
时间:2013-01-06 09:25:17
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我的邻居英语作文 篇一

Title: My Friendly Neighbor

My neighbor, Mr. Smith, is an incredibly friendly and helpful person. He has been living next door to my family for the past ten years, and we have built a strong bond during this time.

One of the reasons I consider Mr. Smith to be a great neighbor is his willingness to lend a helping hand whenever needed. Whether it's carrying heavy groceries or assisting with household repairs, he is always there for us. Last summer, when my family went on vacation, Mr. Smith volunteered to take care of our garden. He watered the plants, mowed the lawn, and even harvested the ripe vegetables, ensuring that our garden remained in top condition. We were truly grateful for his kind gesture.

Furthermore, Mr. Smith has a genuine interest in our well-being. He often checks up on us, especially during extreme weather conditions, to ensure that we are safe and comfortable. During a severe storm last year, he knocked on our door to offer shelter in his basement, as he was concerned about the strong winds damaging our house. His caring nature and thoughtfulness make him an exceptional neighbor.

Moreover, Mr. Smith is an excellent role model for the community. He actively participates in neighborhood events and encourages others to do the same. Last Christmas, he organized a charity drive to collect warm clothing and blankets for the less fortunate. His dedication and enthusiasm inspired many neighbors to contribute to the cause, making it a grand success. Mr. Smith's selflessness and community spirit are truly commendable.

In conclusion, my neighbor, Mr. Smith, is a remarkable individual who embodies the qualities of a perfect neighbor. His willingness to help, genuine concern for our well-being, and active involvement in the community make him an invaluable asset to our neighborhood. I feel fortunate to have such a kind-hearted and friendly neighbor like him.

我的邻居英语作文 篇二

Title: My Talented Neighbor

Living next door to my neighbor, Mrs. Johnson, is an absolute delight as she is not only friendly but also incredibly talented. Her artistic skills and passion for creativity have always amazed me.

Mrs. Johnson is a renowned painter, specializing in landscapes and portraits. Her paintings are breathtakingly beautiful and exhibit a level of detail that captivates viewers. She often invites me to her home studio to witness her creative process and learn about different painting techniques. It is truly mesmerizing to watch her transform a blank canvas into a masterpiece, stroke by stroke. Mrs. Johnson's dedication to her craft is truly inspiring.

Aside from painting, Mrs. Johnson is also an accomplished musician. She plays the piano exceptionally well and often holds small recitals at her home. I have had the privilege of attending a few of these events, and her performances are nothing short of magical. The way her fingers glide across the piano keys, producing melodious tunes, is awe-inspiring. Mrs. Johnson's musical talent adds a delightful touch to our neighborhood.

Furthermore, Mrs. Johnson generously shares her skills and knowledge with others. She conducts art workshops for children during summers, teaching them various painting techniques and encouraging their creativity. Many children in our neighborhood have benefited from her guidance and have discovered their own artistic talents, thanks to her mentorship.

In conclusion, my neighbor, Mrs. Johnson, is not only a friendly and kind person but also a remarkably talented individual. Her expertise in painting and music brings beauty and joy to our neighborhood. Mrs. Johnson's passion for creativity and her willingness to share her skills make her an exceptional neighbor. I am grateful to have the opportunity to witness and learn from her artistic abilities.

我的邻居英语作文 篇三

  I have a good neighbour called Chen Ling.I call her Aunt Chen.She is about forty years old.She is not tall but strong.She is an English teacher.She teaches at a junior school.She lives just next to me.Every day we meet two times.Early in the morning when I go to school and it is also time for her to go to work.So we meet for the first time of the day.Then in the afternoon when I return home from school,she goes back home from her school too,so we meet for the second time.What an interesting thing!

  Aunt Chen has rich experience in teaching.And she is very kind and friendly.So when I have some trouble with my English,I often go to her for help.Eveytime she can help me work out the problems.

  Aunt Chen has many hobbies,such as running,swimming and playing badminton.But she likes playing badminton best.I often go to play badminton with her at weekends.

我的邻居英语作文 篇四

  Uncle Wang, is a retired policeman, more than 60 years old, like an old child, all day happy, what if there is no trouble, one of my favorite childhood and Uncle Wang to play, he was very good to me, tease me happy all day long, told me when he was in police affairs.

