
时间:2014-07-03 05:29:19
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偶像的英语作文及译文 篇一

Title: The Influence of Idols

In today's society, idols have become a prominent and influential figure in many people's lives. Idols are individuals who are admired and looked up to by their fans. They can be celebrities, athletes, or even fictional characters. The impact idols have on their fans can be both positive and negative.

On the positive side, idols serve as a source of inspiration for many people. They often possess qualities such as talent, hard work, and perseverance, which motivate their fans to pursue their dreams. For example, a young aspiring musician may idolize a famous singer and strive to improve their own skills by emulating their idol's dedication and passion. Idols can also promote positive values and social causes, encouraging their fans to make a difference in the world.

However, the influence of idols is not always beneficial. Some idols may promote unhealthy behaviors or unrealistic beauty standards, leading their fans to develop an unhealthy obsession with appearance or engage in dangerous activities. Additionally, the pressure to live up to the expectations set by idols can be overwhelming for some fans, causing them to experience stress and anxiety.

It is important for fans to maintain a balanced perspective when idolizing someone. While it is natural to admire and respect idols, it is crucial to remember that they are also human beings with flaws and imperfections. It is important to admire their positive qualities without blindly following everything they do.

In conclusion, idols play a significant role in today's society and can have both positive and negative impacts on their fans. It is essential for fans to be aware of the influence idols have and to approach idolization with a balanced mindset.








偶像的英语作文及译文 篇三


  My idol in my heart is liu xiang. He is the world famous athlete. In all kinds of game, he has won 50 gold MEDALS, 13 silver and 6 bronze MEDALS.

  In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, he won the men's 110 m hurdles hurdles world champions at a stroke, become the pride of Chinese people, but also the pride of Asia.

  Because of hard training and competition, liu xiang has left a lot of injuries, especially tendon injury is serious. In 2008 the Olympic Games, liu xiang as pain failed to enter the finals, I regret to quit.

  He to the United States after treatment, and participated in many international and domestic competition, repeatedly won the champion, second, third, also broke the records.

  This year's London Olympic Games, liu xiang took part in the game again, sadly he injured in the preliminaries and fell, but he stubbornly stood up, with one leg hard to jump to the end, he occasionally to stop pain, take a deep breath.

  Although many people have criticized him, because liu xiang out of the race but I think he's achievements and fight for the honor is the vast majority of people can't do it. His spirit is worthy of my study.

  We both in learning, and doing other things, not to need the indefatigable spirit?

  I am in real life, whenever encounter difficulties to retreat, the thought of liu xiang, the tenacious spirit, will inspire me to go to overcome. So, he is my idol in my heart.










