
时间:2013-01-09 09:14:40
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中秋节的英语作文 篇一:The Celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, when the moon is believed to be the fullest and brightest. This festival has a history of over 3,000 years and is celebrated by Chinese people all around the world.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, families gather together to appreciate the beauty of the moon and to celebrate the harvest. It is a time for reunion and expressing gratitude for the abundance of the year. The festival is often associated with the legend of Chang'e, the moon goddess, and her husband Houyi, the archer. According to the legend, Houyi shot down nine of the ten suns that were scorching the earth, and was rewarded with the elixir of immortality. However, Chang'e accidentally consumed the elixir and flew to the moon, where she has lived ever since. On this day, people offer sacrifices to the moon and pray for good luck and happiness.

Mooncakes are the traditional food of the Mid-Autumn Festival. These round pastries are made with a sweet filling, usually lotus seed paste or red bean paste, and a thin crust. They are often filled with salted egg yolks, which symbolize the full moon. Mooncakes are given as gifts to friends and relatives, and are shared and enjoyed during the festival. In recent years, there have been many innovative flavors and designs of mooncakes, catering to different tastes and preferences.

In addition to mooncakes, another popular activity during the Mid-Autumn Festival is lantern making and lantern riddles. Children, as well as adults, make lanterns in various shapes and sizes. They are usually made of colored paper and have candles inside. People write riddles on the lanterns and challenge others to solve them. It is a fun and engaging way to celebrate the festival and test one's intelligence.

Overall, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for family, food, and fun. It is a time to appreciate the beauty of the moon, to give thanks for the harvest, and to strengthen the bonds of family and friendship. It is a festival that brings people together and fills their hearts with joy and warmth.

中秋节的英语作文 篇二:Memories of Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a special occasion that holds a dear place in my heart. Growing up in a Chinese household, this festival was always a time of joy, family gatherings, and delicious food. As I think back on my childhood memories, I am filled with warmth and nostalgia for those beautiful Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations.

One of my fondest memories is the preparation that went into celebrating the festival. Weeks before the actual day, my family and I would start making mooncakes. I would help my mom mix the dough and shape the mooncakes, feeling a sense of accomplishment with each perfectly formed pastry. The sweet aroma of baking mooncakes would fill our house, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement.

On the day of the festival, we would gather with extended family members at my grandparents' house. The table would be filled with an array of delicious dishes, including my favorite, roasted duck. As we sat around the table, laughter and conversation filled the air. I would eagerly wait for the moment when we could go outside and light our lanterns.

Walking outside with my lantern in hand, I would join the procession of children and adults parading through the neighborhood. The streets would be illuminated with the soft glow of lanterns in various shapes and colors. It felt magical to be part of this tradition, to be surrounded by the warm glow of lanterns and the laughter of my loved ones.

But the highlight of the evening was always the moon. As we looked up at the sky, the moon would be full and bright, casting its gentle light on us. It felt as if it was smiling down at us, blessing our gathering with its presence. We would offer our prayers and wishes to the moon, hoping for good fortune and happiness in the coming year.

As the years have passed, our Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations have changed. Some family members have moved away, and we no longer gather in the same way. However, the memories of those special moments will forever remain in my heart. The Mid-Autumn Festival taught me the importance of family, the joy of sharing food and laughter, and the beauty of traditions that connect us to our roots.

In conclusion, the Mid-Autumn Festival is not just a festival, but a celebration of love, gratitude, and unity. It is a time when families come together to create lasting memories and strengthen the bonds that hold us together. It is a time to look up at the moon and feel a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves. The Mid-Autumn Festival will always hold a special place in my heart, reminding me of the beauty and warmth of my Chinese heritage.

中秋节的英语作文 篇三

  Mid-autumn Festival is a popular and important lunar harvest festival celebrated by Chinese people. The festival is held on the 15thday of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar. There are some traditions in this holiday. For example, people would have a big dinner with their families. After dinner, they often enjoy the full moon which is round and bright. The other tradition of mid-autumn festival is eating moon cake. Moon cake is the essential of that day, which means reunion. As time goes by, there are various kinds of moon cakes, but they are much more expensive than before. I like mid-autumn festival because my families will get together and have a big dinner on that day.



中秋节的英语作文 篇四

  The Moon Festival, always celebrated on August 15 of the lunar calendar, is one of the most traditional of Chinese holiday. It is several hundred years old and many beautiful tales about it have been handed down from generation to generation. On this day we eat a special kind of pastry called Moon Cake--it represents the moon and also means family reunion. It has long been a practice in our family to get together for a small moonlight party at the New Park on the evening of August 15. Cousins and some friends sometimes join us. Sitting or lying on the soft grass, some of us chat happily and others listen to music. And amidst shouts and laughter of children chasing around excitedly, I sit quietly at a corner watching the bright, beautiful moon.

中秋节的英语作文 篇五

  I liked the Autumn Festival very much when I was a small girl, because I was with my family then. On the evening of August 15 of the lunar calendar, when the moon was brightest, we always sat together outside in our yard to eat moon cakes--eaten only on this occasion--and enjoy the beautiful moonlight. Mother would then tell me the story of the moon fairy Chang-o, who lived in a palace on the moon, with a jade rabbit for companion. I always imagined that I was the moon fairy whenever I heard the story. When I grew older, however, I was compelled to leave home for education in the city. And now I am living alone away from home. The August moon only serves to remind me of the lost happy days I had with my family in the country.


