
时间:2015-06-04 03:47:41
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英语课例研究报告 篇一

标题:Using Authentic Materials in English Language Teaching


Authentic materials refer to materials that are created for communication purposes in real-life situations. They can include newspaper articles, advertisements, songs, movies, and even social media posts. Using authentic materials in English language teaching has become increasingly popular in recent years. This report aims to explore the benefits of using authentic materials in English language teaching and provide examples of effective lesson plans that incorporate authentic materials.

Benefits of using authentic materials:

1. Enhancing language skills: Authentic materials provide learners with exposure to real-life language usage, allowing them to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in a more authentic context. Learners can learn how language is used in different situations and become more confident in their language abilities.

2. Cultural understanding: Authentic materials provide learners with insights into the target culture and help them understand cultural nuances. Through exposure to authentic materials, learners can gain a deeper understanding of the target language culture and develop intercultural competence.

3. Motivation and engagement: Authentic materials are often more interesting and relevant to learners compared to textbook materials. By using authentic materials, teachers can create a more engaging and motivating learning environment, sparking learners' interest and curiosity.

Examples of lesson plans:

1. Using newspaper articles for reading comprehension:

- Choose a newspaper article related to a topic of interest to the learners.

- Pre-teach vocabulary and discuss the cultural context of the article.

- Have learners read the article individually or in pairs, and then discuss comprehension questions.

- Follow up with activities such as role plays, debates, or writing tasks based on the article.

2. Using songs for listening and speaking practice:

- Choose a song that contains language structures or vocabulary relevant to the learners' level.

- Play the song and ask learners to listen and identify specific words or phrases.

- Have learners discuss the meaning of the lyrics in pairs or small groups.

- Encourage learners to sing along and practice pronunciation.


Using authentic materials in English language teaching provides numerous benefits for learners. It enhances language skills, promotes cultural understanding, and increases motivation and engagement. By incorporating authentic materials into lesson plans, teachers can create a more dynamic and effective learning experience for their students.

英语课例研究报告 篇二

标题:The Use of Technology in English Language Teaching


Technology has revolutionized the field of education, including English language teaching. This report aims to explore the use of technology in English language teaching and its impact on teaching and learning. It will discuss the benefits and challenges of integrating technology into the language classroom and provide examples of effective lesson plans that incorporate technology.

Benefits of using technology:

1. Enhancing language skills: Technology provides learners with opportunities to practice and improve their language skills outside the classroom. Online language learning platforms, educational apps, and language learning websites offer interactive activities and exercises that target specific language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

2. Personalized learning: Technology allows for individualized and differentiated instruction. Learners can access resources and materials at their own pace and level, catering to their specific needs and interests. Adaptive learning technologies can provide personalized feedback and recommendations based on learners' performance.

3. Authentic materials and real-life communication: Technology enables access to authentic materials, such as videos, podcasts, and websites, which expose learners to real-life language usage and cultural content. Learners can engage in real-time communication with native speakers through online platforms, improving their speaking and listening skills.

Challenges of using technology:

1. Technical issues: Technical problems, such as unreliable internet connection or malfunctioning devices, can disrupt the learning process and cause frustration among learners and teachers.

2. Overreliance on technology: Overusing technology in the classroom may lead to a lack of human interaction and communication. It is important to strike a balance between technology use and face-to-face interaction to maintain a social and collaborative learning environment.

Example of a lesson plan:

Using online language learning platforms for vocabulary practice:

- Assign learners to complete vocabulary exercises on an online language learning platform, which provides immediate feedback.

- Have learners keep a vocabulary journal and record new words they encounter while using the online platform.

- Organize a class discussion or a vocabulary game using the words from the online exercises.


The use of technology in English language teaching offers numerous benefits, including enhancing language skills, providing personalized learning experiences, and facilitating access to authentic materials and real-life communication. However, it is important to be mindful of the challenges and ensure a balanced integration of technology into the language classroom. By leveraging the advantages of technology and adopting effective instructional strategies, teachers can create a more engaging and effective learning environment for their students.

