英语作文My hobby(通用6篇)

时间:2018-07-01 03:30:19
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英语作文My hobby 篇一

My hobby is reading. Ever since I was young, I have always been fascinated by books. Reading allows me to escape into different worlds and explore new ideas. It not only helps to improve my language skills, but also broadens my knowledge and understanding of the world.

One of the reasons why I love reading is that it allows me to immerse myself in different cultures and experiences. Through books, I can travel to faraway places and learn about the customs and traditions of different countries. I can also gain insights into the lives of people from different time periods and understand their thoughts and emotions. This helps me to develop empathy and a broader perspective on life.

Reading also stimulates my imagination. When I read a good book, I can visualize the characters and settings in my mind. I can imagine myself being part of the story and experiencing the adventures alongside the protagonists. This not only makes the reading experience more enjoyable, but also enhances my creative thinking skills.

Furthermore, reading is a great way to relax and unwind. After a long day, I look forward to curling up with a good book and getting lost in its pages. It helps me to forget about my worries and stresses, and allows me to focus on the present moment. Reading also helps to improve my concentration and attention span, as it requires me to focus on the words and understand the meaning behind them.

In addition, reading has had a positive impact on my academic performance. Through reading, I have been able to expand my vocabulary and improve my writing skills. It has also helped me to develop critical thinking and analytical skills, as I have to analyze and interpret the information presented in the books. This has proven to be beneficial in my studies, as I am able to approach problems and assignments with a more logical and systematic mindset.

In conclusion, reading is not just a hobby for me, but a passion that has greatly enriched my life. It allows me to explore new worlds, stimulate my imagination, relax and unwind, and improve my academic performance. I believe that reading will continue to be an important part of my life, as it is a source of joy, knowledge, and personal growth.

英语作文My hobby 篇二

My hobby is gardening. I find great joy and satisfaction in tending to plants and watching them grow. Gardening is not only a relaxing and enjoyable activity, but it also allows me to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

One of the reasons why I love gardening is that it allows me to be close to nature. As I dig the soil, plant the seeds, and water the plants, I feel a sense of connection with the earth. I can feel the soil between my fingers and smell the fresh scent of the plants. Being in nature helps me to escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life and find inner peace and tranquility.

Gardening also provides me with a sense of accomplishment. As I see the seeds sprout, the flowers bloom, and the vegetables grow, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction. It is a rewarding experience to watch something that I have nurtured and cared for flourish and thrive. It gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Furthermore, gardening allows me to learn and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. Through gardening, I have gained a deeper understanding of plant life cycles, soil composition, and the importance of sunlight and water for plant growth. I have also learned about different types of plants and their unique characteristics. This knowledge has not only enriched my gardening skills, but also fostered a greater appreciation for the wonders of nature.

In addition, gardening has numerous health benefits. It is a form of exercise that helps to improve physical fitness and flexibility. It also reduces stress and promotes mental well-being. Spending time in the garden allows me to disconnect from technology and be present in the moment. It is a form of therapy that rejuvenates my mind, body, and soul.

Moreover, gardening is a sustainable and environmentally friendly hobby. By growing my own fruits and vegetables, I can reduce my carbon footprint and contribute to a greener planet. It also allows me to enjoy fresh and organic produce that is free from harmful pesticides and chemicals. Gardening has taught me to be more conscious of my impact on the environment and to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

In conclusion, gardening is a hobby that brings me immense joy, satisfaction, and a sense of connection with nature. It allows me to learn, appreciate beauty, improve my physical and mental well-being, and contribute to a greener planet. I believe that gardening will continue to be an important part of my life, as it is a source of happiness, personal growth, and environmental consciousness.

英语作文My hobby 篇三

  My hobby is reading .Ive been reading since I was six years old .although I dont do well in Chinese ,I like it very much .I like fiction best ,but teachers dont let us bring the book to classroom .I dont think its bad for me ,and I like to read the book in silence ,so I always get annoyed while someone is talking to me ,I dont like reading in the dormitory .I read it in library .

  I also like collecting pictures .Ive been collecting for two years .I collect beautiful pictures. Although I just have twenty pictures. I think I can find more different of them in the future .

  Thats only a part of my hobby.

英语作文My hobby 篇四

Dear Tom,

  I would like to introduce my hobbies to you .

  I like dancing very much.I always dance with my firends when I have nothing to do. Dance can help me keep fit and it is helpful for us to be happy.

  Sometimes I dance one two hours with my friends. Though I feels very tired after dacing ,I am very heppy .

  What is your hobby ?

  I hope to receive your earliest reply.

英语作文My hobby 篇五

  Everyone has different hobby .For example, my hobby is drawing pictures. I love it very much .Now Im good at designing because of drawing pictures.

  So I become interested in different kinds of pictures. Like cartoon , sketch ,comic ,and many kinks of them ,Im excited by the novelty of drawing picture .I draw pictures when Im free. By doing so ,I get really happy and relaxed.

  Whenever I feel tried or weak ,I draw pictures .That always refreshes me ,then I can study better . Drawing pictures is really a great hobby .

  In the future , I hope Ill be an artist .Thats my dream .Ill be able to make a living doing something I love .I believe it will come ture .

英语作文My hobby 篇六

  Do you like stuffed animals? However, I like them very much .So my hobby is collecting stuffed animals .Ive been collecting them since the year of 20xx, and now I have 32 of them. some of them are on the wall at my home,and some are on the bed .they sleep with me together .And of all the stuffed animals ,I like the bear best .I got it on my tenth birthday from my mother .The first one I ever got was a small bird ,my friend from Beijing sent me .So it has different meaning for me .In a word ,every stuffed animal can remember one part of my life .So Ill go on collecting stuffed animals until I have 100 of them.

英语作文My hobby(通用6篇)

