《Water sports 》同步习题(2)
根据句意选择合适的词语填空。1). The important thing is to be good at ______.
We must ______ this problem carefully, (study, learn)
2). When you _______a street, you must walk _______it quickly and not run. (cross, across)
3). During this holiday, I'm going to make a long _______ with my family. (journey, trip)
4). My son is my ________. He can speak English very well.
I'm ______of knowing the football star. (pride, proud)
5). The children have ______made a snowman. They are singing and dancing around it.
The children made a snowman ______. (just, just now)
6). ______ Tom ______ I are happy to be your students.
______ Tom ______ I am good at painting. (both…and…, neither…nor…)
1).learning 此句意思是:重要的'事情是要学会学习。)stud
2).Cross, across(第一个空需要一个动词,而第二个空由于前面有动词walk所以需要一个介词。)
4).pride(意思是我的儿子是我的骄傲。用名词。)proud(我以认识那位球星为荣。用be proud of句型。)
5).just(第一句是现在完成时的句子,所以用just表示刚堆完雪人,不强调具体什么时间堆,而主要强调雪人堆完后现在孩子们的心情。)just now(第二句动词用过去时,强调过去的具体某个时间做的这件事。译文是:孩子们刚才堆的雪人。)