
时间:2015-01-02 02:27:27
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动物英文观察日记整理 篇一

Title: A Day at the Zoo

Entry 1:

Date: June 1st, 2022

Today, I visited the local zoo to observe different animals and learn more about them. The weather was perfect, with the sun shining brightly. As I entered the zoo, I was greeted by the cheerful sounds of birds chirping and the gentle rustling of leaves. I couldn't wait to start my animal observations.

My first stop was the primate section. I was fascinated by the playful interactions of the monkeys swinging from branch to branch. Their agile movements and expressive faces captivated me. I noticed a mother monkey caring for her baby, grooming its fur and ensuring its safety. It was heartwarming to witness this bond between them.

Next, I headed towards the big cat enclosures. The majestic lions were resting under the shade of a tree, their golden manes shimmering in the sunlight. Observing their calm and regal demeanor, I couldn't help but admire their strength and grace. I also spotted a leopard stealthily prowling around its enclosure, showcasing its incredible agility.

Moving on, I reached the reptile house. The hissing of snakes and the scuttling of lizards filled the air. Although I found them a bit intimidating, I was amazed by the array of colors and patterns on their scales. The slithering motion of the snakes and the smooth glide of the lizards were mesmerizing to watch.

As I continued my journey, I encountered various bird species. The vibrant feathers of parrots and macaws created a beautiful display of colors. I watched in awe as the birds soared through the sky, their wings flapping gracefully. It was a true spectacle of nature's beauty.

Lastly, I visited the aquarium, home to a diverse range of marine life. The shimmering scales of the fish and the graceful movements of the dolphins left me in awe. The underwater world was a serene and captivating sight.

Overall, my day at the zoo was an educational and enjoyable experience. I gained a deeper appreciation for the diversity of animal life and the importance of conservation efforts. It was a reminder of the wonders of nature and the need to protect and preserve it for future generations.

动物英文观察日记整理 篇二

Title: A Safari Adventure

Entry 1:

Date: July 10th, 2022

Today, I embarked on an exciting safari adventure in the African savannah. Equipped with my binoculars and camera, I was ready to observe and document the incredible wildlife in its natural habitat. The golden rays of the sun illuminated the vast grasslands, creating a picturesque scene.

My first sighting was a group of elephants, peacefully grazing on the lush vegetation. Their powerful presence and large tusks were awe-inspiring. I watched as they interacted with each other, using their trunks to communicate and show affection. It was a humbling experience to witness these gentle giants up close.

Next, I spotted a herd of zebras, their black and white stripes standing out against the green backdrop. They moved gracefully, their hooves kicking up dust as they galloped across the plains. I admired their unique patterns and wondered about the purpose behind their distinctive markings.

As I continued my safari, I encountered a pride of lions resting under a shady tree. The king of the jungle, with his majestic mane, exuded power and authority. The lionesses lazed around him, their watchful eyes scanning the surroundings for any potential prey. It was a reminder of the fierce yet delicate balance of nature.

Moving deeper into the savannah, I stumbled upon a family of giraffes peacefully grazing on tall acacia trees. Their long necks and slender bodies made them appear elegant and graceful. I marveled at their ability to reach the highest leaves, showcasing their unique adaptation to their environment.

My final sighting was a group of cheetahs, known for their incredible speed. They stealthily moved through the grass, their slender bodies blending seamlessly with the surroundings. Witnessing their agility and hunting instincts reminded me of the raw power of nature.

As the day came to an end, I reflected on the beauty and diversity of the African wildlife. It was a humbling experience to witness these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. This safari adventure was a reminder of the importance of conservation efforts to protect and preserve these precious species for future generations to appreciate and admire.

动物英文观察日记整理 篇三

  Yesterday morning, I in my windowsill found a bug, it is the whole body is black, only the legs are yellow and black, its wings are folded together, the body is about 1 cm long.

  I found it to be very weak, always unable to climb the slide of the window, always fall. It seemed to want to fly to the blue sky. Why doesn't it fly? Why did it come there? I really want to understand the answers to these questions.

  Then the wind blew and it hit the glass, and I realized how fragile it was. The sun didn't come out this morning. Would it not be able to fly because of the rain? I'm worried about it.

  When I got home, I put my bag down and came to the windowsill. I found it was gone.

  I wish it would fly away safely.

  Although only a small insect, but it also has tenacious life, also yearning to fly to the blue sky!

动物英文观察日记整理 篇四

  I have a small grasshopper in my glass bottle. It was found in my quilt. Maybe it was brought when I bought vegetables.

  The little grasshopper is very funny. Big eyes like two black glass balls, small scissor teeth. He has six legs, and the back leg is longer than the front.

  It's not fussy, it's all food. When he was eating, he used the scissor to chew with relish.

  As he climbed, he grasped the glass tightly in his front legs, and then the middle leg and the back leg held the glass tightly, for fear of falling.

  Once, when I watched it climb, it saw I was afraid and fell. But it doesn't matter. I won't hurt it.

  What a small grasshopper!

动物英文观察日记整理 篇五

  On this day in the Chinese class, the teacher assigned a special assignment, asking us to go home and observe the beans.

  Happily, I returned home, took a small bowl, put some beans in it, poured some water, drowned the beans, and covered the white gauze. Mother smiled and said to me, children, plant growth is not able to leave the sun, air, water and nutrients. Well! Just do it. I put the green bean sprouts on the balcony. At noon, when I looked at the mung beans, I was happy, because the green beans in the sun had cracks in them, and the tiny white buds emerged from inside.

  Although it was raining, I was very happy. I am not happy with the rain, but happy for my beans. My bean sprouts have grown two tender green leaves.

动物英文观察日记整理 篇六

  I have a Brazilian tortoise as big as my palm.

  It had a dark green shell, and its scales were as hard as armor, a soft little head and four little claws like a dragon.

  The small Brazilian turtle has a high personality for the water temperature, and the water of about 25 degrees is the most suitable for its survival. If the water temperature is below 25 degrees, it will hibernate.

  The Brazilian turtle also likes to be with people. Every time you put it in your hand, it will naturally relax and then have four little PAWS sticking out. If it takes a while, the little thing will fall asleep, and it will be lovely! Brazilian turtles are also sensitive to sound. When it hears a bad sound, it will tuck its head into its shell and sleep. But the Brazilian turtle will stick his head out when he hears my voice, and look at me kindly.

  I love Brazilian turtles!


