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项链英文续写 篇一

The Necklace: A Tale of Redemption

Once upon a time, in the bustling streets of Paris, there lived a young woman named Mathilde. She was beautiful yet discontented with her modest life. Mathilde often daydreamed about luxury and elegance, yearning for a life filled with opulence and grandeur.

One day, Mathilde's husband, Jean, came home with great excitement. He held a small velvet box in his hands, revealing a stunning diamond necklace. Mathilde's eyes widened with awe and desire. She could not believe her luck. The necklace was everything she had ever dreamed of. Jean had managed to borrow it from a wealthy friend for Mathilde to wear to an upcoming ball.

The night of the ball arrived, and Mathilde adorned herself with the necklace. She felt like a queen, her heart filled with anticipation. As she danced and mingled with the elite, she was the center of attention, captivating all who laid eyes on her. Mathilde's dreams had come true, if only for one night.

However, as the night grew late, Mathilde realized that the necklace was missing. Panic washed over her as she retraced her steps, desperately searching for the precious jewelry. But it was nowhere to be found. Mathilde and Jean were devastated. They could not afford to replace such an expensive necklace.

In order to buy themselves more time, Mathilde and Jean decided to find an identical necklace. They borrowed a large sum of money and purchased a replica, hoping that they could give it back to their friend without him realizing the switch.

Years passed, and Mathilde and Jean lived a life burdened with debt. They worked tirelessly to repay the loan, sacrificing their own happiness and dreams. Mathilde's once youthful and radiant beauty faded, replaced by wrinkles and sorrowful eyes. The necklace, a symbol of her downfall, hung around her neck, a constant reminder of her greed and the price she had paid.

One day, Mathilde's friend, the wealthy Madame Forestier, crossed paths with her again. Mathilde could not bear to face her, knowing that she had deceived her all those years ago. But to her surprise, Madame Forestier greeted her warmly and without any hint of suspicion.

Madame Forestier confessed that the necklace Mathilde had borrowed all those years ago was a fake. It was merely a piece of costume jewelry, worth only a fraction of what Mathilde and Jean had sacrificed. Mathilde's heart sank as she realized the extent of her foolishness. The necklace that had consumed her life, that had stolen her joy and youth, was nothing more than a mere trinket.

In that moment, Mathilde understood the true cost of her vanity and greed. With her newfound wisdom, she vowed to live a life of simplicity and gratitude. She took off the necklace, no longer burdened by its weight, and embraced the beauty of her own existence.

The necklace, once a symbol of her downfall, became a symbol of redemption and self-discovery. Mathilde learned that true wealth and happiness cannot be found in material possessions, but in the love and contentment that radiates from within.

项链英文续写 篇二

The Necklace: A Tale of Redemption and Reconciliation

In the quiet town of Montmartre, there lived a woman named Sophie, who possessed a unique talent for creating exquisite jewelry. Sophie's creations were renowned for their intricate designs and meticulous craftsmanship. Her most prized possession was a necklace she had crafted herself, a piece that held not only her artistic brilliance but also an enchanting story.

The necklace was adorned with a rare blue diamond, known as the "Heart of the Ocean." Legend had it that the diamond was cursed, bringing misfortune to all who possessed it. Sophie, however, believed in the power of love and saw the necklace as a symbol of hope and redemption.

One fateful day, Sophie's beloved necklace was stolen from her workshop. Heartbroken and devastated, she searched tirelessly for the thief but to no avail. The loss of the necklace weighed heavily on Sophie's heart, and she could not bear to create another piece of jewelry again.

Years passed, and Sophie's once thriving career dwindled. She lived a quiet and solitary life, haunted by the memory of the stolen necklace. One day, a young woman named Isabelle entered Sophie's shop. Isabelle was drawn to Sophie's creations, feeling an inexplicable connection to the jewelry on display.

