
时间:2015-07-04 07:23:43
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愚公移山英语作文 篇一

The Story of Yugong Moving Mountains

In the remote countryside of China, there once lived an old man named Yugong and his family. They lived at the foot of two large mountains, which caused great inconvenience for the villagers. Yugong, despite his old age, was determined to move the mountains to benefit future generations.

Yugong was a wise and patient man who believed that with hard work and perseverance, anything was possible. He called upon his sons to help him in his mission. They started by using shovels and baskets to remove the soil and rocks, one by one. The villagers, seeing Yugong's determination, were inspired and joined in the effort.

News of Yugong's plan spread throughout the country, and soon people from all over came to lend a hand. The Emperor, upon hearing about Yugong's incredible determination, sent soldiers and workers to assist. Yugong's dream of moving the mountains became a national project.

Years passed, and the mountains gradually began to shrink. The villagers were amazed at the progress they had made. However, as time went on, Yugong's sons grew old and tired, and eventually passed away. Yugong himself became too weak to continue the work. Many people thought that Yugong's dream would never be realized.

But Yugong's determination had inspired a young couple who had recently moved to the village. They decided to take over the project and continue moving the mountains, just as Yugong had done. The couple, along with their children, worked tirelessly day and night, until the mountains were finally moved.

The news of the successful completion of the project spread like wildfire. Yugong, now a frail old man, was filled with joy and pride. He realized that his dream had come true, not only for himself but for future generations. The mountains were no longer a barrier, and the villagers could now easily travel to the other side.

The story of Yugong moving mountains teaches us the importance of determination and perseverance. It shows that no matter how big or impossible a task may seem, with hard work and a strong will, it can be accomplished. Yugong's legacy lives on, inspiring generations to never give up on their dreams.

愚公移山英语作文 篇二

The Moral Lesson of Yugong Moving Mountains

The story of Yugong moving mountains is not just a tale of determination and perseverance, but also teaches us valuable moral lessons.

Firstly, the story emphasizes the importance of unity and cooperation. Yugong alone could not have moved the mountains, but with the help of his family, friends, and even strangers, the impossible became possible. This teaches us that in order to overcome challenges and achieve great things, we must work together and support each other.

Secondly, the story teaches us the value of hard work and patience. Yugong and his family spent years tirelessly removing soil and rocks, one by one. They did not give up when faced with obstacles, but instead continued to work diligently. This teaches us that success often requires time and effort, and that we should not expect instant results.

Furthermore, the story teaches us the importance of thinking beyond ourselves. Yugong's motivation for moving the mountains was not for personal gain, but for the benefit of future generations. He wanted to create a better life for his children and grandchildren. This teaches us to think about the long-term consequences of our actions and to consider the needs of others.

Lastly, the story teaches us the power of determination and belief. Despite facing criticism and doubt from others, Yugong never wavered in his goal. He believed that with hard work and perseverance, anything was possible. This teaches us to have faith in ourselves and to never give up on our dreams, even in the face of adversity.

In conclusion, the story of Yugong moving mountains carries important moral lessons that can be applied to our own lives. It teaches us the value of unity, hard work, selflessness, and determination. By embodying these qualities, we can overcome challenges and achieve great things, just as Yugong did.

愚公移山英语作文 篇三

  Old man Yu Gong’s house had two big mountains in front of it. It caused him great inconvenience. So one day he said to his family: "I have decided to move those mountains." His wife said: "This is impossible. We’ve lived with them a long time. Let’s just put up with it."

  But the old man convinced his children to help him.

  The next day they started digging using hoes and baskets, and they hauled the dirt to the sea, far far away. Day in and day out they kept digging.

  A wise old man, Zhi Sou, upon seeing this said to Yu Gong: "You are old; you are trying to do the impossible." Yu Gong replied: "Yes, I am old and I will soon be dead, but I have children, and when they die, their children will carry on, and the mountain will get smaller and smaller."

  And so Yu Gong and his family carried on, day after day, year after year, through summer and winter, until one day, God heard about it and was so moved by his determination that he sent his two sons to take the two mountains away.

  The moral of the story is that with determination anything can be achieved.

愚公移山英语作文 篇四

  There is an ancient Chinese fable called "The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains". It tells of an old man who lived in northern China long, long ago and was known as the Foolish Old Man of North Mountain. His house faced south and beyond his doorway stood the two great peaks, Taihang and Wangwu, obstructing the way. He called his sons, and hoe in hand they began to dig up these mountains with great determination. Another graybeard, known as the Wise Old Man, saw them and said derisively, "How silly of you to do this! It is quite impossible for you few to dig up those two huge mountains." The Foolish Old Man replied, "When I die, my sons will carry on; when they die, there will be my grandsons, and then their sons and grandsons, and so on to infinity. High as they are, the mountains cannot grow any higher and with every bit we dig, they will be that much lower. Why can't we clear them away?" Having refuted the Wise Old Man's wrong view, he went on digging every day, unshaken in his conviction. God was moved by this, and he sent down two angels, who carried the mountains away on their backs.

愚公移山英语作文 篇五

  The next day they started digging using hoes and baskets, and they hauled the dirt to the sea, far far away. Day in and day out they kept digging. A wise old man, Zhi Sou, upon seeing this said to Yu Gong: "You are old; you are trying to do the impossible." Yu Gong replied: "Yes, I am old and I will soon be dead, but I have children, and when they die, their children will carry on, and the mountain will get smaller and smaller.” And so Yu Gong and his family carried on, day after day, year after year, through summer and winter, until one day, God heard about it and was so moved by his determination that he sent his two sons to take the two mountains away. The moral of the story is that with determination anything can be achieved.

愚公移山英语作文 篇六

  Once upon a time, there was a very old man named Yu Gong. He is over ninety years old. There are two mountains in front of his house, one is Taihang Mountain and the other is Wangwu mountain. Two mountains block the entrance of Yugong's house, which is very inconvenient for Yugong's family to get in and out.

  One day, Yugong called the family. He said to them, "these two mountains are blocking our way. Why don't we work together to move it away!" The whole family agreed with this method, but Yugong's wife disagreed. She said, "if we want to remove the mountain, where can we throw the excavated soil?" Yu Gong replied, "we will throw the earth we dug into the East Sea." Yugong's wife reluctantly agreed!

  The next day, the Yugong family got up early and moved the mountain. They moved from morning to evening. They decided not to go home and rest until the mountain moved away.

  The wise old man is the smartest old man in this town. When he saw the Yugong family moving mountains, he felt very ridiculous. He said to Yu Gong, "you are so old that you have to move two mountains so big. I advise you to give up!" Yu Gong smiled and said, "although I am very old, I still have my son when I die, and grandchildren when my son dies. When my grandchildren grow up, they will have sons again, and when my son grows up, they will have grandchildren... My grandchildren will move these two mountains away. The wise old man listened and had nothing to say.

  One day, the mountain god and the Sea God knew about it. He hurriedly went to find the God of heaven. The God of the sea said to the God of heaven, "if the Yugong family moves on like this, the East China Sea will be filled into the ground sooner or later." the Mountain God said to the God of heaven: "if the Yugong family moves on like this, the mountain will be cleaned sooner or later." the God of heaven was moved by the spirit of Yugong's perseverance. He sent two gods on his back,

  From then on, the Yugong family lived a happy and peaceful life!


