小学英语作文:A Happy Day愉快的一天(精选3篇)

时间:2013-06-01 04:21:27
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小学英语作文:A Happy Day愉快的一天 篇一

Today is a happy day for me. It is the weekend and I have no school. I wake up early in the morning and feel excited about the day ahead. I plan to spend the day with my family and have a lot of fun.

First, I have breakfast with my parents. We have toast and eggs, and my dad makes me a cup of hot chocolate. We talk and laugh while eating, and it feels great to start the day with my loved ones.

After breakfast, we decide to go to the park. The weather is sunny and warm, perfect for a day outdoors. We pack a picnic basket with sandwiches, fruits, and drinks. As we arrive at the park, I see many children playing on the swings and slides. I join them and have a blast. We run around, climb, and slide down. It feels like I am flying in the air!

We find a nice spot under a big tree and set up our picnic. The food tastes delicious, and I can't help but eat a lot. My mom tells me to slow down and enjoy the moment. We chat and laugh while enjoying the beautiful scenery around us. I feel so happy and content.

After the picnic, we go for a walk around the park. There are colorful flowers everywhere, and I pick some to make a bouquet for my mom. She smiles and gives me a big hug. We take pictures together to capture the memories of this happy day.

In the evening, we go to the cinema to watch a new animated movie. The movie is funny and heartwarming, and we all enjoy it. We share popcorn and laugh together. It is a perfect way to end the day.

As I lie in bed at night, I think about the happy day I had. Spending time with my family, playing in the park, and watching a movie made me feel loved and cherished. I am grateful for this wonderful day and look forward to many more happy days like this in the future.

小学英语作文:A Happy Day愉快的一天 篇二

Today is a happy day for me. It is my birthday, and I am excited to celebrate with my friends and family. I wake up early in the morning to the sound of my parents singing "Happy Birthday" to me. They give me a big hug and wish me a wonderful day.

After breakfast, I open my presents. My parents give me a new bicycle, and my grandparents give me a puzzle set. I am so happy and can't wait to try them out. My friends also give me gifts at school. They give me a book, a toy, and a card with their well wishes. I feel so lucky to have such thoughtful friends.

In the afternoon, my parents organize a birthday party for me. They invite all my friends and decorate our house with colorful balloons and streamers. The party starts with games and activities. We play musical chairs and pass the parcel. Everyone is having so much fun, and we laugh a lot.

Then it is time for the cake. My mom brings out a big chocolate cake with candles on it. Everyone sings "Happy Birthday" again, and I make a wish before blowing out the candles. My mom cuts the cake, and we all enjoy a delicious slice. It tastes amazing!

After eating cake, we continue the party with dancing and singing. My dad plays my favorite songs, and we dance together. We also have a karaoke session and take turns singing our favorite songs. It is so much fun and I feel like a superstar.

As the party comes to an end, my friends give me birthday cards and hugs. I thank them for coming and making my day so special. I feel loved and grateful for their friendship.

In the evening, my family gathers for a special birthday dinner. We go to my favorite restaurant and have a feast. We share stories and laughter, creating more happy memories together.

As I go to bed at night, I reflect on the amazing day I had. Celebrating my birthday with my loved ones made me feel special and loved. I am grateful for the joy and happiness they brought into my life. This is truly a happy day that I will cherish forever.

小学英语作文:A Happy Day愉快的一天 篇三

A Happy Day
A happy day It is Sunday today.I have no classes.My parents took me to the park.We went to the park on foot.We played games,flew kites,and we also went fishing in the park.How lucky we were!We caught a big fish!We were very happy.We cooked the fish and had a picnic by the lake.We all had a good time.At 6 o'clock,we went home by taxi.We really had fun today.

A Happy Day
Today, I got up very early, I had a very good breakfast, then I went out to play with my friend, We had a very good time. In the afternoon, I went swimming with my father, it was very hot, but we felt very good in the water. After supper I began to do my homework, I didn't think it is difficult, so I finished it very early.Then I read some books and went to bed.

A Happy Day
Today is the national day.It is our country's birthday.Now she is 56.i am very happy.
In the afternoon . I went to the park. people all look so happy. Someone was doing exercise,someone was singing the nation song .A little girl came to me and said to me ,happy national day.I knew she loves the country,and i love her ,too. Today is a happy day.

A Happy Day in Summer
A happy day It is Sunday today.
I have no classes.My parents took me to the park.We went to the park on foot.We played games,flew kites,and we also went fishing in the park.How lucky we were!We caught a big fish!We were very happy.We cooked the fish and had a picnic by the lake.We all had a good time.At 6 o'clock,we went home by taxi.We really had fun today.

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小学英语作文:A Happy Day愉快的一天(精选3篇)

