
时间:2014-08-08 05:10:22
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奋斗的英语作文 篇一

Striving for Success

In life, success is not a privilege but a result of hard work and determination. Those who strive for success often face challenges and obstacles along the way, but their perseverance and dedication enable them to overcome these hurdles and achieve their goals.

To begin with, striving for success requires setting clear and realistic goals. Without a clear direction, it is easy to get lost and lose motivation. Therefore, it is important to take the time to define what success means to us and establish specific objectives that will lead us towards that success. These goals should be challenging enough to push us out of our comfort zone, but also attainable with the right amount of effort and commitment.

Once the goals are set, the next step is to create a plan of action. This plan should outline the necessary steps and strategies to reach the desired outcome. It is crucial to break down the larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks, as this allows for a sense of progress and accomplishment along the way. Additionally, it is important to continually evaluate and adjust the plan as needed, as circumstances may change and new opportunities may arise.

However, striving for success is not just about setting goals and making plans. It also requires dedication and hard work. Success does not come easily, and it often involves long hours, sacrifice, and perseverance. It is essential to stay focused and motivated, even when faced with setbacks or failures. These challenges are inevitable, but they should not deter us from our path to success. Instead, they should serve as learning experiences and opportunities for growth.

Lastly, striving for success is not a solo journey. Surrounding ourselves with a supportive network of family, friends, and mentors can greatly enhance our chances of success. These individuals can provide guidance, encouragement, and sometimes even constructive criticism. They can offer different perspectives and insights that we may not have considered on our own. Their support can make the journey towards success more enjoyable and fulfilling.

In conclusion, striving for success is a continuous process that requires clear goals, careful planning, dedication, and a supportive network. It is not an easy path, but the rewards are worth the effort. By embracing the challenges and maintaining a positive mindset, we can overcome any obstacles and achieve our desired success.

奋斗的英语作文 篇二

The Value of Hard Work

In today's fast-paced world, the value of hard work is often overlooked or underestimated. Many people seek shortcuts or instant gratification, believing that success can be achieved without putting in the necessary effort. However, it is through hard work and determination that true success is attained.

First and foremost, hard work builds character. When we put in the effort to achieve our goals, we develop qualities such as discipline, perseverance, and resilience. These qualities not only contribute to our personal growth but also shape our ability to face challenges and overcome obstacles. By learning to work hard, we become more self-reliant and confident in our abilities.

Furthermore, hard work leads to mastery and expertise. Whether it is in academics, sports, or any other field, consistent effort and practice are essential for improvement. The more we invest in our pursuits, the better we become. Hard work allows us to develop skills and knowledge that set us apart from others. It is through this dedication that we can become experts in our chosen areas and achieve excellence.

In addition to personal growth and expertise, hard work also entails a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. When we accomplish something through our own efforts, the feeling of pride and accomplishment is unparalleled. It is a reminder of our capabilities and serves as a motivation to continue striving for success. Hard work provides a sense of purpose and meaning, as we are actively working towards something that is important to us.

Moreover, hard work is often a prerequisite for success. While luck and opportunity may play a role, it is hard work that ensures consistent progress and results. Success rarely comes without effort and sacrifice. The most successful individuals in any field are those who have put in countless hours of hard work to reach their goals. Hard work sets the foundation for success, allowing us to maximize our potential and seize opportunities when they arise.

In conclusion, hard work is the key to success. It builds character, leads to mastery, provides satisfaction, and sets the stage for achievement. By embracing hard work and dedicating ourselves to our goals, we can overcome any challenges and realize our full potential. As the saying goes, "The harder you work, the luckier you get." So let us strive for success through hard work and unlock the doors to a brighter future.

奋斗的英语作文 篇三


  beating in the darkness, such as paint, let the darkness of endless fear in the hearts, but it is still the eastern end of the horizon, no hurry do not delay a trace of light; squally showers, the wind off revealing the end it's still a shiny sky rainbow. eventually at the end of the night, demos will be sunny, life it not so?

  experienced the baptism of the sky, will be more air out, more blue; experienced suffering setbacks in life, will be more eye-catching shine. "western show," wang luo, life is full of legendary, filling the suffering of his life, and his life to accept enron's "pain kiss." wandering in the west, wandering in the sand in the sky, like a storm in the olive, with a "demos will be clear," the faith, dedication to watch their dreams. finally, he returned to meet not only the clear sky after rain, there was the warm sun, there is that tired swing spring. demos will be clear, is a firm belief, is an optimistic aspiration. like wang luo, difficulties always maintained a positive and optimistic beliefs, sincere look forward to a better tomorrow, and the fate of his feedback, it is the brightest future.

  all the rain will stop, all the difficulties are temporary, and the darkness will not always be around, eventually there will be the last day. but many people are intimidated by the minds of wind and rain, gave up the right to greet the light. xiang yu defeated, empty since the sigh, "do not die when the adverse come zhui", who are familiar with "something unexpected victory or defeat military strategists, including shame shame a man named ren." bad luck did not last forever, nor always a failure. however, this "force nukiyama come gas guise" of the hero has forgotten demos will be sunny, storm, rainbow, suicide in the wujiang river edge, left us not only a deep sigh, there is heavy thinking.

  one philosopher said: do you mind decide how far you go. that holds a "demos will be clear," the belief, like the dark, looked up saw the star, while not bright, but enough to give us the courage to move on. index finger once wrote, "i believe the future", brought us to life's tenacity and toughness. in such a dark era, the poet is suffering caused by mad, still have the demos will be clear conviction that flock to the horizon with your fingers the wave. whether beating in the darkness, such as ink, or thunder and lightning, and the total dissipation of the day, everything is pass by and everything will pass.


