
时间:2019-08-03 05:37:23
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小学生英语作文 篇一:My Favorite Animal

I have always been fascinated by animals, but there is one animal that stands out as my favorite - the dolphin. Dolphins are known for their intelligence, playfulness, and their ability to communicate with each other. In this essay, I will explain why dolphins are my favorite animal.

Firstly, dolphins are incredibly intelligent creatures. They have a large brain and are known to be very curious and creative. Dolphins can learn new tricks and commands quickly, which makes them ideal for performing in shows. I remember going to a dolphin show once and being amazed by how the dolphins could understand and respond to their trainer's signals. It was truly a sight to behold!

Secondly, dolphins are extremely playful animals. They love to swim and jump out of the water, sometimes doing flips and twists in the air. Whenever I see dolphins in videos or pictures, it always brings a smile to my face. I wish I could swim and play with them in the ocean one day!

Lastly, dolphins have a unique way of communicating with each other. They use a series of clicks, whistles, and body movements to communicate and navigate their environment. It's fascinating to think that dolphins have their own language that we humans can't fully understand. I would love to learn more about their communication methods and maybe even try to communicate with them someday.

In conclusion, dolphins are my favorite animal because of their intelligence, playfulness, and unique communication skills. They are truly incredible creatures that deserve our admiration and protection. I hope to see them in their natural habitat one day and maybe even have the chance to swim with them. Dolphins will always hold a special place in my heart!

小学生英语作文 篇二:My Dream Vacation

If I could go on a dream vacation, I would choose to visit Japan. Japan is a country rich in culture, history, and natural beauty. In this essay, I will share why Japan is my dream vacation destination.

Firstly, I am fascinated by Japanese culture. From traditional tea ceremonies to the art of origami, Japan has a unique and rich cultural heritage. I would love to experience firsthand the beauty and elegance of their traditional arts and customs. I am also a big fan of Japanese cuisine, especially sushi and ramen. I can't wait to try authentic Japanese dishes and explore the local food markets.

Secondly, Japan has a long and fascinating history. I have always been interested in ancient civilizations and historical landmarks. Japan is home to many historical sites, such as the famous temples in Kyoto and the ancient castles in Tokyo. I would love to visit these places and learn more about Japan's history and heritage.

Lastly, Japan is known for its breathtaking natural beauty. From cherry blossom trees to serene gardens, Japan offers a peaceful and tranquil environment. I would love to visit the famous Mount Fuji and take in the stunning views from its summit. Exploring the countryside and taking walks in the beautiful parks would be a dream come true.

In conclusion, Japan is my dream vacation destination because of its rich culture, fascinating history, and natural beauty. I hope to have the opportunity to visit this amazing country one day and experience everything it has to offer. Japan, here I come!

小学生英语作文 篇三

  My grandmother is a very hardworking people, she in order to let us eat well, go to the market to buy fresh vegetables every day, every time come back her hand carry several or a dozen vegetables in a plastic bag. Your vegetables, she always put the bag on wastepaper basket or throw it out the window. See her moving randomly, I also dont think its a big problem.

  Just one day, a teacher in the classroom of the environmental protection, plastic bags of all kinds of faults, I realized that my grandmas mistake.

小学生英语作文 篇四

  What is this? In the cold north wind, make the person feel the picturesque, it is the park in winter. I was just going to the park, a cold north wind had come, make the person feels winter girl stroked my face, there are a few a beautiful monkey sculpture park positive, the big tree near them and photograph echo, grace to park a lot. On the preparation room beside, winter girl with a thick layer of ice crystal, let me walk to slide a slide, involuntarily smile.

  In next to the house, on the window to see around the tree were shivering, particularly good-looking. I walked out of the hut, through bridge to the road, a wind blowing from time to time, let me feel the girl in the cold winter ?

小学生英语作文 篇五

  I have a rough niece, her name is Xu Ziteng, listening to the light, will know that he is not a gentle girl Xu Ziteng has a black head and waist hair and thick black eyebrows curved, as lovely as the moon, a pair of the most striking longan, round eyes, long below with a mouth and tide wait for no man. .

  Xu Ziteng often abused his toy, a second before the teddy bear and kissing and hugging, heavy is still on the ground after a seconds, still not trap to feel avenged on two feet.

  Xu Ziteng is a savage girl!

小学生英语作文 篇六

  One day, I saw my room became a food house, great. To gather the food of the world.

  When I opened the door, striking and attractive dark chocolate is the oncoming of aroma of white chocolate bricks in the white and smooth wall. I take off my vegetables clothes on the bed and surprised to find that the bed was xiangxiang sweet green jelly Mosaic. Lay up both cool and elastic, comfortable, air cushion bed like the amusement park. One end of the bed there are two colors of pillow, is sending out the light fragrance of flowers and fruit aroma. A look at carefully, the original is made of fruit jelly, pillow, it soon fell asleep. I just prepare to do homework to the front of the desk, the chair is made of hawthorn piece, chair ?


