
时间:2019-09-08 04:36:37
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英语作文我想做一名模特 篇一

I Want to Be a Model

As a young girl growing up, I have always been fascinated by the world of fashion and modeling. The glamorous photo shoots, stunning runway shows, and the opportunity to work with talented designers have always captivated my imagination. I have always dreamed of becoming a model, and I believe that I have the qualities and determination to make it happen.

First and foremost, I believe that I have the physical attributes required to be a successful model. I have a tall and slender frame, with long legs and a graceful posture. My facial features are symmetrical and I have a clear complexion. I have been told by many people that I have a unique and captivating look, which would make me stand out in the world of modeling.

Furthermore, I have a keen interest in fashion and have a good understanding of different styles and trends. I enjoy experimenting with different outfits and accessories to create unique and eye-catching looks. I believe that my passion for fashion would enable me to connect with designers and photographers on a deeper level, and help me bring their creative visions to life.

In addition to my physical attributes and passion for fashion, I also possess the necessary qualities to succeed as a model. I am hardworking, disciplined, and have a strong work ethic. I understand that the world of modeling is highly competitive and demanding, and I am willing to put in the effort and dedication required to succeed. I am also open to constructive criticism and am always looking for ways to improve and grow as a model.

To achieve my dream of becoming a model, I am taking steps to gain more experience and exposure in the industry. I have participated in local fashion shows and photo shoots, and have taken modeling classes to improve my skills. I am also building my portfolio by collaborating with talented photographers and designers.

In conclusion, I believe that I have the passion, physical attributes, and determination to become a successful model. I am willing to work hard and take the necessary steps to achieve my dream. I am excited about the opportunities that await me in the world of modeling, and I am ready to embark on this journey.

英语作文我想做一名模特 篇二

The Challenges and Rewards of Being a Model

Being a model is not an easy job. It requires hard work, dedication, and a thick skin. While it may seem glamorous from the outside, there are many challenges that models face on a daily basis. However, the rewards and opportunities that come with being a model make it all worthwhile.

One of the biggest challenges of being a model is the constant pressure to maintain a certain physical appearance. Models are expected to be thin, tall, and have flawless skin. This often leads to unhealthy eating habits and extreme exercise routines. It can be mentally and physically exhausting to constantly strive for perfection.

Another challenge is the intense competition in the modeling industry. There are thousands of aspiring models vying for the same opportunities, and it can be difficult to stand out among the crowd. Models must constantly work on improving their skills, building their portfolio, and networking with industry professionals.

Additionally, models often face rejection and criticism. They are constantly judged based on their looks and are often told that they are not good enough. This can be disheartening and can take a toll on one's self-esteem. However, models must learn to handle rejection and criticism with grace and continue to believe in themselves.

Despite these challenges, being a model also comes with many rewards and opportunities. Models have the chance to travel the world, work with talented designers and photographers, and be a part of the fashion industry. They have the opportunity to showcase their unique style and creativity and inspire others.

Furthermore, successful models can earn a substantial income. They have the opportunity to work on high-profile campaigns and endorse products, which can lead to lucrative contracts and endorsements. Models also have the chance to become influential figures in the fashion industry and use their platform to make a positive impact on society.

In conclusion, being a model is not an easy job, but the challenges and rewards make it a worthwhile career choice for those who are passionate about fashion and modeling. It requires hard work, dedication, and the ability to handle rejection and criticism. However, the opportunities for travel, creativity, and financial success make it an exciting and fulfilling profession.

英语作文我想做一名模特 篇三


  My dream is to become a modle

  I have a dream since I was little,that is to be a modle.

  I didn't know about this job before.

  When I first know "modle" this word, I saw those young ladies who were all wearing pretty clothed and make ups. They were tall and slim, they walked on the stage with confidence and they looked so good.

  I thought it is a cool job to work as a modle. I can wear nice clothes, I can wear make up and I can be on the stage. That sound so wonderful and I thought it is incredible!

  I so want to be a modle, I even dream about it!

  It is my dream to become a modle.



