
时间:2013-03-09 06:35:46
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春节英语作文 篇一:The Joyful Spring Festival

The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional holiday in China. It is a time for family reunions, delicious food, and joyful celebrations. The festival usually falls in late January or early February, depending on the lunar calendar.

During the Spring Festival, families prepare for the celebrations by thoroughly cleaning their homes to sweep away any bad luck from the previous year. They also decorate their houses with red lanterns, Spring Festival couplets, and paper cutouts to bring good luck and happiness. The color red is considered auspicious and is seen everywhere during this time.

On New Year's Eve, families gather together for a reunion dinner. This is a special meal where everyone enjoys delicious dishes such as fish, dumplings, and glutinous rice cake. The fish symbolizes abundance and prosperity, while dumplings represent wealth and good luck. After dinner, families often stay up late to welcome the New Year and watch the grand fireworks display.

During the Spring Festival, children receive red envelopes, or "hongbao," containing money from their elders. This is a symbol of good luck and blessings for the upcoming year. Many people also visit temples to pray for a prosperous and healthy year ahead.

The Spring Festival is a time of joy and happiness. People take time off work to relax and enjoy the festivities. Lion and dragon dances are performed in the streets, accompanied by the lively beats of drums and cymbals. Traditional performances such as acrobatics, martial arts, and Beijing Opera are also showcased during this time.

In recent years, the Spring Festival has also become a time for travel. Many people take advantage of the week-long holiday to visit their hometowns or go on vacations with their families. This has led to crowded transportation and tourist attractions, but it also brings people closer together and strengthens family bonds.

In conclusion, the Spring Festival is a time of celebration, family, and tradition. It is a time to put aside work and worries and focus on spending quality time with loved ones. Whether it's enjoying a delicious meal, watching fireworks, or receiving red envelopes, the Spring Festival brings joy and excitement to people of all ages.

春节英语作文 篇二:My Memorable Spring Festival Trip

During the recent Spring Festival holiday, my family and I went on a memorable trip to a small village in the countryside. It was a refreshing change from our usual city life and a great opportunity to experience the traditions and customs of rural China.

Upon arriving at the village, we were greeted by the warm smiles of the local residents. They were preparing for their Spring Festival celebrations and welcomed us with open arms. We were invited to join in various activities such as making dumplings, writing Spring Festival couplets, and setting off fireworks. It was a wonderful way to immerse ourselves in the festive atmosphere and learn about the local culture.

One of the highlights of our trip was the traditional lion dance performance. The villagers had been practicing for weeks and their hard work paid off. The colorful lion costumes and rhythmic movements of the dancers were captivating to watch. We couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and joy as the lions danced through the streets, bringing blessings and good luck to the community.

Another unforgettable experience was the Spring Festival temple fair. The village had set up stalls selling a variety of local snacks, handicrafts, and traditional games. We enjoyed trying different foods such as sticky rice cakes, fried dough twists, and sugar-coated haws. The fair was bustling with activity, and we had a great time playing games like ring tossing and shooting arrows. It was a lively and vibrant atmosphere that truly captured the essence of the Spring Festival.

As the days passed, we got to know the villagers better and formed lasting friendships. They shared stories and legends passed down through generations, giving us a deeper understanding of their traditions and values. We also had the opportunity to participate in a traditional tea ceremony, where we learned about the art of tea making and its significance in Chinese culture.

Saying goodbye to the village was bittersweet. We were sad to leave the newfound friends we had made, but we were also grateful for the unforgettable experiences and memories we had created. Our Spring Festival trip was not only a holiday getaway but also a journey of cultural discovery and appreciation.

In conclusion, my Spring Festival trip to the countryside was an unforgettable experience. It allowed me to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse myself in the traditions and customs of rural China. I will cherish the memories and friendships made during this trip for years to come.

春节英语作文带翻译 篇三

  Again, the Spring Festival in the cheers of the children, the ringing of firecrackers in the morning, it quietly again.

  For many children, the arrival of the Spring Festival is happy, they sing, they dance, to celebrate their festival day yue. But for me, the Spring Festival is not so good, the arrival of the Spring Festival, but can't bring me joy. Because, I am a child of the poor. I wake up in the morning, when the Spring Festival just think: "if I can get parents accident in the morning of New Year's money, can have a lot of snacks to eat, that it would be great! When thought of here can't help jumped out of bed, but the cruel fact had to let me out of the fire of hope in my heart. I'm a telling myself: don't be wishful thinking, you are children of the poor, and then, I only sitting silently in the doorway, looking at other children happy smiling face.

  Is a series of firecrackers, put me back from the past. Yes, I it's time to get up, though not parents' money, and the wide variety of snacks, but bed.

