小学英语作文:The Halloween Party(经典6篇)

时间:2016-02-06 01:25:32
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小学英语作文:The Halloween Party 篇一

The Halloween Party

Last Saturday, my school organized a Halloween party for all the students. It was such a great event and everyone had a wonderful time.

The party took place in the school gymnasium, which was decorated with spooky Halloween decorations. There were paper ghosts hanging from the ceiling, fake cobwebs covering the walls, and pumpkins with scary faces on every table. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation.

All the students came to the party dressed in fantastic costumes. There were witches, vampires, superheroes, and even a few mummies! I dressed up as a zombie, with torn clothes and fake blood on my face. It was so much fun seeing everyone's creative outfits.

During the party, there were various activities and games for us to enjoy. We played 'Bobbing for Apples', where we had to try to pick up apples with our mouths from a bucket of water. It was hilarious watching our friends get soaked! We also had a costume parade, where we could show off our outfits and win prizes for the best costumes. I didn't win, but it was still so much fun being a part of it.

One of the highlights of the party was the spooky haunted house. The school had transformed one of the classrooms into a haunted house, complete with scary sounds, dim lights, and surprise scares around every corner. It was both terrifying and thrilling at the same time.

Of course, no party is complete without food. There were tables filled with delicious treats like cupcakes, cookies, and candies. I ate so much that I thought I would turn into a pumpkin!

As the party came to an end, we were all given goodie bags filled with Halloween-themed toys and sweets. It was the perfect way to end such a fantastic event.

I had so much fun at the Halloween party. It was a great opportunity to dress up, play games, and spend time with my friends. I can't wait for next year's party!

小学英语作文:The Halloween Party 篇二

The Halloween Party

Last Saturday, my school celebrated Halloween with a fantastic party. It was a night filled with spooky costumes, fun games, and lots of laughter.

The party was held in the school cafeteria, which was decorated with orange and black balloons, paper bats, and pumpkins. The tables were covered with Halloween-themed tablecloths and there were candles flickering in the center. It created a mysterious and exciting atmosphere.

All the students came dressed in their favorite costumes. I decided to be a witch, with a pointy hat, a black dress, and a broomstick. My friends also had creative outfits, such as ghosts, vampires, and even a werewolf. We were all so excited to see each other's costumes.

During the party, we played many fun games. There was a 'Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin' game, where we had to blindfolded and try to stick a paper nose onto a large pumpkin poster. It was challenging but hilarious to see where everyone ended up sticking their noses! We also played 'Musical Chairs', with Halloween-themed music playing in the background. It was so much fun dancing around the chairs and trying to grab a seat before the music stopped.

One of the highlights of the party was the costume contest. We all lined up on a stage and showed off our costumes to the judges. There were prizes for the scariest, funniest, and most creative costumes. I was so proud when I won the prize for the scariest costume. It was a great moment!

Of course, no Halloween party is complete without treats. There were tables filled with delicious snacks like popcorn, cupcakes, and candy apples. I ate so much that my stomach felt like it was going to burst!

As the party ended, we were each given a small bag of Halloween candy to take home. It was the perfect ending to such a fun-filled night.

I had an amazing time at the Halloween party. It was a great opportunity to dress up, play games, and spend time with my friends. I can't wait for next year's party and all the spooky fun it will bring.

小学英语作文:The Halloween Party 篇三

The Halloween Party

Yesterday, my school held a Halloween party. It was the most exciting party I have ever been to!

In the morning, we had a costume contest. Everyone was dressed up in different costumes. Some were witches, ghosts, and superheroes. I was dressed up as a pumpkin. My mom helped me make a costume out of orange fabric, and she painted my face like a jack-o’-lantern. I was so proud of my costume!

After the costume contest, we had a pumpkin carving competition. We were given a pumpkin and some carving tools. It was my first time carving a pumpkin, and it was a bit messy, but I had so much fun. I carved a scary face with big eyes and a toothy grin. It looked amazing when we put a candle inside and lit it up.

In the afternoon, we played games. There was apple bobbing, where we had to try to catch apples with our mouths from a tub of water. It was difficult but hilarious. We also played “Guess the Halloween Treat”, where we had to blindfolded and taste different Halloween-themed snacks and guess what they were. It was a challenge, but we all had a good laugh.

Later, we had a Halloween treasure hunt. We had to follow clues around the school to find hidden treats. It was like being on a real adventure. We ran from classroom to classroom, searching for the next clue. It was so exciting when we finally found the treasure – a big bag of candies!

Finally, we had a scary story-telling session. Our teachers told us spooky stories with sound effects and dimmed lights. It sent shivers down our spines, but we loved every minute of it.

The Halloween party was a huge success. It was a day filled with laughter, fun, and excitement. I can’t wait for next year’s party!

小学英语作文:The Halloween Party 篇四

The Halloween Party

Last Saturday, our school organized a Halloween party for all the students. It was a day filled with spooky decorations, delicious treats, and exciting games.

In the morning, the school was transformed into a Halloween wonderland. The hallways were decorated with cobwebs, pumpkins, and skeletons. There were spooky music playing in the background, adding to the eerie atmosphere. It felt like we were in a haunted house!

During the first part of the day, we had a costume contest. Each student had put so much effort into their costumes, and it was amazing to see the creativity. There were witches, zombies, monsters, and even a few superheroes. The teachers had a tough time choosing the winners because everyone looked fantastic.

After the costume contest, we had a delicious Halloween-themed lunch. We had pumpkin soup, bat-shaped sandwiches, and ghost-shaped cookies. It was so much fun eating these spooky treats and they tasted delicious too!

In the afternoon, we had a haunted house set up in the school gymnasium. It was a little scary, but also very exciting. We had to walk through dark corridors, encountering ghosts and witches along the way. Some of us screamed, while others laughed nervously. It was an unforgettable experience.

After the haunted house, we had a pumpkin carving competition. Each student was given a pumpkin and had to carve a face or a design into it. It was messy, but also a lot of fun. We used our imaginations and created some incredible pumpkins. The winners received special prizes and their pumpkins were displayed in the school foyer.

To end the day, we had a dance party. The gymnasium was transformed into a disco, with colorful lights and loud music. We danced to popular Halloween songs like "Thriller" and "Monster Mash". It was a great way to end the party and we all had a fantastic time.

The Halloween party was a day to remember. It brought all the students together and created a sense of excitement and joy. We made new friends, ate delicious treats, and had fun playing games. It was the best Halloween party ever!

小学英语作文:The Halloween Party 篇五

小学英语作文:The Halloween Party 篇六

  在生活、工作和学习中,大家都写过作文吧,写作文是培养人们的'观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,以下是小编收集整理的小学英语作文:The Halloween Party,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。

  On the evening of Oct.31, I came to Shane school and joined the Halloween party. I was wearing cat ears, a red bow tie and a cat tail, looked like a pretty and lovely cat.

  Luke is our English teacher from Australia. He lead us to play some games together. The “trick of treat” is our favorite game. We went to the supermarket and sang a song “trick of treat, trick of treat, happy Halloween, happy Halloween, I want candy, I want candy, please give me, please give me!” Put our hands out and sing loudly till we have a lot of candies.

  It was a happy time for us. We played games, ate candies, and sang songs in the party. This is a very funny and wonderful Halloween party.

小学英语作文:The Halloween Party(经典6篇)

