
时间:2013-01-02 01:50:20
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小学英语日记:story 篇一

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a young boy named Jack. He was known for his adventurous spirit and curiosity. One day, while exploring the nearby forest, Jack stumbled upon a hidden treasure map. Excitedly, he decided to follow the map and find the treasure.

With the map in hand, Jack embarked on his journey. He walked through thickets, crossed rivers, and climbed steep hills. After hours of adventure, he finally reached the spot marked on the map. To his surprise, there was a cave hidden behind some bushes.

With courage, Jack entered the cave. Inside, he discovered a chest full of gold and jewels. He couldn't believe his luck! But just as he was about to grab the treasure, a voice echoed through the cave, "Who dares to disturb my slumber?"

Jack turned around to see an old, wise-looking dragon. The dragon had been guarding the treasure for centuries. Jack, trembling with fear, explained how he found the map and his desire for adventure. The dragon listened intently and was touched by Jack's bravery.

The dragon, impressed by Jack's honesty and courage, decided to make a deal. He told Jack that he could take some of the treasure, but in return, he must promise to use it wisely and help those in need. Jack eagerly agreed to the dragon's terms and thanked him for his generosity.

Jack returned to the village with the treasure and used it to build a school for the children who couldn't afford an education. He also started a charity to support the elderly in the village. The villagers were amazed by Jack's kindness and were grateful for his generosity.

From that day on, Jack became a hero in the village. He was admired for his adventurous spirit, but more importantly, for his selflessness and willingness to help others. Jack's story spread far and wide, inspiring others to follow in his footsteps and make a positive impact in their communities.

小学英语日记:story 篇二

Once upon a time, in a magical land, there was a young princess named Lily. She lived in a beautiful castle with her parents, the king and queen. Lily was known for her kind heart and love for animals.

One day, while exploring the castle gardens, Lily discovered a wounded bird with a broken wing. She carefully picked up the bird and brought it inside the castle. She made a small bed for it and tended to its injuries. Lily named the bird Coco.

Days turned into weeks, and Coco's wing slowly healed. During this time, Lily and Coco developed a strong bond. Coco would chirp happily whenever Lily entered the room, and Lily would spend hours talking to Coco and sharing her secrets.

As Coco grew stronger, Lily decided it was time to release her back into the wild. With a heavy heart, she opened the window, and Coco flew away, soaring high up into the sky. Lily watched with a mix of sadness and joy as Coco vanished into the horizon.

Days went by, and Lily couldn't forget about Coco. She missed their conversations and the happiness Coco brought into her life. Determined to see Coco again, Lily embarked on a journey to find her feathered friend.

Lily traveled through forests, climbed mountains, and crossed rivers. She faced many challenges along the way but never gave up hope. Finally, after weeks of searching, she stumbled upon a beautiful meadow filled with flowers.

In the middle of the meadow, Lily spotted Coco perched on a tree branch. Overjoyed, she called out to Coco, who recognized her voice and flew down to her. Lily hugged Coco tightly, grateful to have found her again.

From that day on, Lily and Coco were inseparable. They spent their days exploring the magical land, helping animals in need, and spreading kindness wherever they went. Their friendship became an inspiration to everyone they encountered.

Lily's story of determination and friendship spread throughout the land, reminding people of the power of love and compassion. Lily became a beloved princess, known not only for her beauty but also for her big heart. And Coco, the little bird with a broken wing, became a symbol of hope and resilience.

小学英语日记:story 篇一

Title: The Brave Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Emily who had always dreamt of going on an adventure. One sunny morning, she woke up and decided that today was the day to make her dream come true.

Emily packed a small bag with snacks, a water bottle, and her favorite teddy bear. She put on her sturdy shoes and set off on her adventure. As she walked through the forest near her house, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity.

After walking for a while, Emily stumbled upon a hidden trail. Without hesitation, she followed it deeper into the forest. The tall trees surrounded her, creating a magical atmosphere. She felt like she was in a fairytale.

As Emily continued her journey, she came across a river that blocked her path. Determined to continue, she looked around and found a fallen log that could serve as a bridge. Carefully, she crossed the log, feeling a surge of accomplishment.