As Sophie and Isabelle struck up a conversation, they discovered a shared love for art and a deep understanding of the power that jewelry held. Sophie, sensing Isabelle's genuine passion, decided to share the story of the stolen necklace. Isabelle listened intently, captivated by the tale.

Inspired by Sophie's story, Isabelle embarked on a journey to find the stolen necklace. She believed that by returning it to Sophie, she could bring closure and healing to both their lives. Isabelle's determination led her to the underbelly of the city, where she encountered a notorious gang of thieves.

With her wit and resourcefulness, Isabelle managed to track down the leader of the gang. She pleaded with him to return the necklace, explaining the significance it held for Sophie. Surprisingly, the leader was moved by Isabelle's sincerity and decided to return the necklace to its rightful owner.

When Sophie received the necklace, her eyes filled with tears of joy and gratitude. The stolen treasure, once a painful reminder of loss, was now a symbol of reconciliation and the indomitable power of love. Sophie and Isabelle became lifelong friends, united by their shared journey and the profound impact of the necklace.

Together, Sophie and Isabelle continued to create beautiful jewelry, infusing each piece with the spirit of forgiveness and redemption. The necklace, once cursed, became a beacon of hope and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

In the end, Sophie's stolen necklace had not only been returned but had also brought two souls together, forever bound by their shared love for art, the power of forgiveness, and the extraordinary tale of the necklace's journey.

项链英文续写 篇三

The Necklace of Dreams

In the bustling streets of London, a young girl named Lily stumbled upon a small antique shop tucked away in a hidden corner. Intrigued by the glittering treasures displayed in the window, she couldn't resist stepping inside to explore.

Amongst the various trinkets and baubles, her eyes were immediately drawn to a beautiful necklace hanging on a velvet display. The necklace was made of delicate gold chains, adorned with intricate charms that seemed to hold a story of their own. Lily couldn't help but feel a sense of connection to it, as if it was meant to be hers.

The old shopkeeper noticed Lily's fascination and smiled kindly. "That necklace is special, my dear. It's said to possess the power to make dreams come true," he whispered.

Lily's heart skipped a beat as she imagined what it would be like to have her dreams become reality. Without hesitation, she purchased the necklace, eager to see if the legend held any truth.

That night, as Lily lay in bed, she clasped the necklace around her neck. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, her mind filled with visions of her deepest desires.

The next morning, Lily awoke to find herself in a world that seemed too good to be true. Her dreams had indeed come true, but she soon realized that there was a catch. The necklace had granted her wishes, but it had also taken away her sense of reality.

She found herself trapped in a never-ending cycle of wish fulfillment, unable to distinguish between what was real and what was merely a figment of her imagination. Each wish brought temporary happiness, but it was always followed by a sense of emptiness and longing.

Lily began to realize that true happiness couldn't be found in the fulfillment of her every desire. It lay in the simple joys of life, in the relationships she had built, and in the pursuit of her passions. She longed to feel a genuine connection with the world around her, rather than being lost in a world of illusions.

With a heavy heart, Lily made the difficult decision to remove the necklace. As she took it off, she felt a weight lifted from her shoulders. She knew that she had to let go of the false promises of her dreams and embrace the reality of life.

From that day forward, Lily embarked on a journey of self-discovery. She learned to find joy in the simple moments, to appreciate the beauty of imperfection, and to love herself for who she truly was. The necklace served as a reminder of the power of dreams, but she vowed to never let it control her again.

As she walked away from the antique shop, Lily felt a sense of freedom and liberation. The necklace may have granted her wishes, but it was in letting go that she found true happiness. And with that realization, she set off on a new chapter of her life, ready to embrace the wonders that the world had to offer.

项链英文续写 篇四

项链英文续写 篇五


  Article 1: the necklace follows

  The Buddha's wife was so touched that she seized her hands and said, "oh! My poor mathilde, but my one is false, at most five hundred francs! You, you give me a real diamond necklace, I can't imagine my stupid fake necklace to get you into this situation!