英语课例研究报告 篇三


在基地学校宜昌市实验小学的“影子”培训期间,我听取了指导教 师李霞老师的多节单词课之后,想想自己学校的学生我发现:我所教的年级中,有大部分的学生在三年级四年级时的学习兴趣还比较浓,但是到了高年级之后,就渐渐变得不感兴趣,出现畏难情绪,甚至厌恶学习英语。对此我想求助过我的其他同事,他们都说以前曾对此进行过多种尝试,目前没有特别好的方法。指导老师教导我说,只有充分调动学生的学习积极性,使学生对单词的学习不感到枯燥、乏味,才能保持学习兴趣 ,使他们每个人的学习才能得以充分发挥。 爱因斯坦说过: “兴趣是最好的老师。”这句话十分扼要地说明了培养和保持兴趣在学生的学习中是多么重要。随着《英语课程标准》的颁发,教师们越来越感觉到了小学英语的重要性。专家说过:“一个成功的英语教师要根据实际情况, 在教学中不断探索培养小学生英语学习兴趣的途径与方法, 激励学生始终处于较佳的学习状态,使他们对英语乐学、善学、会学,学而忘我,乐此不疲。“怎样培养和保持学生学习兴趣,变苦学为乐学” 优化英语课堂教学呢?”这是我们一直思考的问题。于是,我和我的指导老师一道,开展了一次以“单词教学活动化,保持学生学习兴趣”为主题的课例研究活动。



基地学校英语教研组成员:翟秀菊(英语教研组长) 李霞(指导教师) 余苗 杜章凤 (基地学校英语教师)等。

专业引领人员:吕国凤(基地学校教育教学副校长) 杨文军(教育教学发展中心主任) 刘敏(基地学校教务主任)刘德玲(基地学校教科室主任)



课例内容:人教版PEP小学英语六年级上册unit 5 第四课时Let’s learn


2.行动流程。 课前研讨→两次备课→课例展示→课后研讨→理论聚焦



12 月 12 日下午, 基地学校英语教研组的成员聚集在一起共同探讨“单词教学活动化,保持学生学习兴趣”为主题的实施事宜。我提出了自己的看法与困惑。 如,1.教师如何使枯燥的英语单词教学变得有趣呢?2.应如何利用好小学生好奇、好动、好胜等心理特点,为保持学生学习兴趣服务? 面对我的疑难与困惑,我们利用一周的时间一起交流从网上查到的各种关于“培养和保持学生英语兴趣”的教学资料,分析和比对名师名家优秀教学设计和课例展示。通过学习和讨论,我们把课改的风格定位在“营造英语学习氛围、注重师生情感交流、采取灵活教学方法、引入竞争机制、开展形式多样的英语活动”上。


(一)个人备课, 说课。

首先由我独立备课, 因为人教版PEP小学英语六年级上册unit 5 第四课时Let’s learn的教学重点是学习“engineer, accountant, policeman,salesperson,cleaner ”枯燥无味的单词教学,所以选取本课来进行教学,正好适合于我们研究主题的需要。通过研究教材我了解到本单元的设计是紧紧围绕学生们熟悉的职业话题展开,既强调听与说,又兼顾读与写,培养学生综合语言的发展。在第一课时我们已经对职业的部分单词进行了学习, 如singer ,writer等,而本节课则主要介绍另外一些学生们熟悉职业的单词学以致用,能够了解《Good to know》中的文化知识。根据学生的年龄特征,在教学过程中,我应尽量使用情景教学,组织活动以小学生喜欢的方式,来创设课堂氛围,把学生当成认识的主人面向全体,让学生在听听选选、听听做做、听听写写的活动中感受成功的快乐;在资源交流及知识拓展中开拓视野,从而自然而然地掌握本课单词。形成教学设计后,12月13日在六年级组办公室,基地学校校英语教研组成员及校长、主任听取了我的说课汇报。在集体研讨时,我还谈出了自己的想法和困惑: 组织怎样的活动能够培养学生在短时间内运用英语单词的能力呢?






