
时间:2015-08-06 08:16:36
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小王子英语读书笔记 篇一

Title: The Lessons of Life and Love in "The Little Prince"


"The Little Prince" is a famous novella written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It tells the story of a young prince who travels from planet to planet, encountering various characters and learning life lessons along the way. This book not only captivates readers with its beautiful storytelling, but also offers valuable insights into life and love. In this article, I will share my thoughts and reflections on the lessons I learned from reading "The Little Prince" in English.


1. Importance of Imagination and Creativity:

One of the main themes in "The Little Prince" is the significance of imagination and creativity in our lives. The little prince encourages us to never lose touch with our inner child and to always nurture our imaginations. Through his encounters with the aviator, the fox, and the rose, the prince learns that true beauty lies beneath the surface and can only be discovered with the help of our imagination.

2. Value of Friendship and Connection:

Another important lesson conveyed in the book is the value of friendship and connection. The little prince forms a deep bond with the aviator, teaching him the importance of being present and cherishing the moments spent with loved ones. The prince's relationships with the fox and the rose also emphasize the significance of investing time and effort into building meaningful connections with others.

3. Appreciation for the Simple Things in Life:

"The Little Prince" reminds us to appreciate the simple things in life that often go unnoticed. The prince's fascination with a single rose and his love for the stars and sunsets serve as a reminder to slow down and find joy in the little moments. This lesson encourages readers to find beauty and happiness in the everyday things that surround us.

4. Embracing Vulnerability and Emotional Expression:

Throughout the novella, the little prince demonstrates the importance of embracing vulnerability and expressing our emotions. His encounters with the snake and the aviator allow him to open up and share his fears and desires. By doing so, he shows us that it is through vulnerability and emotional expression that we can truly connect with others and find inner peace.


"The Little Prince" is not just a children's book; it is a timeless masterpiece that offers profound lessons on life and love. Reading this book in English has allowed me to dive deeper into the poetic and philosophical elements of the story. From the importance of imagination and friendship to appreciating the simple things in life and embracing vulnerability, "The Little Prince" teaches us valuable lessons that can be applied to our own lives. It is a book that will continue to inspire and resonate with readers of all ages for generations to come.

Word count: 609

小王子英语读书笔记 篇二

Title: Symbolism and Deep Reflections in "The Little Prince"


"The Little Prince" is a beloved novella that transcends age and language barriers. Written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, this enchanting tale is filled with symbolism and deep reflections on life, society, and human nature. In this article, I will share my thoughts and interpretations of the symbolism found within "The Little Prince" while reading it in English.


1. The Deserted Planet:

The deserted planet that the little prince first encounters represents the isolation and loneliness that individuals can feel in the modern world. It serves as a metaphor for the disconnection and detachment that can occur when people prioritize material possessions and neglect meaningful relationships.

2. The Rose:

The rose is a central symbol in the novella, representing love, beauty, and vulnerability. The prince's love for his rose is unconditional, despite her flaws and thorns. This symbolizes the complexities of love and the importance of accepting and cherishing the imperfections of those we care about.

3. The Fox:

The fox is a wise and insightful character in the story, representing the importance of taming and forming connections with others. Through his teachings, the fox emphasizes the value of time and the significance of investment in relationships. The fox's famous quote, "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye," highlights the importance of looking beyond appearances and connecting on a deeper level.

4. The Snake:

The snake symbolizes death and mortality. Its encounter with the prince represents the harsh realities of life and the inevitability of death. However, the prince's willingness to sacrifice himself to save his beloved rose demonstrates the power of love and the willingness to make selfless choices.


"The Little Prince" is a thought-provoking novella that uses symbolism to delve into profound themes and reflections on life. Reading this book in English has allowed me to appreciate the intricacies of the symbolism and the deeper meanings behind the characters and their encounters. From the deserted planet and the rose to the fox and the snake, "The Little Prince" invites readers to reflect on their own lives, relationships, and perspectives. It is a book that reminds us of the importance of love, connection, and the pursuit of what truly matters.

Word count: 605

小王子英语读书笔记 篇三

  This book was written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry . at the beginning of story . this story present his friend—— Leon Werth when he was a little boy .at the same time,He said ’ All grown-ups were once children-- although few of them remember it’

  This sentence make me puzzled, when I was reading those words’ It has done me good, because of the color of the wheat fields. Go and look again at the roses. You will understand now that yours is unique in all the world.’I wondered whether we always miss someone who should be valued or not. In our real life, we are too busy to pay more attention to something detail.

  I can still remember that moment in the TV drama, the actress’face was full of tears, and I can feel, at that time ,the sadness creep into her mind intantly. her struggle to break up with her husband and she said ‘the detail break the love’.

  after reading 《the little prince》 ,I believe something we gain when we grow up, it must have something we lose. If we were a kid, we would never been interrupted by it ,for the kid always focus on something the grown-ups never regard it important in this society ,but they are blinded because it is important to the mind ,maybe growing is a process to the death of mind.

小王子英语读书笔记 篇四

  "The Little Prince" is a clear book, as clear as the water. It’s writes for adults, teenagers and children. It is a book about life and the lives of the fable. As the book said, the water on the heart is beneficial. And "Little Prince" can make people feel warm and fresh.

  The story is about a boy. He lives on a small planet. He is the only person of the planet. He is a lonely prince. Fortunately, a beautiful rose came in his life. They loved each other. But a little argument separated them. He left the planet which he lives, starts traveling. He went to many planets and met many different people. He likes to watch the sunset when he was sad. He found that people wanted happiness, but always pushed away happiness rudely.

  At last, he understood how to love each other. Love and life is a very important thing. He is very regret. He wanted to return to the planet which he lives. But he didn’t know the road. He chose to drank snake venom end his life because he thought it will be able to cast off his bulky body to go back.

  Every time, when I read "The Little Prince", I always moved about it. In real life, we often busy in the whole day, such as a fly without soul. The passage of time, childhood away, we grew up and took away a lot of memories, but we also have an oasis in the heart.

  Because ‘The Little Prince’ story, we live in quiet, the heart has a hope and love, have touched on the responsibility of the life.

小王子英语读书笔记 篇五

  Maybe you have seen the novel before -The Little Prince, or not. Tonight, I’m so happy to share with you about my feeling after I have seen it. Actually, I’m deeply attracted, touched by the protagonist of the story: the pure & innocent little prince.

  After leaving his home planet and his beloved rose, the little prince journeys around the universe, ending up on earth. Before the prince lands on earth, the prince hops from one neighbouring planet to another. On each planet, the prince meets a different type of adult and reveals frivolities and weakness.(other than the fifth figure ,I think ,it seems the lamplighter’s selfless devotion to his orders earns him the little prince’s admiration.)Once on earth, however, the little prince becomes a student as well as a teacher .From his friend “the fox”, the little prince learns three important lessons: Only the heart can see correctly; The prince’s time away from his planet has made him appreciate his rose more; Love entails-responsibility . And in turn, he passed on those lessons to the narrators before.

  At last, there is a screen depict the novel. It’s when the railway switchman works for enormous trains that rush back and forth. Everybody has an experience of a journey, but the rushed voyages never result in happiness because as the switchman informs the princes, people are never happy where they are. Also the train trains rush at each other from opposite direction, suggesting the efforts grown-ups make are contradictory and purposeless. As for the children, they see that the journey is more important than the destination and press their faces the window on their journey, taking in the scenery. So sometimes the efforts we did make our lot better is futile.

  Two funny picture, let’s your imagination wander in your mind, and share with me your thought, thank you.


