
时间:2017-05-08 05:15:18
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英文人物描写优秀作文 篇一

The Enigmatic Artist

In the bustling city of London, amidst the noise and chaos, there exists a figure that stands out amidst the crowd. His name is Alexander Blackwood, a renowned artist known for his enigmatic personality and exceptional talent. From afar, he appears as an ordinary man, dressed in simple attire, blending effortlessly into the busy streets. However, upon closer inspection, one can't help but be captivated by the aura of mystery that surrounds him.

Blackwood's physical appearance is as intriguing as his personality. With his unkempt hair, thick-rimmed glasses, and a slightly disheveled appearance, he exudes an artistic vibe that is impossible to ignore. His deep-set eyes, shimmering with intelligence and passion, seem to hold countless untold stories. His thin lips, often curled into a faint smile, hint at a mysterious secret that only he knows. The lines on his face, etched by time and experience, give him an air of wisdom and depth.

It is Blackwood's artistry that truly sets him apart from the rest. His paintings, characterized by bold brushstrokes and vibrant colors, are a reflection of his innermost thoughts and emotions. Each stroke on the canvas tells a story, capturing the essence of his subjects in a way that is both captivating and profound. His ability to breathe life into his art is unparalleled, leaving viewers in awe of his talent.

Despite his fame and recognition, Blackwood remains humble and unassuming. He rarely grants interviews or attends social events, preferring instead to immerse himself in his work. The studio is his sanctuary, a place where he can fully express himself without any distractions. He is often seen tirelessly working late into the night, the only sound being the scratching of his paintbrush against the canvas.

While Blackwood may be an enigma to many, those who have had the privilege of knowing him describe him as a kind and gentle soul. His dedication to his craft is evident in every stroke of his brush, yet he remains grounded and approachable. He is known to take budding artists under his wing, offering guidance and encouragement to those who share his passion.

In conclusion, Alexander Blackwood is a truly remarkable individual. His enigmatic personality and exceptional talent have earned him a place amongst the greats of the art world. Through his paintings, he has managed to capture the essence of life itself, leaving a lasting impression on all who have the privilege of experiencing his art. He is a true inspiration, reminding us of the power of creativity and the importance of staying true to oneself.

英文人物描写优秀作文 篇二

The Compassionate Doctor

Dr. Emily Cooper is a name that has become synonymous with compassion and dedication in the medical field. A highly respected physician, she has dedicated her life to healing and caring for others. Her unwavering commitment to her patients and her empathetic nature make her a truly exceptional individual.

Dr. Cooper's physical appearance is striking. With her wavy chestnut hair cascading down her shoulders and her warm brown eyes, she possesses an air of approachability that instantly puts her patients at ease. Her calm demeanor and gentle smile exude a sense of reassurance, making her a beacon of hope in times of distress. Despite the demands of her profession, she always appears well put together, her white coat immaculate and her stethoscope draped around her neck.

Beyond her appearance, it is Dr. Cooper's compassionate nature that truly sets her apart. She goes above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that her patients receive the best care possible. Whether it is holding the hand of a frightened child, comforting a grieving family, or spending extra time with a patient in need, she consistently displays an unwavering commitment to her patients' well-being.

Dr. Cooper's expertise and knowledge are second to none. She is a highly skilled physician, always staying up-to-date with the latest medical advancements and breakthroughs. Her patients trust her implicitly, knowing that they are in capable hands. She takes the time to explain complex medical terms in simple, understandable language, ensuring that her patients are informed and actively involved in their own healthcare decisions.

Despite her demanding schedule, Dr. Cooper always finds time for her patients. She is known to visit the hospital wards, even on her days off, to check on her patients and offer words of encouragement. Her compassion extends beyond the hospital walls, as she actively participates in medical missions to underserved communities, providing much-needed healthcare to those who cannot afford it.

Dr. Cooper's dedication to her patients does not go unnoticed. Countless patients and their families have expressed their gratitude for her kindness and exceptional care. She has been honored with numerous awards and accolades, but for Dr. Cooper, the greatest reward comes from seeing her patients recover and regain their health.

In conclusion, Dr. Emily Cooper is a shining example of compassion and dedication in the medical field. Her warm personality and exceptional medical skills have earned her the respect and admiration of both her colleagues and patients. She is a true embodiment of the Hippocratic oath, reminding us of the profound impact that a compassionate physician can have on the lives of others.

英文人物描写优秀作文 篇三


  The an in the picture

  L at the picture! There is an ld an in the picture. His head is bald. L at his ees, the are fishlie, (应加上连词and) the are s big. I thin his nse is high-bridged, but it is nt hed. His face is ver flabb. And he has a big uth. It’s nt full. He wears a white T-shirt, (应加上and) he wears cnservative (应用副词cnservativel). His ears l ver sall, because his face is ver lng and big. He wears a clean white T-shirt.

  I thin the an is ver ugl. Hw abut u?

英文人物描写优秀作文 篇四

  M favrite star

  M favrite star is Zhang ie. He has gt a rund face and he is thin. He has curl hair and fringes. His hair is chestnut and his ees are sall. His eelid(应是eelids) are dubled and his eelashes are lng. He has gt a great high nse bridge. I lie his teeth because the’re even. His bac is straight and he is tall. He is ver handse and grgeus. His dress is fashinable.

英文人物描写优秀作文 篇五

  M classate

  She is classate. Her nae is Xu Bingu. Her face is rund and dipled. Her hair stle is (应加上a) pntail, and her hair is et-blac. She has tw big and water ees and lng eelashes. She als has a high-bridged (加上nse) and tw sall ears. Her uth is generus, and her teeth are even. She has a rund chin and a bull nec. Her bac is stiff. She is ind f shrt but reall cute and prett. Her dress is tid and fashinable, and she usuall wears a blac bluse. Her sile is sunn.

  We are gd friends.

英文人物描写优秀作文 篇六


  I have a rund face. And when I watch (应是l in) the irrr, I can see a pallid face. I a well-featured but I have se piple (piples). I dn’t have an diple (diples).

  M haircut is a crew cut. Seties it’s center parting and seties it’s side parting. And hair is et-blac. I have tw big ees, and the are clse-set. And I have duble eelids. And I even have lng eelashs (应是eelashes).

  M nse is pinted. I have a pair f beautiful ears, and I have a big uth, s seties I a ver big uth (应为seties I a a ver big uth). M teeth are even (abe, it’s ust I thin), and the clr are blnde. M chin is rund, and nec is a little lng. M bell is flat because I a t thin thugh I eat a lt f things (fd更好) ever da. M bac is a little bended. I a f ediu height and I a ver thin. M classates sa that I a ver cute but I dn’t thin s.

  M dress is tid and well-featured, but (没有转折关系,用and更好) seties it’s ver fashinable!


