
时间:2012-02-05 08:29:32
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小学英语作文:Penguins 篇一

Penguins are Fascinating Birds

Penguins are fascinating birds that live in the Southern Hemisphere. They are known for their unique appearance and interesting behaviors. In this article, we will explore some fascinating facts about penguins.

Firstly, penguins are flightless birds. Unlike other birds that can fly, penguins have adapted to life in the water. Their wings have evolved into flippers that help them swim gracefully through the icy waters. In fact, penguins are excellent swimmers and can dive to great depths in search of food.

Secondly, penguins have a special way of walking. They waddle from side to side as they walk on land, which makes them look adorable. This waddling motion helps them conserve energy and maintain balance on the slippery ice.

Thirdly, penguins are social animals that live in large colonies. These colonies can consist of thousands of penguins and provide them with safety and support. Penguins communicate with each other through vocal calls and body movements. They often huddle together to keep warm in the cold Antarctic climate.

Fourthly, penguins are dedicated parents. After the female penguin lays an egg, the male takes care of it while the female goes to sea to find food. The male penguin keeps the egg warm by balancing it on his feet and covering it with a special pouch of skin. Once the chick hatches, both parents take turns feeding and protecting it until it is old enough to go to sea.

Lastly, penguins have a varied diet. They mainly feed on fish and krill, but some species also eat squid and other small marine animals. Penguins are skilled hunters and can catch their prey with great precision underwater.

In conclusion, penguins are truly fascinating birds. Their unique adaptations, social behaviors, and dedicated parenting make them a captivating species. Learning about penguins can help us appreciate the diversity of life on our planet and inspire us to protect these incredible birds.

小学英语作文:Penguins 篇二

Protecting Penguins and Their Habitat

Penguins are beautiful creatures that inhabit the icy regions of the Southern Hemisphere. However, they are facing numerous threats to their survival. In this article, we will discuss the importance of protecting penguins and their habitat.

Firstly, climate change poses a significant risk to penguins. As global temperatures rise, the ice sheets that penguins rely on for breeding and hunting are melting. This loss of habitat can lead to a decline in penguin populations. It is crucial for us to take action to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Secondly, overfishing is a major threat to penguins. Many penguin species rely on fish and krill for their diet. However, excessive fishing reduces the availability of prey for penguins, making it difficult for them to find enough food to survive. Implementing sustainable fishing practices and establishing marine protected areas can help ensure that penguins have enough food to thrive.

Thirdly, pollution is detrimental to penguins and their habitat. Oil spills and plastic pollution can have devastating effects on penguins, contaminating their feathers and harming their health. Proper waste management and strict regulations on oil transportation can help prevent such incidents and protect penguins from pollution.

Furthermore, tourism can also impact penguin colonies. While it is important for people to appreciate and learn about penguins, it is crucial to promote responsible tourism practices. Limiting the number of visitors and establishing guidelines for respectful behavior can help minimize disturbance to penguins and their breeding grounds.

Lastly, education and awareness play a vital role in protecting penguins. By educating the public, especially young children, about the importance of penguins and their role in the ecosystem, we can foster a sense of responsibility towards their conservation. Teaching children about the impact of their actions on the environment can empower them to make informed choices that benefit penguins and other wildlife.

In conclusion, protecting penguins and their habitat is essential for their survival and the overall health of our planet. By addressing climate change, preventing overfishing, reducing pollution, promoting responsible tourism, and educating the public, we can ensure that future generations will continue to admire and appreciate these remarkable birds. Let us all join hands in protecting penguins and preserving their icy home.

小学英语作文:Penguins 篇三



  One day, Mike and his sister received a letter from a penguin on the Antarctica. There were two plane tickets in the letter. It said:“Hello Mike and Jenny, I'm a penguin. I live in the Antarctica.”

  You can use the plane tickets to the Antarctica.” Mike and Jenny were very happy. They went to the Antarctic by plane. There were a big penguin and a little penguin waiting for them. The big penguin said:“ Hi, my name's Ling Ling, this is my child Kite. Let's go and play!” It was a sunny day. They stood on a floating iceberg. The floating iceberg was like a boat. They saw the blue sky. They saw petrel fly over the sea. They went to the Antarctic Amusement park. They played very happily.


