
时间:2016-01-06 03:41:25
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Wonder Movie Review – Part 1

I recently watched the movie "Wonder" and it left a profound impact on me. The story revolves around a young boy named Auggie, who was born with a facial deformity. The movie beautifully captures the challenges he faces as he enters a mainstream school for the first time.

From the very beginning, I was drawn into the story and felt a strong connection with the characters. Auggie's struggle to fit in and be accepted by his peers hit close to home for me. The movie effectively portrays the harsh reality of bullying and the emotional toll it takes on its victims. It made me reflect on my own experiences and how important it is to be kind and empathetic towards others, regardless of their appearance.

One of the standout aspects of the movie is the performances by Jacob Tremblay, who plays Auggie, and the rest of the cast. Tremblay's portrayal of Auggie is incredibly moving and authentic. He brings an innocence and vulnerability to the character that is both heartwarming and heartbreaking. The supporting cast, including Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson, also deliver stellar performances that add depth and complexity to the story.

The film's narrative structure is another commendable aspect. It is divided into chapters, each focusing on a different character's perspective. This allows the audience to gain insights into the various relationships and dynamics surrounding Auggie. It beautifully captures the power of empathy and understanding, as we see the characters' transformation and growth throughout the movie.

The visual effects used to create Auggie's facial deformity are commendable. They are subtle yet effective, allowing the audience to see beyond Auggie's appearance and connect with his character on a deeper level. The movie also effectively uses music to enhance the emotional impact of certain scenes, further immersing the audience into the story.

Overall, "Wonder" is a heartwarming and inspiring movie that teaches valuable life lessons. It reminds us of the power of kindness, acceptance, and empathy. It shows that true beauty lies within and that we should never judge someone based on their appearance. The performances, storytelling, and visual effects all come together to create a truly remarkable cinematic experience.

Wonder Movie Review – Part 2

Continuing from my previous review, the movie "Wonder" delves deeper into the challenges faced by Auggie as he navigates the complexities of middle school. It explores themes of friendship, resilience, and the importance of standing up for what is right.

One of the aspects that stood out to me in this movie is the portrayal of friendship. Auggie's journey is not just about overcoming his physical appearance but also about finding genuine connections with others. The movie beautifully captures the transformative power of friendship and how it can provide strength and support during difficult times. It reminds us of the importance of having a strong support system and the impact it can have on our lives.

In addition to Auggie's story, the movie also explores the challenges faced by his sister, Via. She deals with feelings of neglect and invisibility as her parents focus their attention on Auggie's needs. This subplot adds depth and complexity to the overall narrative, highlighting the impact that Auggie's condition has on his family members. It serves as a reminder that everyone has their own struggles, even if they are not as visible as Auggie's.

The movie also addresses the issue of bullying in a thoughtful and meaningful way. It highlights the importance of empathy and understanding in combating bullying and creating a more inclusive environment. It shows that small acts of kindness can have a big impact and encourages viewers to stand up against injustice.

The performances in this movie continue to impress. Jacob Tremblay delivers an incredibly nuanced performance as Auggie, capturing the character's growth and resilience. The supporting cast, particularly Izabela Vidovic as Via, also shines in their respective roles, bringing depth and authenticity to the story.

Visually, the movie is stunning, with its vibrant colors and attention to detail. The cinematography effectively captures the emotions of the characters, making the audience feel fully immersed in the story. The soundtrack perfectly complements the narrative, enhancing the emotional impact of key scenes.

In conclusion, "Wonder" is a powerful and thought-provoking movie that explores important themes of acceptance, friendship, and resilience. It reminds us of the importance of treating others with kindness and empathy, regardless of their differences. The performances, storytelling, and visual elements all come together to create a truly memorable cinematic experience. This movie serves as a reminder that we can all make a difference in someone's life, and that true beauty lies in our actions and the way we treat others.

奇迹男孩观后感英文 篇三

  Miracle boy, a very good movie, the whole thought is put forward in the first lesson's famous saying: "choose between right and good, please choose kindness".

  The film "miracle boy" is adapted from the global best-selling novel "miracles", telling a story of the growth of a warm and ten million family. The 10 year old ogi born deformities had been at home and mother self-study. When he entered the fifth grade primary school, ogi parents carefully selected for his school. Here, to get along with ogi school principals and teachers and personalities of the students, his unusual appearance makes him become the focus on the students, and all the ridicule and rejection, new friends even managed to do not seem very worthy of trust. Fortunately, in the growth process, Augie's parents and his sister had been his most strong backing, in their support and love, courage, kindness and wisdom ogi affect their inspired many people around, and gained the friendship, respect and love, and ultimately grow into people's minds the unbelievable "miracle".

  Before seeing the movie, I saw the commentary that the movie talked about "campus bullying" and "tolerance of different kinds". But during the watching process, I felt that the story was quietly protecting everyone with love. The dog died and the main line has nothing to do, but it is soft; the children after a tense, after the compensation behavior laugh, finally the unspeakable feelings in ogi to waters, the four boys stand in a row, look to the waters. All the complex feelings and feelings are delivered to nature like this, like every one of us. So the theme of the story is not only the constant sublimation of the love and care for vulnerable groups, but on each island I have given you a warm, when the last sentence "good point, because everyone in the life and struggle" monologue out, can not help but warm eyes.

  The film makes me feel the fragment is hospitalized with a bracelet ogi by parents collected stick in the frame, the family became the unique works of art. This prop means the twists and turns that the family has experienced before, and my sister also mentioned that his homework was written in the hospital. One family to let ogi have a healthy body, but in the face of spiritual growth, family's strength is not up to the. Into the society, face their own different, adjust to face, is a new topic to the ogi parents. It is also the responsibility of parents to take care of their children in addition to their full care.

