
时间:2018-09-08 09:12:10
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我要写歌了英语日记带翻译 篇一

I'm Going to Write a Song - English Diary with Translation

Today, I woke up with a strong desire to write a song. The melody has been playing in my head for days, and now it's time to put it into words. Music has always been my way of expressing emotions and thoughts, and writing a song allows me to do just that.

I grabbed my notebook and pen, sat down at my desk, and started brainstorming ideas for the lyrics. I wanted the song to be meaningful and relatable, something that would touch people's hearts. As I scribbled down words and phrases, the melody guided me, shaping the emotions I wanted to convey.

Writing lyrics in English is a challenge for me, as it is not my native language. However, I see it as an opportunity to improve my language skills and reach a wider audience. I believe that music transcends language barriers, and a well-written song can touch people's souls regardless of their mother tongue.

After hours of contemplation and revision, I finally had a set of lyrics that I was satisfied with. It was time to work on the melody and arrangement. I picked up my guitar and started strumming, experimenting with different chord progressions that would complement the emotions conveyed by the lyrics.

As the melody came together, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. Writing a song is a journey of self-expression and creativity, and seeing it take shape is incredibly rewarding. It's like capturing a moment in time and turning it into something tangible.

I can't wait to share this song with others. Music has a way of connecting people, and I hope that my song will resonate with listeners. Whether it brings joy, comfort, or inspiration, I just want it to make a difference in someone's life.

Writing a song is not just about the final product; it's about the process. It's about pouring your heart and soul into the lyrics, finding the perfect melody, and creating something that speaks to the human experience. I'm grateful for the opportunity to write songs, and I will continue to explore this creative outlet with passion and dedication.

我要写歌了英语日记带翻译 篇二

I'm Going to Write a Song - English Diary with Translation

Today, I woke up with a surge of inspiration. The desire to write a song consumed me, and I couldn't wait to put my thoughts and emotions into lyrics. Writing songs has always been my way of expressing myself, and it allows me to connect with others on a deeper level.

I sat down at my desk, surrounded by musical instruments and notebooks filled with song ideas. The blank page in front of me held endless possibilities, and I was determined to create something extraordinary. As the melodies played in my head, I began to write down the lyrics, letting the words flow freely.

Writing lyrics in English has its challenges, as it is not my first language. However, I view it as an opportunity to push myself and grow as an artist. The English language offers unique expressions and phrases that can add depth and richness to my songs.

As I continued to write, the words painted a vivid picture of my emotions and experiences. Each line became a brushstroke on the canvas of my song, creating a masterpiece of raw honesty and vulnerability. I wanted the song to resonate with others, to make them feel seen and understood.

With each verse and chorus, the melody grew stronger, guiding the direction of the song. I experimented with different chord progressions and musical arrangements, trying to find the perfect balance between simplicity and complexity. The music had to complement the lyrics and enhance the emotions they conveyed.

Writing a song is not just about the end result; it's about the journey. It's about diving deep into your soul and uncovering the stories that need to be told. It's about pouring your heart into every word and every note, creating a connection with the listener that transcends language and culture.

As I finished writing the song, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. It was like capturing a fleeting moment and immortalizing it in music. I had created something that was uniquely mine, yet had the potential to touch the hearts of others.

I can't wait to share this song with the world. Music has the power to heal, to inspire, and to bring people together. I hope that my song will resonate with listeners and provide a glimpse into the depths of human emotions. Writing songs is my passion, and I will continue to pour my heart and soul into every lyric, every melody, and every performance.

我要写歌了英语日记带翻译 篇三



  Hello everyone! It's Wan Xi here. I've decided to write songs with Liu Yutong and Qin Yi. We don't sing other people's songs and sing our own songs. But before that, we need to learn the music score. Although I have learned the zither, I know that the music score of the zither is different from that of the piano.


  Isn't it good to be a star with your own songs? Use other people's songs, but it's not your own. What's so happy about being alive? You say, No.


  I want to assign to you: Liu Yutong ~ singing, I ~ dancing, writing songs, Qin Yi ~ playing. The former band name: the dream agreement is too "old", so I decided to change my name.


  Do you support us?


