
时间:2013-08-05 04:40:45
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雅思作文推荐范文 篇一









雅思作文推荐范文 篇二








雅思作文推荐范文 篇三


  We are now really ambivalent about private carsbecause they, despite contributing greatly to ourlife, are also the root causes for chains of aftermaths:intensification of congestion, worsening airquality, and even the decrease of public physique.Being afraid that the situation will go further, we arenow putting public transportation again in oursights. However, because of some subtle reasons,instancing vanity or self-esteem, some of us turntheir backs to accepting short-distance buses orinterstate coaches. Thus, several approaches shouldbe adopted to encourage them.

  The re-organization of bus routes and improvement of infrastructure should come first.Local authorities always focus their attention on some “hot spots”, such as downtown, prestigeneighborhoods, and the districts with dense population but are deaf to the strong demandsfrom those “less important” areas, including suburb areas and the ones of complicatedgeographical conditions, where eventually become “blind spots”. Failing the access to publictransportation, the grass-roots in these places have perforce to choose private cars. Ifbettered roads and reformed traffic arrangement allow buses to reach these people and theywill not shrug this way off because it is so environmentally-friendly and, more importantly, canalso ease their economic burden.

  Another strategy for stirring the public to use public transportation should be related togovernmental propaganda and some special services should also be provided aboard. Thepractice of France can teach us a lot. The local authorities of Paris organize an activity called“Busing Your Dream”, the mileages of a passenger will be exchanged to his credit and thiscredit will be very helpful for a passenger to apply for personal loan or jobs because banks andcompanies believe that the citizen loving environment is trustworthy, and vice versa.Meanwhile, bus companies also provide weather forecast and exclusive news. It is obviousthat the carrot and stick approach is also powerful in this aspect.

  In conclusion, the popularity of public transportation can only be fulfilled by thegovernment and public, thus, the key to this problem is that the two parties must spendcollective efforts, both in hardware and awareness.


  Due to the advancement of era, internationalmusic is universally recognized and accepted. It notonly bridges cultures but also stimulates geographicc

ommunication. Therefore, accumulative numbersof people propose that we should promoteinternational music at full steam. Nevertheless,others argue that traditional music deserves moreattention because it embodies racial civilization. Infact, from all the aspects, traditional music is partof international music, and, in the meantime,international music is based on traditional one.Both of them ought to be promoted.

  To define the terms of international music and traditional one comes first. Internationalmusic falls to multitudes of factors, instancing classic music, pop music, R&B, and globaltraditional music. Simultaneously, traditional music is categorized into local andinternational. Therefore, we can see that the word of international represents a platform, andtraditional is content. They are inseparable. Hence, while promoting international music, wemust attach great importance to traditional one, and vice versa.

  Another reason of progressing both international and traditional music is that they aremutually supportive. The significance of this practice has been evidenced by a Chinese work,Jasmine. This piece was passed to generations and enjoyed great reputation in China.However, the work wasn’t globally welcomed until it was performed in New Year Symphony,Vienna in 1994. It is apparent that this masterpiece makes international music morebrilliant and international music makes it remarkable.

  To sum up, traditionalized international music and internationalize traditional music areco-existent, so the evolution of former must be in conformity with the latter. Otherwise, wecan not sustain them because both platform and content are indispensable.