  Never cry when watching movies, but several times the nose slightly acidic, not sensational treatment in the film, very creative restraint, teacher's monthly precept and kind about. Based on a family audience, the story is not excessive warmth incited the emotions of the audience in my opinion is the director of the good.

奇迹男孩观后感英文 篇四

  Some movies do not need stars, do not need the effect, do not need 3D. But it is the most perfect.

  Today, I saw a movie. Originally I hesitated, I planned to see something else, but the name "miracle boy" attracted me deeply. Although the score is not the highest, I also had a slight complaint before watching: why not watch other movies? I began to regret a little.

  But, I was wrong, you look at me; mother almost all films this time she is not be sleepy straws, all eyes, looked at, and was touched by the plot line with tears.

  Yes, this movie is the best one I've seen from small to large. There are no many special effects. But I think the movie adapted from the novel has sincere feelings and gives people a real feeling.

  There are friendships, family ties, and also very warm. It's easy for me to connect my reality: the hero is a seemingly ordinary boy, but why is it a miracle boy? It's puzzled. It turned out that his birth was very special. Because of the genetic relationship, several operations have made him able to breathe and see like a normal person, but his face is very different from ordinary people. But his family never felt this way. Her elder sister had wanted a younger brother. He was very happy ever since he was born, and his father and mother have been around him. They never felt bad about him. His inferiority caused him to put on a space cap. He was taught by his doctor and mother at home from his childhood. He went to school when he was in grade five, so he needed to take off his helmet.

  Although we have been down on him, with strange eyes looked at him, but he has talent outstanding performance, or make many good friends, their friendship after many hardships, but eventually the boy still understand him, friendship becomes very tough, when troubles come, big home together spent. When the figures stood by the river, I felt that the power of friendship was great and that everyone understood each other; then, no one would have blamed and dislike who.

  In the end, the little boy, who was initially discriminated against, was recognized by all the people and received a prize at the graduation ceremony.

  I was moved by this movie. It told me to cherish my friends, learn to understand others, look at everything with a tolerant and loving eye. This reminds me of the story that the teacher told me: a doctor and patient had an appointment operation, but he was late. His family member blamed him. I don't know whether his son was killed in a car accident.

  Friends and students should get along well, cherish a few times, there are contradictions and mutual understanding, not to blame each other blindly. The truth that this film teaches me is bound to impress me.

奇迹男孩观后感英文 篇五

  "Black Steed" tells the story of a black pony. "He" lived happily in a mountain village and received good training from urination. As a horse, "he" knew that he should obey any order of his master. However, because of various circumstances, "he" was resold to another master, the fate of happiness began to change. I think the Black Steed is a black steed. It is very handsome. Its fur is fine and soft. It is shiny black. Its hooves are white and black. There is a white spot on its forehead, just like a shining star on the black sky. It is docile and obedient. It does whatever its master asks it to do, and never resists. It is also very smart and can understand the meaning of its master. It has great endurance and can carry several loads of goods for dozens of miles.

  Horse is also an animal. No matter what animal he is, we should protect them. As the text says, we and animals belong to the same home. This land cannot be without animals, plants, or humans. We live in the same place as animals and plants, but now we are killing our friends. Do we have to kill our companions like this? We should protect animals here and create a beautiful home for animals, not a home full of death.

奇迹男孩观后感英文 篇六

  One day, my mother bought me a copy of "Black Steed". As soon as I got home, I read it with interest.

  This book tells the story of the growth of Heibao, a horse who has experienced ups and downs and finally achieved happiness. Heibao served as a horse in the manor, pulled a van in the countryside, and pulled a cab in the streets of London. His life is the epitome of all kinds of horses in England. Many excellent qualities can be found in Heibao: loyalty, courage, kindness and intelligence. No matter how bad the environment is, Heibao doesn't give up his faith, work hard and maintain a good reputation. This is also what his mother taught him from childhood.

  After reading this book, I understand the implication of "black horse": perseverance can succeed. Really. My mother likes to be clean and often cleans silently at home. I think I should do something, so before the new year, I also took the initiative to undertake the task of mopping the floor. I had a lot of trouble dragging the floor, but I felt very proud. Dad came up to me and told me it wasn't clean. So I began to drag it seriously on the ground with a mop. After a while, I thought it was very clean and went to do other things. At this time, my mother came over and said to me, "some places are not very clean and need to be processed." I was a little angry. I thought my parents were too picky and quit in anger. My mother asked me patiently: "Do you know why you spend so much effort on mopping the floor, but the effect is not good? The problem lies in your mop. Because your mop is dirty for a while, but you continue to mop. When the floor is dry, you should wash the mop immediately after dragging for a while, so that it will be clean even once. Also, young men should have the measure of accepting criticism with an open mind and persistence Unremitting spirit. " I listened to my mother's words, nodded and did it without discouragement. Finally I dragged the floor so that I could see my little face. I smiled knowingly.

  In my study, I also want to learn from Heibao. I don't give up my faith. I also want to study hard and become the pillar of the motherland in the future. I want to work hard to read all kinds of useful books, such as "wisdom backpack" and "soul chicken soup". These books can let me understand the truth in life and make myself a knowledgeable person.

  After reading "Black Steed", I also realized that our life is as rich and colorful as a book, and let me understand the truth that perseverance can succeed.