  "What, a fake necklace? But how glorious is it?" Mathilde couldn't believe my ears, back a few steps, and hit the big pagoda tree behind, she didn't know what to do, she felt as if all of a sudden lost focus.

  "My dear mathilde, I really don't know what I can do to pay back my necklace that killed you for ten years, I really don't know what to do, I... "Section to think lady face dull appearing a panic, said:" dear mathilde, I decided to return the necklace to you, I lost that hang the necklace only as a compensation for you, I know it is not enough, but, later, if you need help, you can give me as much as possible, I will try my best to help you."

  For section lady took two steps forward, holding the mathilde those already not pink red and appear coarse red hands, said: "I'm sorry, I really don't know what to say, but I really feel very sorry, dear mathilde can come to my house this evening I will return the necklace to you."

  "Well, by the way, I'm not going to sell the necklace. I'll treasure it." Mathilde answered her husband with a smile, and the warm light in the little room shone on the couple's face.

  In this way, they are still hard labor, mathilde was like before doing those ten years ago she barely touched of live, road tile plant also still like before copying manuscripts, busy late into the night. The days passed, and in a year the couple earned enough to buy back the old house, and they bought it back.

  They live into their already has 11 years in into no gorgeous but warm houses, mathilde's back is dressed up, she is not as luxurious house, fine clothes, and everything that she used to enjoy, she like her of what you have now: love her husband and the house of her former life, and it records the eternal life can't forget her 10 years memory diamond necklace.

  Article2: the necklace

  "Alas! My poor mathilde! But my one is false, at most five hundred francs.

  "What? What did you say? That one is fake? Oh! Dear Jenny, you won't be lying to me! "Mathilde's eyes were wide open, looking at Mrs. Vern, as if begging her to say it again.

  Oh! Mathilde; I didn't lie to you. The one you borrowed was fake. "

  "Why didn't you tell me! You!" Then she was so angry that she could not say a word, and she rolled down her tears.

  "But I don't think I'll think of it," said mathilde, who had run out of the park before she had finished, and kept Shouting, "fake, fake."

  She ran all the way home. When I got home, I stood in front of the mirror and stared at myself: my hair was hanging around, my skirt was crooked. He was ten years ago the party to wear that dress to wear, standing in front of the mirror, and her eyes immediately and rotating flash a party crowd, diamond necklace that yi yi is unripe brightness, sparkle with ten years of hard work.

  "Mathilde, what are you doing? When he came home from work, he saw her face and said to her, "I met your friend on the way, and she asked me to pass this box to you. "Mathilde is still standing there, just like she didn't hear her." "Oh, what's wrong with you? Don't you feel well, my dear? "She asked with concern.

  "Dear, false," she flung herself into her husband's arms.

  "What's that? Let's see what's in the box!" I opened the box. He gave a sudden cry, "mathilde, look at the necklace, the diamond necklace."

  When she looked up, she saw a glittering diamond necklace in the box, and a sudden burst of laughter: "really, really, ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

  Article3: the necklace sequel

  ...... There was a silence of silence.

  The awkward atmosphere pervaded the space.

  The two women looked at it differently than they could see.

  Finally, the boredom was broken.

  "Oh dear mathilde, I'm sorry, I know it's useless to say anything right now. I don't know how to say I don't know how to express my feelings now... "

  Is silence

  "Really believe me." Mrs. Fogs was incoherent.

  It was so long that mathilde's spirits wandered back to see her calmly saying:

  "Maybe it's god's arrangement. I've already done this. What else do I expect?"

  "No!" The lady of Buddha was excited. "listen to me, mathilde. I should give you this string of real necklaces."

  "No thank you! I live a very peaceful life and I am more comfortable with my husband than I am. The dull life tells me how terrible my desires are and I know it too late."

  And a little of mathilde continued:

  "I got into my youth that money can't buy anything."

  With that, mathilde walked away, leaving behind a man who stood in the park, murmuring to mathilde's retreating figure.

