
时间:2014-01-04 07:48:20
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自然的英语作文 篇一

The Importance of Preserving Natural Resources

Natural resources are the foundation of human existence and play a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth. However, due to human activities and the rapid pace of industrialization, these resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. It is essential for us to recognize the importance of preserving natural resources and take immediate action to protect and conserve them for future generations.

One of the primary reasons for preserving natural resources is to ensure the sustainability of our planet. Natural resources such as water, air, and forests are vital for maintaining a balanced ecosystem. They provide habitat for various species, contribute to climate regulation, and support the overall well-being of the environment. Without these resources, our planet would become uninhabitable, leading to the extinction of countless species, including humans.

Preserving natural resources also has significant economic benefits. Many industries rely on natural resources for their operations. For example, agriculture depends on fertile soil and water for crop production, while manufacturing requires raw materials such as minerals and timber. By preserving these resources, we can ensure the long-term availability of essential inputs for various industries, thereby sustaining economic growth and development.

Furthermore, preserving natural resources is crucial for mitigating climate change. Deforestation, for instance, contributes to the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, a major driver of global warming. By protecting and restoring forests, we can absorb carbon dioxide and mitigate the effects of climate change. Additionally, conserving water resources can help combat water scarcity, a growing concern in many regions around the world.

To preserve natural resources, it is essential to adopt sustainable practices and promote environmental awareness. Recycling and reducing waste, using renewable energy sources, and implementing conservation measures are all effective ways to minimize resource consumption. Additionally, educating the public about the importance of preserving natural resources and encouraging responsible behavior can bring about positive change.

In conclusion, preserving natural resources is of utmost importance for the sustainability of our planet and the well-being of future generations. By recognizing the significance of these resources and taking immediate action to protect and conserve them, we can ensure a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

自然的英语作文 篇二

The Beauty and Benefits of Nature

Nature is a source of inspiration, tranquility, and numerous benefits for humanity. From stunning landscapes to the healing power of plants, the beauty and benefits of nature are undeniable. It is essential for us to appreciate and protect the natural world around us.

Firstly, nature offers us breathtaking beauty. Whether it is a majestic mountain range, a picturesque beach, or a vibrant meadow, the beauty of nature has a profound effect on our senses. Natural scenery can evoke feelings of awe, wonder, and serenity, providing a much-needed escape from the stresses of daily life. The beauty of nature also inspires artists, writers, and musicians, giving birth to countless works of art that celebrate its majesty.

Nature also provides numerous health benefits. Spending time in nature has been proven to reduce stress levels, improve mental well-being, and boost creativity. Simply taking a walk in the park or spending time in a garden can have a positive impact on our physical and mental health. Furthermore, many plants and herbs found in nature have medicinal properties and are used in traditional medicine practices around the world.

Moreover, nature plays a vital role in the conservation of biodiversity. It is home to millions of species, each with their unique role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. Protecting natural habitats and preserving biodiversity is crucial for the survival of countless species and the overall health of our planet. Nature's biodiversity also provides us with various ecosystem services, such as pollination, water purification, and soil fertility, which are essential for human well-being.

Lastly, nature offers endless opportunities for recreation and adventure. Whether it is hiking, camping, or wildlife watching, outdoor activities allow us to connect with nature and engage in physical exercise. These activities not only promote a healthy lifestyle but also foster a sense of appreciation and stewardship towards the natural world.

In conclusion, the beauty and benefits of nature are essential for our well-being and the health of our planet. By appreciating and protecting nature, we can ensure its preservation for future generations to enjoy. Let us embrace the wonders of nature and strive to live in harmony with the natural world around us.

自然的英语作文 篇三

热爱自然 Love Our Nature

  Previously, I lived in the countryside where the sun always rose. Every morning, I got up early to see the sunrise. As the sun came out, trees, flowers, birds and other animals woke up from their long sleep and smiled gently towards the sun. “What a glorious view!” I whispered. But as I moved to the city, I could hardly see such a glorious view now. Nowadays, with the development of society, the living step is so fast that we are always so busy and we don't even have the time to take a breath. While in our free time, we can do nothing but play computer games. What a dull life it is! I eagerly want to return to our nature.


  To make things worse, as a result of modernization, pollution is a serious problem. Nowadays we often breathe the dusty air and drink the dirty water. What's more, we always suffer from the noise and the heavy light pollution. I'm really tired of this life. I want to change it. If I have a chance, I will get up early to see the sunrise, in order to embrace our nature.


  As far as I'm concerned, our nature is our mother. She offers us everything we want or need. If our nature disappears, human-beings will be in great danger. Therefore, we must love our nature unconditionally. Don't always ask too much from her but return her nothing. Moreover, as her sons and daughters, we should always appreciate for her bounty.


自然的英语作文 篇四

保护自然 Protecting Nature

  Chinahas a very long and brilliant history, whose people are so friendly and hospitable. But I am wondering why some people pay such little attention to the environment and nature. In many places of the countryside, rivers have become stinking sewers and brooks have disappeared. Heaps of garbage obstructs the scarce flow of dirty water. The grounds are littered with plastic bottles and bags. People are cutting down trees even though it is illegal. In some towns, rubbish is hidden behind walls. Garbage cans are often of little use, making cleaners must rush all day long and also by night to clean the rubbish.


  This lack of consideration for nature in general is extremely detrimental to children’s education, toChina’s image, to public health, to tourism and to the future.Chinais the common treasure of all Chinese, and we should live up to be a member of this big family, a descendant of 5000-year-plus ancient civilized country. I think the environment must absolutely be strictly protected by all means. This protection should go at the same pace as the marvelous development of the nation.


  In this respect,Germanyis a rare model and leaves me a very deep impression. After you have an exciting tour around in this country for a week or so, it is unnecessary for you to polish your leather shoes. Personally, first of all, the strong awareness of people’s environmental protection; then, the advanced technology applied in the field of preserving the nature; We can learn form others in building China into one of the most environmentally friendly places in the world.



