
时间:2014-03-08 03:25:13
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Anticipating New Year's Day - Article One

New Year's Day is just around the corner, and I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. It's a time for new beginnings, fresh starts, and setting goals for the year ahead. As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, we bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one with open arms.

One of the things I look forward to the most on New Year's Day is spending time with my family. We gather together to celebrate, reflect on the past year, and make plans for the future. It's a time of togetherness and bonding, as we share our hopes and dreams for the coming year. We reminisce about the memories we've made and the lessons we've learned, and we encourage each other to strive for greatness in the year ahead.

Another reason why I eagerly await New Year's Day is the opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement. It's a chance to reflect on the past year and evaluate our accomplishments and shortcomings. We can set new goals and resolutions for ourselves, whether it's to learn a new skill, improve our health, or pursue our passions. The start of the new year gives us a sense of renewal and motivation to become the best version of ourselves.

Furthermore, New Year's Day is a time of celebration and joy. It's a day filled with laughter, fireworks, and festive decorations. People come together to welcome the new year with enthusiasm and positivity. We exchange greetings and well wishes, hoping for a year filled with happiness, success, and good fortune. The festive atmosphere is contagious, and it's a time when everyone is filled with hope and optimism for the future.

Lastly, New Year's Day holds a special place in my heart because it represents a fresh start. It's a chance to leave behind any negativity or regrets from the past year and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. It's a time to let go of grudges, forgive others, and focus on the present moment. New Year's Day signifies a new chapter in our lives, and it's up to us to make it a memorable and fulfilling one.

In conclusion, New Year's Day is a time of anticipation and excitement. It's a time to gather with loved ones, set goals for the future, celebrate, and embrace new beginnings. As the clock counts down to midnight, I can't help but feel a sense of hope and optimism for the year ahead. I eagerly await the arrival of New Year's Day and all the wonderful things it has in store for us.

Anticipating New Year's Day - Article Two

As the end of the year approaches, the excitement for New Year's Day grows stronger. It's a time for reflection, gratitude, and anticipation. New Year's Day symbolizes the start of a fresh chapter in our lives and offers us the opportunity to make positive changes and set new goals.

One of the things I yearn for on New Year's Day is the chance to reflect on the past year. It's a time to celebrate our accomplishments, big and small, and appreciate the lessons we've learned along the way. Reflecting on the past year allows us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us. It's a chance to recognize our growth, acknowledge our mistakes, and strive for better in the year ahead.

Additionally, New Year's Day brings with it a sense of gratitude. It's a time to express appreciation for the blessings and opportunities we've received throughout the year. Gratitude is a powerful force that can transform our perspective and bring joy into our lives. Taking a moment to count our blessings and express gratitude can set a positive tone for the rest of the year.

Moreover, New Year's Day is a time for setting new goals and aspirations. It's an opportunity to evaluate our lives and identify areas where we want to improve. Whether it's in our personal relationships, career, health, or personal development, setting goals gives us direction and purpose. It allows us to strive for growth and challenge ourselves to become the best version of ourselves.

Furthermore, New Year's Day is a time for celebration and joy. It's a day filled with laughter, music, and festivities. People come together to celebrate the start of a new year and exchange well wishes and greetings. The atmosphere is filled with excitement and positivity, as we leave behind the past and embrace the future with open arms.

In conclusion, New Year's Day is a highly anticipated day filled with reflection, gratitude, goal-setting, and celebration. It's a time to reflect on the past year, express gratitude for our blessings, set new goals, and celebrate with loved ones. As the countdown to midnight begins, the anticipation for New Year's Day grows stronger, and we eagerly await the fresh start it brings.

期盼元旦的英语作文 篇三










  Over the last page calendar in 2010, time wheels and leave a deep imprint. With winter snow after the warmth of the sun, in the joyful mood, 2011 to keep the New Year's day.