  "Changed her; The world has not changed since she has changed. Ugly and beautiful; Mediocrity; Poor and rich: what are these?"

  Suddenly she remembered that there was a book on her bookcase called the eastern religion, which said, "you can live happily because you have nothing to do.

  "Perhaps she has reached this state," said Buddha.

  Article4: the necklace

  When the necklace was returned, mathilde did not go straight home, but to the park by the river.

  It was dusk, and a great many white waterbirds flew about on the river, and seemed to have the dance of a waltz on their feet. Twilight sky seem so beautiful, the red corner is scattered on the river, and according to water birds, sprinkled on sitting in the stool quietly watched the river along the river mathilde's face, she looks so beautiful charming, face can not see a trace of bitterness, seemed so easy

  Mathilde, watching the waterbirds fly, thought of the dance, how beautiful she was that night, how it was so stunning! Now but she did not feel pain, although in the economy, he faces cruelty of poverty, the bitterness of my flesh, the spirit of torture but today, in the present, she is so easy, even a bit of pleasant sensation, because in spirit, in character, she is still innocent, she is honest, she didn't disappoint friend, no moral bottom line

  When she got up to go, her eyes saw her husband's shadow, she rubbed her eyes, thought it was an illusion, opened her eyes and her husband was still there. , at this moment, mathilde eyes moist, for her, she knew that he was sorry too deep, there are too many words want to speak to him, how to also can not open the mouth, but only just big tears fall down the cheek and her husband said nothing, only his wife mathilde in the bosom.

  Article5: the necklace

  "I, I lost the necklace of lady frith."

  "What? How could it be so, "said luva, in a frightened straighter.

  When the necklace was lost, mathilde seemed to age a lot.

  When they were having their lunch, the couvas were very nervous.

  "Friend, have you finished with the necklace? I'm going to use it."

  "Oh, are you going to use it? Well, that... "

  He said, "I'm sorry, madam, but I lost my necklace. "

  "That's all right, but it's 500 francs."

  "What? 500 francs, it's fake?" "Asked Mrs. Lu.


  "Great, I'll pay you 500 francs."

  The couple were relieved that the couple were happy.

  A month went by, and one day Mrs. Freusi asked her to accompany her to the party, and she said yes, and bought a suit and fine jewelry.

  "Beautiful lady, can you dance?" "Asked a handsome man.

  "Yes," said Mrs. Rutile, excited.

  This once again satisfied the vanity of Mrs. Luwawa.

  "Will you marry me? Beautiful lady.

  "What, I have a husband!

  "It's okay. You can porce him."

  "But...... "

  The party was over, and she was so happy that she returned home, and worried that her husband would porce her. When her husband came back, she insisted that he was porced and married the man.

  Then she found the man very fancy. She was so angry that she had a big fight with him and the man scolded her and let her go. She thought of her husband's thoughtfulness, and when she went to see him, she found that she had left the place.

  The thoroughly despairing lady of the road, she threw herself into the river.

  Article 6: "necklace" follow

  She had been so long that she could not believe her ears. Her heart began to roll and tears rolled down her eyes. She stumbled ran back to the shabby attic, standing in front of the mirror looking at himself in the mirror is so old, red hands rough and dark skin, she smiled, weak errors of fate let beautiful she lost pride, vanity. But vanity, like a vile thief, stole her ten years of happiness; Vanity is a terrible serpent, which eats away the things she deserves in ten years: beauty, wealth, youth. What else does she have now? Nothing! If she didn't go to the ball, he, if she didn't borrow the damn necklace, if she had not been so vain, she regretted, but if only. Poor mathilde suddenly felt faint, and all the time seemed to fall back. She felt like she was back at the party, wearing a real diamond necklace and spinning wildly. "She must be jealous of my beauty," she thought. The girl came forward and said, "are you feeling better?" It was then that mathilde knew he was in the hospital bed.