  He always said ‘ ’ this man must behave like a kite, the line is pulled, will not fly very high, if not that a line pulling the kite, will not be truly free, but will the earth. ‘ ’ I Sidongfeidong nodded.

  Once, my mother gave me something, entrusted to Uncle Wang, Wang uncle as usual take me to walk, walk on the asphalt road, the road on both sides of the tree clang float, the road full of leaves, to the asphalt road covered with a layer of carpet, in the setting sun, the golden light sparkling, Uncle Wang held my hands, and I walk slowly, walking a long way, he pulled me sitting under a tree, telling his police career.

  Uncle Wang said is full of it, heard a noise not far away, there are many onlookers, Wang Dabo and I hurried past, turned out to be one of the lost money, grabbed the man's clothes on, like the man took money to someone, that person may have. Don't admit. Uncle Wang stood in the midst of the crowd, trying to control the situation, to the masses of ‘ ’ everybody listen to me, whether or not he took the money, we have to figure out...... ‘ ’ but they disdain said ‘ ’ this is where the crazy old man ran out, in the what nonsense. ‘ ’ Wang uncle saw the situation can not control, and then took me to the annex police station.

  The police uncle Li know Uncle Wang, see Uncle Wang like the breath, hurriedly asked Uncle Wang how, Uncle Wang put things in detail to tell Lee uncle, Uncle Li after listening, let us take him to the place of the incident, arrived at the site, Uncle Li began to solve the case, and I will be in Uncle Wang while quietly watching.

  I looked at Wang uncle, as if to see the once or the police uncle Wang, the quality of his body, not exactly what we want to learn?.

  Although Uncle Wang is old, he is always young in my heart.

我的邻居英语作文 篇五

  My family moved to an old man last year, and everybody called him uncle li.

  When Uncle Li just moved in, the kids hated him, and I was one of them. Because he's very nosy, he's nagging all the time.

  One day, Ni Yanzhong and I at home eating apples while watching my MP5 when I look happy when my hand and waved, apple flew out of my hand, just hit on Ni Yanzhong's body. Unfortunately, Uncle Li just passed by here and saw this. He talked up: "you see you this child, do things recklessly, not attention? See you hit people." After listening to these words, my happy mood suddenly fell down. I bent down and picked up the black and black apples on the floor and walked indoors. He took one step, I heard Uncle Lee behind shouted: "you this child, hit people repeatedly won't say 'sorry'?" I Touyebuhui to say "sorry" and entered the room. Walking was also said: "well, this nosy old man, but not hit you, you so hard to do what."

  A few days later, my father and mother went to see my grandmother on the beach, leaving me alone at home. I wanted to show that I was a good kid, so I took my clothes out and hung them up. Feeling a person at home, not fun, go out with friends. Just play for a while, the sky blowing wind, rain like soybeans sprinkle down, hit my face again. I think the clothes home is still the clothesline, and started to run home. I panted out of the house, looked at the clothesline, and there was nothing on the clothesline, just a little water hanging on the rope. Well, some clothes was stolen by the thief, I was dumbfounded, mom and dad will come back to beat the crap out of my meal. The rain stopped, and I stood still in the yard, waiting for the end. At this moment, Uncle Li came to me with a pile of clothes and said, "boy, take your clothes back. It's time to look at the weather next time."." After hearing these words, my nose was acid and tears almost fell off. "Thank you, thank you," he said to uncle li!"

  After that, I changed my view of Uncle Li, and no matter how hard he talked, I wouldn't have an opinion, because I knew it was good for me.

我的邻居英语作文 篇六

  Having long been living in this alley, I know almost everyone here. It is, however, the housewives that I usually see in the daytime, the rest being either out working as family providers or away in school. All these housewives are kind and considerate.

  My mother, for example, takes care of my sister's daughter even though she herself is busy with housekeeping,yet if she finds it necessary to go out shopping, she need not worry because there is always someone in the neighborhood coming over of her own will to help with our household chores. When suppertime is over, these housewives also like to gather at a certain place for a friendly chat about the daily goings-on in the alley or other things. They are also security-conscious, trying to keep each other out of harm's way. I is thanks to such mutual help and precaution against harm that we in the alley have lived so happy and so undisturbed a life.


