) young. When he died he was only forty years old.


  1. As a boy, Jack had to leave school because his family was very poor.

  2. He went to Alaska because he could go on with his studies there.

  3. In fact he found ideas for writing in Alaska.

  4. He became rich and famous in his thirties.

  5. Jack London died in 1916.

答案:1-5 TFTFT

The memory robot 题库