  Ten years of youth, a thousand years of beauty, was buried in a necklace! Mathilde wished it had been a dream. Mrs. Buddha came to see her. They reached an agreement, and mathilde could choose to accept forty thousand francs, or that necklace. In addition, Mrs. Fogs will pay mathilde six thousand francs for her mental loss.

  She accepted the latter. She went home wearing a necklace. On the way she thought, "I've got my own necklace." But when her husband knew she was not choosing money, she swore: "you stupid fool! Can a diamond necklace fill your stomach? You wear it to live forever!" Say, with six thousand francs, and slam the door. Mathilde was desperate. But she would rather beg in the street than sell her necklace, and not want to live by any means. It was the faith of her life, and she was confident that she would not owe anyone anything. Christmas came, and the holy snow fell from the sky, and the big ones were so big, so big, that they flew all over Paris, with smoke and smoke, and covered the whole city of Paris with thick snow sheets. Some people sang and danced, others gave presents, and in the atmosphere of joy there was no one to notice that the corner sat a beggar with a ragged shirt and a diamond necklace.

  Article 7: the necklace follows

  She was so moved that she seized her hands and said, "alas! Poor mathilde! But my one is false, to be more worth five hundred francs! ." "Ah? Good heavens!" The smile on mathilde's face disappeared, and she stared, almost screaming, "what? Fake? . By god! "God! For a moment mathilde's face turned pale, and she felt the earth spinning. "Ah! My god! My poor mathilde, what's wrong with you? . By god! Come on! ." Mathilde finally woke up. She could only see a blur of white fog, a smell of smell. The dull headache made her sobriety, the blurred white fog dispersed, the white ceiling gradually became clear, and the liquid glass bottles hung from it. She tried to raise her head in disbelief, but she felt as heavy as her head. She gave a groan and muttered to herself. She was sitting on a stool by the hospital bed, and he dreamed that Jennie was mad, in shabby clothes, and was unkempt in pursuit of herself: "where is my necklace?" Where is it? -- ". For a moment I was very anxious, but I felt that my legs were weak and I could not run. Suddenly, I woke up in a cold sweat. I saw mathilde trying to get up with the bed and said to himself, "what's wrong with me? Where is this? Where is it??" "Ah! My poor mathilde, you wake up! Oh my god, you are so frightened!" "Said the lady, sobbing and wiping her tears. "Dear mathilde, this is the hospital. You have fainted for two days. I asked your Mr. Lui to return the necklace from the jewelry store, and the money will be returned to you soon! Honey, you don't have to be miserable anymore! Oh -- I'm sorry, mathilde! Why didn't you tell me about your necklace? ." Mathilde's mouth was green and white, and slowly she gave out a helpless smile. The cold and rough hand slowly came over, holding the hand of Mrs. Buddha's hand feebly, and said calmly and serenely, "thank you, dear Jenny! It is all my fault, I should not let vanity destroy the sweet home and precious youth."

  Article 8: the necklace follows

  Mathilde greeted her friend Jenny. Jenny told her the truth about the necklace. She was stunned, her hands covered in the big mouth, her eyes looking straight at Jennie, her eyes filled with resentment and sadness. The few trees along the road could not help but the cold wind of the withered leaf. Mathilde still stood there. At last she spread her hand over her mouth, and looked at the calloused hand, and she complained, "why, why? Jenny why didn't you tell me earlier? Otherwise, I wouldn't have to write a sequel to the necklace that I've been having since I lost this necklace. God, why are you so hateful, you are all scratching me, I have married such a useless husband, and let me lose a beautiful youth for a false necklace. I hate, I hate the injustice of this world. Why should I be a poor man who cannot wear gold and silver? The necklace! Or your fault, if you weren't so pretty, I wouldn't have picked you up, then I wouldn't have lost you... "A dead leaf floated down to mathilde's hands, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the withered yellow leaves, tears began to flow down and wet her face. She held the withered leaf in her hand and closed it in her arms, and she reflected, "isn't life like this dead leaf?


