
时间:2017-09-05 03:45:29
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英语作文:小乌龟 篇一

Once upon a time, in a beautiful lake surrounded by lush green trees, lived a little turtle named Tommy. Tommy was a curious and adventurous turtle who loved exploring the world around him. He had a shiny green shell and a kind heart.

Tommy spent most of his time swimming in the cool waters of the lake and basking under the warm sun. He enjoyed the company of his friends, the fish and the ducks, who always admired his determination and bravery. Tommy would often tell them stories of his exciting adventures.

One day, while Tommy was swimming near the shore, he noticed a group of children playing by the lake. Their laughter and joy filled the air, and Tommy felt curious to join them. Slowly and carefully, he approached the children, hoping to make friends.

However, as soon as the children saw Tommy, they started screaming and running away in fear. Tommy was puzzled and hurt by their reaction. He had never experienced such fear from others before. He retreated back into the water, feeling rejected and sad.

Tommy couldn't understand why the children were scared of him. He thought to himself, "I may look different, but I am harmless and friendly. Why can't they see that?" Determined to find an answer, Tommy swam towards an old wise turtle named Grandpa Joe.

Upon hearing Tommy's story, Grandpa Joe smiled and said, "Tommy, my dear, sometimes people fear what they don't understand. It is not your fault. People often judge based on appearances without knowing the true nature of others. You must stay true to yourself and continue being the kind and loving turtle that you are."

Tommy took Grandpa Joe's advice to heart. He realized that he couldn't change how others saw him, but he could change how he saw himself. From that day on, Tommy embraced his uniqueness and spread love and kindness wherever he went.

Tommy continued to explore the lake, making new friends with the ducks and fish. He even befriended the children who were initially scared of him. They soon realized that Tommy was a friendly and gentle turtle, and their fear turned into admiration.

The story of Tommy, the little turtle, spread throughout the lake, and soon he became a symbol of acceptance and understanding. People from far and wide came to visit the lake, eager to meet the incredible turtle who taught them the value of looking beyond appearances.

And so, Tommy lived a happy and fulfilling life, surrounded by friends who loved him for who he was. He taught everyone the importance of acceptance and showed them that true beauty lies within.

英语作文:小乌龟 篇二

In a small pond nestled between two hills, there lived a tiny turtle named Timmy. Timmy was known for his intelligence and quick thinking. He had a curious mind and always looked for opportunities to learn and grow.

One sunny day, as Timmy was basking on a rock near the pond, he noticed a bird struggling to build a nest in a nearby tree. The bird was trying to carry twigs in its beak but was struggling to balance them. Timmy felt a pang of sympathy for the bird and decided to help.

Timmy approached the bird and said, "Hello, my feathered friend. I see you're having some trouble. Would you like some assistance?"

The bird looked surprised but gratefully accepted Timmy's offer. Timmy used his strong and sturdy shell to carry the twigs, while the bird directed him to the perfect spot for the nest. Together, they built a beautiful nest that was both safe and comfortable.

The bird was amazed by Timmy's intelligence and resourcefulness. She asked him how he became so knowledgeable and helpful. Timmy replied, "I believe that every creature has unique strengths and abilities. It is our duty to use these gifts to help others and make the world a better place."

Inspired by Timmy's words, the bird invited him to join her on her journey to different places. She believed that Timmy's wisdom and problem-solving skills could benefit many creatures they would meet along the way. Timmy gladly accepted the invitation and embarked on an exciting adventure.

As they traveled, Timmy encountered various animals in need. He helped a squirrel gather nuts for the winter, taught a baby bunny how to dig a burrow, and even rescued a lost duckling. Timmy's kindness and wisdom touched the hearts of everyone he met.

Word of Timmy's incredible acts of kindness spread far and wide. Animals from different parts of the world sought his guidance and advice. Timmy became a respected figure in the animal kingdom, known for his selflessness and willingness to help others.

However, Timmy never let fame get to his head. He remained humble and continued to learn from every experience. He believed that true knowledge comes from being open-minded and willing to listen to others.

Years passed, and Timmy's adventures came to an end. He returned to his pond, where he shared his stories with his friends. They marveled at the incredible things he had accomplished and learned from his experiences.

Timmy's legacy lived on in the hearts of those he had helped. The animals he had touched continued to pass on his teachings to future generations, ensuring that his wisdom would never be forgotten.

And so, Timmy, the tiny turtle, became a symbol of compassion and intelligence. His story serves as a reminder to us all that we have the power to make a difference in the lives of others, no matter how small we may be.

英语作文:小乌龟 篇三



  Tortoise is one of my favorite animals. So I have a tortoise in my home and it is my pet. Its name is Huan Huan, and it is only one year old. It is one of the most beautiful tortoises l’ve ever seen. Its shell is blue and white, it’s very beautiful. I always keep it in the backyard. Sometimes I play with it. It eat meat and play in the day and sleep at night. We are good friends.

  Do you have any pets?


