
时间:2016-05-08 01:22:35
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国庆节的英语作文 篇一:国庆节的庆祝活动

National Day, also known as the Chinese Independence Day, is one of the most important holidays in China. It is celebrated on October 1st each year to commemorate the founding of the People's Republic of China. During this holiday, people engage in various activities to celebrate the nation's achievements and promote patriotism.

One of the main activities during National Day is watching the grand military parade in Beijing. This parade showcases the country's military strength and achievements. People from all over the country gather in Tiananmen Square to witness this spectacular event. It is a proud moment for every Chinese citizen to see the marching soldiers and the advanced weaponry.

Another popular activity during National Day is traveling. Since it is a week-long holiday, many people take this opportunity to explore different parts of the country. Famous tourist destinations such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Warriors attract a large number of visitors during this time. It is a great chance for people to learn about China's rich history and culture.

In addition, various cultural performances and exhibitions are organized across the country. Traditional Chinese dances, music, and opera are showcased to the public. People can also enjoy art exhibitions featuring famous Chinese artists. These cultural activities not only promote traditional Chinese culture but also foster a sense of national pride.

National Day is also a time for families to reunite and spend quality time together. Many people return to their hometowns to celebrate with their loved ones. It is a time for family dinners, exchanging gifts, and enjoying each other's company. This holiday strengthens family bonds and reinforces the importance of unity and harmony.

Furthermore, National Day is an occasion for people to reflect on the country's development and progress. Many cities organize exhibitions to display the achievements made in various fields such as technology, science, and industry. This serves as a reminder of the country's growth and motivates people to contribute to its future success.

In conclusion, National Day is a significant holiday in China that is celebrated with great enthusiasm. Through various activities such as watching the military parade, traveling, attending cultural performances, and spending time with family, people express their love for their country and celebrate its achievements. This holiday plays an essential role in promoting patriotism and unity among the Chinese people.

国庆节的英语作文 篇二:国庆节的意义

National Day is a momentous occasion in China that holds great significance for the Chinese people. It is a time for celebration, reflection, and unity. This holiday marks the founding of the People's Republic of China and serves as a reminder of the country's progress and achievements.

First and foremost, National Day is a time for celebration. People come together to commemorate the country's independence and express their patriotism. The streets are adorned with red flags and banners, creating a festive atmosphere. Fireworks light up the sky, symbolizing the joy and happiness that fills the hearts of the Chinese people. This celebration not only brings people closer but also strengthens their bond with their country.

National Day is also a time for reflection. It is a moment to look back on the country's journey and the challenges it has overcome. From the struggles for independence to the rapid economic growth, China has made tremendous progress. This holiday serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by previous generations and the hard work that has gone into building a prosperous nation. It encourages people to appreciate the opportunities and advantages they have today.

Furthermore, National Day fosters unity among the Chinese people. Regardless of their background or social status, everyone comes together to celebrate this special occasion. The holiday promotes a sense of belonging and a shared identity. People from different regions and ethnicities unite to celebrate their common history and culture. This unity not only strengthens the nation but also creates a harmonious society.

In addition, National Day is an opportunity to showcase China's achievements to the world. The grand military parade, cultural performances, and exhibitions demonstrate the country's progress in various fields. It highlights China's technological advancements, economic growth, and cultural diversity. This not only boosts national pride but also promotes international understanding and cooperation.

Moreover, National Day is a time for gratitude. It is a chance to appreciate the peace, stability, and prosperity that the country enjoys. People express their gratitude towards the government, the armed forces, and the citizens who contribute to the country's development. This holiday reminds people of the importance of working together and supporting each other for the greater good.

In conclusion, National Day holds immense significance for the Chinese people. It is a time for celebration, reflection, unity, and gratitude. This holiday brings people together, encourages patriotism, and showcases the country's achievements. It serves as a reminder of China's journey, its progress, and the challenges that lie ahead. National Day is a time for the Chinese people to come together and celebrate their remarkable nation.

国庆节的英语作文 篇三

  october 1st is the national day of our country. this year, we have a golden week holiday for eight days. besides, according to the new rules, all highways of our country are free of charge during the eight-day holiday. therefore, many people choose self-driving tour, which expects to save much money. however, during these days we can see that the situation is not as good as expected.

  because of the huge traffic flow, tens of thousands of people catch traffic jam in highways, which rarely happened in the past. besides, when they get to the destination, they find that they are crowed with people, which makes their trip worse. from tv or internet, we can see that visitors of most famous scenic spots are far more than the maximum capacity.

  some people even fight with others. in addition, from this holiday, we can see many issues existing in the management of scenic spot. the managers do not do good preparation of this holiday, and their attitude towards visitors should be changed, especially those famous tourist attraction.

国庆节的英语作文 篇四

  National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It s a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We re visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think we ll have a good time there.

  国庆节来了初中作文 ,我有七天的假期。我们一家去海南。那是一个美丽的海滨城市。我们在那里待上一个星期。我们去沙滩,还在海里游泳。我们游览“天涯海角”,菀泉河还有别的许多好地方。我想我们在那里会玩得很开心。

国庆节的英语作文 篇五

  National day was coming . i had seven days of holiday. our family had a vacation in beijing. it was a beautiful city. we stayed in a week. the hotel we lived in was very beautiful.we enjoyed the special coffee and listen to the popular music. we learned the people's lives and the custom there.we liked the beautiful view there !we more liked people there because they are friendly! i enjoyed myself. if i have the another chance, i would like to come.


国庆节的英语作文 篇六

  In National Days,I went to the beach with my parents.The sun was so shining and the sea was so beautiful.I was so excited that I ran into the sea as soon as we reached.Although it was in October,the water was also so warm in the sea.I felt very pleasent because I had not go out to swim for a long time.when I swam into the place that far from the beach my parents shouted that it was very dangerous.So I swim to the deep sea.but it is also interesting I was happy in that day.