  I finished at very fast speed wash and dress, when I step out the door, hall scene caught my eye, that's right! That is my mom and dad put out snacks, that's right! When I think of this, mother walked to come over, the hand also took a new 50 yuan, with infinite care, said: "lili, happy New Year, this is your lucky money this year, with good, don't lost!" I was stunned. Asked: "mom, family situation is bad, we get lucky money stem what?" Mom smiled: "silly child, reform and opening up so long, my situation is much better, is mom and dad I'm sorry you before, but later, don't have to be poor, you can rest assured with good." "There are snack, eat more." I'm bouncing, ran to the front of the dim sum, caught a handful, happily pigged out.

  I lean against the door, in one hand and a snack, a hand holding mother gave me money, then looked at the group of children playing nearby broke, listening to the adults said bless "get rich" in the New Year, and is that a proliferation of firecrackers, heart feel carefree!






春节英语作文带翻译 篇四

  The most unforgettable Festival is Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival, everyone is very happy. They can have a happy reunion dinner and many delicious things. The most important thing is that everything starts from this day.

  The winter vacation arrived, and soon after, it was the third anniversary of the lunar new year. We all look forward to this day coming earlier. Finally, I'm looking forward to it. Because of the Spring Festival every year, relatives come to my home for reunion dinner, so everyone is busy. Dad goes to the supermarket early in the morning to buy new year's products, and he also prepares delicious snacks and fun toys for us.

  Now, we are waiting to knock on the door. The first sentence after opening the door must be some auspicious words. After a while, all the relatives arrived. They helped to make the new year's Eve dinner while chatting. I played with my brother, sister, brother and sister. My brother performed magic for us. Have a good time.

  In the evening, dad told us to have dinner and look at the dishes at the table. We had to be greedy. At this time, the adults said the same thing: give everyone a red bag. After tonight, we are happy to welcome the new year.

  This is not only my favorite festival, but also unforgettable. This is the Spring Festival.






春节英语作文带翻译 篇五

  We all know that Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China, and I also have a wonderful memory of it.

  I remember that on New Year's Eve last year, my friends and I made an appointment to go out for a night. In the evening, I wolfed down my meal and went to see my friends early. Like me, they had already finished their meal. It's completely dark, like pulling on a big black cloth. At this time, lights were put on the road, so people came out and set off firecrackers and fireworks on the road.

  A few of us are playing video games together. Zhang Xinyue is a famous coward. He doesn't dare to play the palm sized electric light flowers. Zhu Tong bought a 3 yuan fireworks, we dare not put, and finally she summoned up the courage, lit two fires, caught fire. I saw three fireworks flying up to the sky like a dragon one after another. Seeing that the fireworks are safe, Zhu Tong is happy to throw back the empty shell of the fireworks. I suddenly called out. Zhu Tong immediately returned to his mind and asked me what happened. I covered my head and said, "what's the matter? You're too excited to hit my head. Next time, pay attention to your image." They all laughed at what I said.

  At eight o'clock in the evening, I came home on time to watch the party.

  This Spring Festival is very unforgettable to me.






春节英语作文带翻译 篇六


  Look forward to it! Look forward to the Spring Festival, wait! Wait until the first night of the year. Maybe you will ask: look forward to the first day? Thirty big year is fun! That's because mom promised to take me to the riverside road at the first night to see the lights.


  At the first night, I put on my roller skates and went on my way to the riverside road with my mother's escort. As soon as I arrived at my destination, I saw the fireworks in the sky and the lights on both sides of the Yellow River. It was like the two dragons coming to the world, which brought us a colorful spring festival.


  Imperceptibly, I and my mother has come to the riverside road, far from Zhongshan bridge radiation with a charming color, garden type arches were mounted on a shape to the lights on both sides of the Yellow River, there are also countless lights contrast, much of the look, the entire Zhongshan bridge as a dragon lying on top of the Yellow River, enjoying Lanzhou the two sides of the Yellow River charming night.


  At the close, the road on both sides of the trees are covered with colored lights, but also kept changing color, every street lamp has hung red lanterns greatly and Chinese knot, as a whole road is very bright, red, green and blue many lanterns, this street has become rainbow Street was resplendent with variegated coloration.


  In this beautiful light, we soon came to the Zhongshan bridge, hey! This bridge has become particularly attractive today, the whole bridge covered with big red lanterns, let this majestic Zhongshan bridge adds a strong festive atmosphere. The Yellow River is more enchanting because of the Zhongshan bridge, and the bridge is even more magnificent because of the the Yellow River's backing.


  Although it was very late, my mother and I did not want to leave this beautiful riverside road, the spectacular Zhongshan bridge. I want to keep looking at this beautiful night! This is one of my happiest things. I would like to dress our riverside road more beautifully every day.


