
时间:2011-02-08 05:44:17
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篇一:The Lost Necklace

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a young girl named Emily. She was known for her kindness and gentle nature. One day, while walking home from school, she found a beautiful necklace on the ground. It was adorned with precious gems and looked very expensive.

Emily picked up the necklace and examined it closely. She wondered who it belonged to and how it ended up on the ground. She decided to find its rightful owner and return it to them. She went door to door, asking everyone if they had lost a necklace, but no one claimed it.

Feeling a little disheartened, Emily decided to visit the village market. She thought maybe someone there might recognize the necklace. As she walked through the bustling market, she noticed a woman staring at her necklace with a look of longing in her eyes.

Emily approached the woman and asked if she had lost a necklace. The woman's face lit up with joy as she realized that Emily had found her lost treasure. She explained that the necklace was a family heirloom and had great sentimental value to her. She had been devastated when she realized it was missing.

The woman thanked Emily profusely and offered her a reward, but Emily refused. Seeing the woman's genuine happiness was reward enough for her. The two women hugged each other tightly, grateful for the kindness they had shown one another.

From that day on, the woman and Emily became good friends. They would often meet at the market and spend time together, sharing stories and laughter. Emily learned valuable lessons about honesty and the importance of helping others.

The village soon heard about Emily's good deed, and she became a local hero. People admired her selflessness and kindness. Emily's act of returning the lost necklace not only brought joy to the woman who lost it but also inspired others to be more compassionate.

And so, the lost necklace became a symbol of the power of kindness and the importance of doing good deeds. Emily's story spread far and wide, reminding people to look out for one another and always choose kindness.

篇二:The Mysterious Stranger

In a small town nestled deep in the mountains, a mysterious stranger arrived one stormy night. He was tall and dressed in a long black coat, with a wide-brimmed hat that shadowed his face. The townspeople watched with curiosity as he walked through the streets, his footsteps echoing in the silence.

The stranger took shelter in an old abandoned house on the outskirts of town. The townspeople whispered amongst themselves, wondering who he was and what brought him to their quiet town. Some believed he was a dangerous criminal, while others thought he might be a traveler seeking refuge.

As days turned into weeks, the stranger remained in the town, but he kept to himself. He would often be seen sitting on a bench in the park, deep in thought. Children would approach him, their curiosity getting the better of them, but he would simply smile and continue his contemplation.

One day, a young girl named Lily decided to approach the stranger. She was known for her fearlessness and curiosity. She walked up to him and asked if he needed any help. The stranger looked at her with kind eyes and said, "I am searching for something that was lost a long time ago."

Intrigued, Lily asked him what he was looking for. The stranger explained that he had lost his purpose in life and was searching for it in this small town. He had traveled far and wide but had not found what he was looking for until he arrived here.

Lily listened intently and then smiled. She told the stranger that sometimes, what we are searching for is right in front of us. She invited him to join her and explore the beauty of the town together.

The stranger accepted Lily's invitation, and together they discovered the wonders of the town. They climbed the mountains, swam in the crystal-clear lakes, and danced in the rain. The stranger's heart began to fill with joy and a sense of purpose.

As time passed, the stranger became a beloved member of the community. He shared his wisdom and kindness with everyone he met. The townspeople no longer saw him as a mysterious stranger but as a friend.

And so, the mysterious stranger found what he was searching for - a sense of belonging and purpose. He taught the townspeople the importance of living in the present and cherishing the simple joys of life.

The town became known for its warmth and hospitality, and people from far and wide would visit, hoping to find their own sense of purpose. The mysterious stranger's story spread, reminding people that sometimes, it takes a stranger to help us find ourselves.

短篇小说英文作文范文 篇三

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短篇小说英文作文范文 篇四

About two months ago, it was reported that the winner of this year's Nobel Prize in literature was Alice Monroe from Canada. She is famous for her short stories. Alice Monroe won the Nobel Prize, which has given her a great reputation.

But at the same time, when we talk about the world, people begin to be more interested in Canadian literature. First of all, British literature comes to our mind, Then American literature is the main literature in the world, and Nobel Prize winners often belong to them. However, with the globalization of the world, the winners are no longer limited to Britain and America.

India and China began to join the winner's club. At this time, more and more members of the club were joined. Canada also joined the Canadian literary world famous for its short stories, Alice Monroe and Magaret art Wood, Magaret lounes and others are outstanding short story writers.

The main feature of their writing is that the readers can easily understand the novels, but the novels are not so and the themes are profound and profound. Alice Monroe is good at describing the thoughts and struggles of characters, which is the reason why she won the Nobel Prize. Canadian literature is indeed on the rise.

We can hear many outstanding writers whose short stories are excellent and don't spend too much time reading. Canadian short stories are worth reading.




短篇小说英文作文范文 篇五

1、 Robot: I, robot, is a collection of nine English science fiction short stories by Isaac Asimov, which first appeared in the American magazine Super Science Stories are woven together as if Dr. Susan Calvin told a story to a reporter (narrator) in the century. Although the story can be read alone, their common theme is the interaction of human beings, robots and morality.

Combined, they tell Asimov's fictional history of robots, Robot:I Robot is A science fiction film made in the United States, filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, and released in July, belongs to Isaac Asimov's robot series, including a collection of short stories of the same name (Isaac Asimov's I, robot it is actually based on hardwired, one by Jeff The standard script written by vintar, which also has some sci-fi short stories similar to pre Asimov, was written by eando _I, robot_ created by binder is about a wise humanoid robot accused of murdering the creator. Asimov's story collection is named after the same name by the publisher. The plot of this f

ilm is not directly based on any story or group of stories of Asimov.

Some of Asimov's ideas about robots were added to Venta after the film makers acquired them The three laws of robotics are the most important of the rights of the selected topics in your play.


一、 机器人:我,《机器人》是艾萨克·阿西莫夫的九篇英文科幻短篇小说集,这些故事最初出现在杂志《超级科学故事》(Super Science stories)和《惊世骇俗的科幻小说》中,故事被编织在一起,仿佛苏珊·卡尔文博士在世纪向一位记者(叙述者)讲述故事,尽管故事可以单独阅读,它们共同的主题是人类、机器人和道德的相互作用,结合起来,它们讲述了阿西莫夫虚构的机器人史I,Robot:I,Robot是一部在制作的科幻电影,在不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华拍摄,xx月上映,不过故事归属于艾萨克·阿西莫夫的机器人系列,包括一个同名的短篇小说集(Isaac Asimov的《I,Robot it实际上是基于Hardwired,一个由Jeff Vintar编写的规范脚本,它也有一些类似于preAsimov的科幻短篇小说,由Eando Binder创作的“我,机器人”,关于一个被指控创造者的智者类人机器人,阿西莫夫的故事集被出版商以同样的名字命名,这部电影的情节并不是直接基于阿西莫夫的任何一个故事或一组故事,阿西莫夫关于机器人的一些想法是在影片制片人收购后被添加到文塔尔的剧本中的文选题目的权利最重要的是机器人学三定律。

短篇小说英文作文范文 篇六

Many years ago, the movie Pirates of the Caribbean was popular all over the world. Many children were crazy about Captain Jack. When the third episode was released, Jack was alert and reliable.

It seemed that the story was over because the ending was perfect. Although it was a little sad for the two main characters, more importantly, Captain Jack, if the film continued, it might be very bad, but the production was made People have proved that the story is not finished yet. Captain Jack continues his adventure story in Episode 4, which still attracts people's attention and wins a lot of praise.

The preview of Episode 5 has come out. Fans can find many fascinating riddles. We still believe that the story has its charm and can attract people to buy tickets.