  New Year's day, is a connecting link between the preceding and the node. The New Year is about to begin, standing on new starting point, the aftertaste is past, have heavy harvest; Looking ahead, waiting for us is the beautiful future. After a busy year of you I, can at this time to make a little stay, close your eyes, bathed in sunshine, enjoy harvest thick feeling. From this day started again, we will have a new targets, and on a one-year new journey.

  The grass sprout out of the earth, clouds scud across, and year after year, annual similar different. But, has not changed for New Year's day is my expectation.

  When I was young, every New Year comes a few days ago, the morning wake up, the first thing is bare bottom from woli leafing out of nowhere, then this calendar day several times of snapping to finger countdown. Young I'm such a keen on New Year's day this festival, in fact, only to have something good food, new clothes to wear, but also need not go to school.

  New Year dyed the our happy childhood, pulled close distance we grow up. Slowly, I from elementary school, junior high school, arrive at the university, blossom years as accelerated film a flash and pass. This year's New Year's day, we are in a busy spent, work overtime everyday, we need to make very late. In order to finish the task smoothly, we are often a pack of instant noodles, a computer, four people take turns input. In order not to delay working, teacher Chen just will just go to the kindergarten children locked in the home. The nearest xiaoliu has also been no home, and together we live in the dormitory, have a meal. Less childhood innocent romance, much work responsibility, also enjoy our work of fun. During, no one has complained, increasingly mature we use special ways of enjoying the unique New Year's day holiday. As a word that said: "even though we cannot stop the passage of time, but we can dominate oneself mood."

  New Year, new opportunities, we need a new struggle. Wind is being tidal flat, hereunder sails; No matter what happens, the more must be quickened his horse. In the New Year, let us follow temple head, with the development of steps to the glorious future -- -nikita Khrushchev and walked on



  新年的钟声缓缓响起,我又长大了一岁,又向成熟迈了一大步,我已经不是小孩了。在钟声敲响前,我许下了2011年的新年愿望。我是个中学生,学习对我来说是第一位的,我会在2011年元旦之际好好学习,天天向上,争取取得非常优异的成绩,开开心心过大年。2010年对我来说,已经成为了过去时,之前的'一切事情已经成为历史。我要把目标放在2011年,在新的一年中创造属于自己的快乐和幸福。 岁月不留人,新年的钟声无时无刻不在催促着我们要奋力向前,要为了自己的目标,努力努力再努力。我要把愿望变成现实,我相信只要我为了自己的目标不断向前,用尽自己最大的努力,我早晚会有一天实现愿望的。光说不做假把式,我会用实际行动来证明我可以。





  Time flies, imperceptible, I have stood on the new starting point of 2011. It is a new beginning.

  The New Year bell rang, I slowly one year older again, and to mature Wallace is a good step forward, and I'm not a kid anymore. Bells tolled in before, I made a 2011 wish in the New Year. I am a middle school students, learning to me is the first, I'll in 2011, New Year's day of good good study, day day up, try to obtain very good results and a happy ice. 2010 for me, has become the past, before everything has become history. I want the goal in 2011, in a New Year to create their own happiness. Years does not keep a person, the New Year bell ever-present urged us to go forward to want to own goals, work hard to efforts to try again. I want to wish to become reality, I believe that as long as I for the sake of their own goals to go ahead, exhausted his best, I would sooner or later one day wishes come true. Light said don't cheat the mules, I can use practical action to prove that I can.

  The New Year was coming, and we stand on the same starting point, everyone for their ideal fuheng, everybody does not wish to lag behind. Time in the past all efface, everyone start from now to see who can ultimately insist to an end, smile most brilliant at the end point. In 2010, I still has one part not wish, I want to be in 2011 all come true. May achieve these New Year wish is my best gift.

  2011 to who is same, perhaps thousands of PPM will have a lucky person, but also have nine percent probability of 999 Oriental than you. In 2011, let us down-to-earth, one step a footprint, walk oneself key journey of life.

  2011 carrying us too much dream, let us fly wings, creat a brilliant future in the New Year.


