
时间:2015-07-08 03:37:32
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形容皮肤的英语单词「」 篇一

The Beauty of Skin: Exploring Words to Describe Skin in English


Skin, the largest organ of the human body, is not only a protective barrier but also plays a crucial role in our overall appearance. In this article, we will explore various words in English that are commonly used to describe different aspects of the skin.

1. Smooth:

Smooth skin is often associated with youthfulness and good health. It refers to a texture that is free from blemishes, roughness, or unevenness. Many people strive for smooth skin by using skincare products and following a proper skincare routine.

2. Radiant:

Radiant skin refers to skin that has a healthy glow and appears bright and vibrant. This term is often used to describe someone with a naturally luminous complexion. Factors such as good hydration, a balanced diet, and proper skincare can contribute to radiant skin.

3. Flawless:

Flawless skin is characterized by its impeccable appearance, without any visible imperfections such as acne, scars, or blemishes. It is often associated with perfection and can be achieved through diligent skincare practices and treatments.

4. Dewy:

Dewy skin has a soft, luminous, and slightly moist appearance. It is often described as fresh and youthful. This term is commonly used in the beauty industry to describe a natural and healthy-looking complexion.

5. Supple:

Supple skin refers to skin that is smooth, soft, and flexible. It is often associated with a well-hydrated and well-nourished complexion. Adequate moisture and proper skincare habits contribute to supple skin.

6. Clear:

Clear skin is free from any visible blemishes, acne, or discoloration. It has an even tone and a smooth texture. Clear skin is often considered a sign of good health and is desired by many.

7. Glowing:

Glowing skin has a radiant and healthy appearance. It is often described as luminous and can be achieved through proper skincare, a balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle. A glowing complexion is often a result of good blood circulation and skin cell renewal.


Describing the beauty and characteristics of skin is an essential part of our daily lives. Whether it's achieving smooth, radiant, flawless, dewy, supple, clear, or glowing skin, understanding these words can help us in our quest for healthy and beautiful skin. Remember, proper skincare, hydration, and a healthy lifestyle are key factors in achieving and maintaining the skin we desire.

形容皮肤的英语单词「」 篇二

The Diversity of Skin: Exploring Words to Describe Skin Colors in English


The human population is incredibly diverse, and so is the color of our skin. In this article, we will explore various words in English that are commonly used to describe different shades and tones of skin colors.

1. Fair:

Fair skin is often associated with a light complexion, usually with a pinkish undertone. It is commonly found in people with European or East Asian ancestry. Fair skin is highly valued in some cultures and is often associated with beauty and purity.

2. Olive:

Olive skin refers to a medium-toned complexion that has a greenish or yellowish undertone. It is commonly found in people of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and South Asian descent. Olive skin is known for its ability to tan easily and often has a warm and golden appearance.

3. Brown:

Brown skin encompasses a wide range of medium to dark complexions that have a rich brown color. It is commonly found in people of African, Afro-Caribbean, and South Asian descent. Brown skin comes in various shades and is celebrated for its beauty and diversity.

4. Dark:

Dark skin refers to a deep complexion with a rich, dark hue. It is commonly found in people of African, Afro-Caribbean, and African American descent. Dark skin tones have a wide range of shades, each with its unique beauty and cultural significance.

5. Pale:

Pale skin is characterized by its light and almost translucent appearance. It is commonly found in people of Northern European descent. Pale skin is often associated with sensitivity to the sun and is considered attractive in some cultures.

6. Tanned:

Tanned skin refers to a darker complexion that has been exposed to the sun. It can range from a light golden hue to a deep bronze color. Tanned skin is often associated with a healthy and outdoorsy lifestyle.

7. Ebony:

Ebony skin is characterized by its deep, dark, and rich black color. It is commonly found in people of African descent. Ebony skin is celebrated for its beauty and is often associated with strength and resilience.


The diverse range of skin colors reflects the beauty and uniqueness of humanity. Whether it's fair, olive, brown, dark, pale, tanned, or ebony skin, each shade has its own significance and cultural appreciation. Understanding and embracing the diversity of skin colors is essential for promoting inclusivity and celebrating the beauty of all individuals.

形容皮肤的英语单词「」 篇三



  1. fair: 白皙的

  She has fair skin.


  2. ruddy: 红润的

  Her face was ruddy and healthy-looking.


  3. dewy: 水润的

  The make-up artist has revealed all her dewy skin secrets.


  4. peeling: 脱皮的,起皮的

  His face was peeling from sunburn.


  5. rough: 粗糙的,不平滑的

  My hands get very rough in the cold.


  6. freckled: 有雀斑的

  She had a young, freckled complexion.


  7. cracked: 龟裂的

  Using this, you can prevent cracked feet.


  8. wrinkled: 有皱纹的

  The peasant is palming his wrinkled face.



