
时间:2013-02-06 04:18:37
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As the summer heat intensifies, people are constantly looking for ways to cool down and relax. One popular way to beat the heat is by enjoying a cold beer. In fact, beer has become synonymous with summer and is often associated with relaxation, fun, and good times. This is why the lyrics to the English song "Embrace Beer, Summer No Longer Hot" perfectly capture the essence of the season.

The song begins with a catchy and upbeat melody that immediately sets the tone for a carefree and enjoyable summer. The lyrics kick in with the line "Embrace beer, summer no longer hot," which instantly brings to mind images of friends gathered around a bonfire, sipping on ice-cold beers and enjoying each other's company. This simple yet powerful phrase encapsulates the idea that beer has the ability to cool down even the hottest of days and make summer more bearable.

The lyrics continue to paint a vivid picture of the perfect summer day. They talk about "the sound of laughter filling the air" and "the sun shining bright and warm." These images evoke a sense of joy and happiness, further emphasizing the idea that beer is an essential part of creating a memorable summer experience. The song goes on to describe the feeling of the cool beer running down one's throat, providing a refreshing sensation that can only be described as pure bliss.

One of the standout lines in the song is "Nothing compares to the taste of a cold beer." This line perfectly captures the essence of why beer is so beloved during the summer months. It is not just about quenching your thirst; it is about the experience and the taste. The cold, crisp flavor of a beer can instantly transport you to a state of relaxation and contentment. It is a taste that cannot be replicated or replaced.

The song ends with a chorus that repeats the phrase "Embrace beer, summer no longer hot." This repetition serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that beer can have on our perception of the summer season. It encourages us to embrace the simple pleasure of enjoying a cold beer and to let go of the stress and heat that often accompany the summer months. It is a call to embrace the carefree spirit of summer and to make the most of every moment.

In conclusion, the lyrics to the English song "Embrace Beer, Summer No Longer Hot" perfectly capture the essence of what beer represents during the summer season. They evoke feelings of joy, relaxation, and happiness, reminding us to embrace the simple pleasure of enjoying a cold beer. So, as the temperatures rise and the summer heat becomes unbearable, let us all remember the power of beer to cool us down and make the summer season more enjoyable.


As the temperature rises and the sun shines brighter, there is one thing that can make the summer season even more enjoyable – a cold beer. The lyrics to the English song "Embrace Beer, Summer No Longer Hot" perfectly capture the sentiment of embracing beer as a way to beat the summer heat and make the most of the season.

The song begins with a catchy and upbeat melody that immediately sets the tone for a fun and carefree summer. The lyrics kick in with the line "Embrace beer, summer no longer hot," which serves as a powerful reminder of the refreshing qualities of beer. It suggests that by embracing beer, we can find relief from the scorching heat and truly enjoy the summer season.

The lyrics continue to describe the scene of a perfect summer day. They talk about friends gathering together, the sound of laughter filling the air, and the sun shining bright. These images evoke a sense of happiness and create a picture of a carefree summer experience. The lyrics also mention the taste of a cold beer, emphasizing that nothing compares to the refreshing sensation and the unique flavor it provides.

One of the standout lines in the song is "Raise your glass and toast to the summer." This line encourages listeners to celebrate and appreciate the joys of summer. It invites us to raise our glasses, filled with cold beer, and toast to the season. This simple act not only brings people together but also symbolizes a collective embrace of the summer season and all the happiness it brings.

The song ends with a chorus that repeats the phrase "Embrace beer, summer no longer hot." This repetition serves as a reminder of the power of beer to transform the way we experience summer. It encourages us to embrace the simple pleasure of enjoying a cold beer and to let go of the discomfort and heat that often accompany the season. By doing so, we can fully immerse ourselves in the joys of summer and create lasting memories.

In conclusion, the lyrics to the English song "Embrace Beer, Summer No Longer Hot" beautifully capture the essence of embracing beer as a way to beat the summer heat and make the most of the season. They emphasize the refreshing qualities of beer, the joy of gathering with friends, and the unique taste that beer provides. So, as the temperatures continue to rise, let us all remember the power of embracing beer and toast to a summer filled with happiness and good times.

拥抱啤酒这个夏天不再炎热的英文歌词 篇三


  北京国际啤酒节是北京蟹岛集团与德国Schottenhamel Ltd.&Co KG公司合作,将原汁原味的德国慕尼黑啤酒节带到北京,在蟹岛落户扎根,让啤酒、狂欢、嘉年华成为节日的主角儿,让人们感受到节日热烈的`气氛和啤酒美食的享受。

  The second Beijing CRD International Beer Festival is set to kick off next month in a special outdoor venue in Shijingshan Amusement Park, in the west of Beijing. Beside beers coming from America, Spain, Portugal, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Belgium, visitors will also enjoy performances, carnivals, drinking contests, dress parties and campfire parties.

  The festival has attracted visitors even before the event has begun. Liu Jing lives nearby and she says she will definitely come and have a look.

  "I've never attended a beer festival before. I'm looking forward to it. I want to enjoy beer and the performance. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to win a gift. It'll be totally different from drinking at home or in a restaurant. The atmosphere here is livelier and that gives me a thirst for beer."

  The local government intends to promote the area as a cultural and recreation center, with the beer festival being one drawcard through which more visitors will be drawn to the area.

  Last year they focused on the combination of football and beer. Breweries reported increased profits and the event proved to be a resounding success.

  What sets this year's festival apart from all others is that it has many beer labels on tap which are rarely seen around the area. Some are entering the Chinese market for the first time. These brands use traditional hand-made brewing methods, instead of being produced from industrialized lines.

  Simon Pendergast, general manager of a major supplier.

  "This festival is quite an exciting one because it's in a different part of Beijing where we haven't penetrated that well so far. But Chinese people like beer. They enjoy drinking beer. One of the things we're finding across China is that they want to try different beers: not just foreigners here, but more so the Chinese."

  If you are interested in cooling down with an ice cold beer, the time to taste the splendor of the world's most popular brew is from August 12th to August the 28th when an endless flow of chilled golden goodness awaits in Beijing.

  For CRI, this is Xiangwei.