After crossing the river, Emily discovered a beautiful meadow filled with colorful flowers. She spent some time admiring the beauty of nature and even picked a bouquet of wildflowers to bring back home.

As the sun started to set, Emily realized that it was time to head back. With a sense of fulfillment, she retraced her steps and made her way back home. She couldn't wait to tell her family about her brave adventure.

When she arrived home, Emily's family was waiting for her anxiously. They were worried about her safety and relieved to see her return unharmed. Emily excitedly shared her adventure with them, describing every detail and showing them the bouquet of flowers she had picked.

From that day on, Emily's family encouraged her adventurous spirit and supported her in exploring new places. Emily grew up to be a brave and curious person, never missing an opportunity to embark on new adventures. Her childhood adventure had taught her the importance of embracing life's challenges and cherishing the beauty of the world around her.

小学英语日记:story 篇二

Title: The Lost Puppy

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a little girl named Sophie. Sophie loved animals and dreamed of having a pet of her own. One day, while walking home from school, she heard a faint whimpering sound coming from a nearby alley.

Curiosity took over, and Sophie followed the sound. To her surprise, she found a tiny, shivering puppy hiding behind a trash can. It was clear that the puppy was lost and scared. Sophie's heart melted, and she knew she had to help.

Without wasting a moment, Sophie gently picked up the puppy and brought it home. She named him Max and promised to take care of him forever. Sophie's parents were hesitant at first, but after seeing the bond between Sophie and Max, they agreed to let her keep him.

Max quickly became a part of the family. Sophie and Max went on long walks, played in the park, and cuddled together in the evenings. Max brought so much joy and happiness into Sophie's life, and she couldn't imagine her days without him.

One day, while Sophie and Max were playing in the park, they came across a lost dog poster. Sophie recognized the dog on the poster as Max's previous owner. She knew she had to reunite them.

With a heavy heart, Sophie contacted the owner and arranged a meeting. When they met, it was clear that Max's previous owner missed him dearly. Sophie knew that she had to do what was best for Max.

After a tearful goodbye, Sophie handed Max over to his rightful owner. It was a bittersweet moment, but Sophie knew she had made the right decision. She had given Max a loving home and had taught him the importance of kindness and compassion.

Months went by, and Sophie missed Max every day. She hoped that he was happy and well taken care of. One day, she received a surprise visit from Max's owner. He thanked Sophie for taking care of Max and told her that Max had never forgotten her.

As a token of gratitude, Max's owner gifted Sophie a small puppy named Bella. Sophie's heart filled with joy, and she knew that Bella would bring new adventures and love into her life.

From that day on, Sophie and Bella became inseparable. They continued to spread love and kindness to all the animals they encountered, making a positive impact in their community. Sophie learned that sometimes, letting go is an act of love and that the bonds we form with animals can last a lifetime.

小学英语日记:story 篇三



  once upon a time in an old forest, there was a poor wood cutter cutting wood by the lake. one day, his axe accidently fell into the lake. the poor wood cutter didn’t know how to swim, so he could do nothing but sat by the lake and prayed to the lake godess.

  the lake godess heard his prayer and appeared before him.

  “what’s wrong, my good man?” she asked.

  “ help me!” said the wood cutter, “ i’m very poor, and i lost my only axe.if i don’t get my axe back, my family will starve to death, please help me!” he cried.

  then the godess glanced at the wood cutter., “very well,” she answered, “ you should have your axe back. ”

  after a while, the godess brought out an axe made of gold from the lake.

  “is this your axe, my good man? ”asked the godess.

  “no, ”said the wood cutter, “that is not my axe.”

  then the godess brought out a silver axe, the wood cutter said that wasn’t his axe again.

  the third time, she brought out the wood cutter’s axe. the wood cutter was very happy and said, “this is my axe, thank you very much”

  an the end of the story, the godess was very pleased with the wood cutter’s honesty. he didn’t tell a lie, so that he can get the gold or the silver axe, he just wanted what he deserve. so she desided to give both the gold and silver axe to him. the wood cutter sold the axes, and became a kind rich man.

  the moral of this story is, honesty is the best policy.


