
时间:2015-09-05 03:35:34
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初二英语作文 篇一:My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is playing the piano. I have been playing the piano for three years and it has become a big part of my life. Playing the piano not only brings me joy, but it also helps me relax and express my emotions.

I practice the piano for at least an hour every day. When I sit down at the piano, I feel a sense of calmness wash over me. As I start playing, my fingers glide across the keys, creating beautiful melodies. I enjoy the challenge of learning new pieces and the sense of accomplishment when I can play a difficult piece flawlessly. Playing the piano requires concentration and discipline, which has helped me develop these qualities in other areas of my life as well.

Music has a way of touching our hearts and evoking emotions. When I play sad and melancholic pieces, I feel a sense of sadness and longing. When I play cheerful and lively pieces, I feel a burst of energy and happiness. Playing the piano allows me to express myself in a way that words cannot. It is a form of self-expression and a way for me to communicate with others.

Playing the piano has also opened up opportunities for me. I have performed in school concerts and talent shows, which has boosted my confidence and allowed me to showcase my talent. I have also made new friends who share the same passion for music.

In conclusion, playing the piano is not just a hobby for me, it is a part of who I am. It brings me joy, helps me relax, and allows me to express myself. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and play the piano, and I look forward to continuing this hobby for many years to come.

初二英语作文 篇二:The Importance of Reading

Reading is an important skill that everyone should develop. It not only helps us gain knowledge, but it also improves our language skills, expands our vocabulary, and enhances our imagination.

Reading allows us to explore different worlds and experience different perspectives. When we read, we are transported to different places and times. We can travel to ancient civilizations, go on adventures with fictional characters, and learn about different cultures and traditions. Reading broadens our horizons and opens our minds to new ideas and possibilities.

Reading also improves our language skills. When we read, we are exposed to new words, phrases, and sentence structures. This helps us expand our vocabulary and improve our grammar. Reading books, newspapers, and magazines in English can greatly enhance our language proficiency. It also helps us become better writers, as we learn from the writing styles and techniques of authors.

Furthermore, reading stimulates our imagination. When we read, we visualize the scenes and characters in our minds. We create our own mental pictures of the story. This enhances our creativity and imagination. Reading also allows us to develop critical thinking skills, as we analyze and interpret the text. We learn to make connections, ask questions, and form our own opinions.

In today's digital age, reading is more important than ever. With the prevalence of smartphones and tablets, many young people are spending more time on social media and playing video games, rather than reading books. This can have a negative impact on their language skills and overall development. Therefore, it is important for parents and educators to encourage children to read from a young age and make it a habit.

In conclusion, reading is a valuable skill that everyone should cultivate. It helps us gain knowledge, improves our language skills, expands our vocabulary, and enhances our imagination. By making reading a regular part of our lives, we can reap these benefits and become lifelong learners.

初二英语作文 篇三

  I still remember my first flight.

  I took a flight in Beijing Airport. I got there early. I had my bag weighed first. After a while I began to get on the plane.

  When I sat on the plane, Boeing 737, I fastened my seat belt. Then I looked out of the windows, seeing the ground running backwards. When the plane began to take off, I felt it interesting very much.

  During about 2 hours’ flight, I saw a film and had a delicious meal. Then the plane began to get lower and I got to Xi’an safely.

  How excited I was on my first flight.

初二英语作文 篇四

  My name is Fang Haotian,I am a lively boy,I live in China’s Shandong Liaocheng,I am seventeen years old this year.I am in Grade nine Class five,I love my class very much,In the class,I have many friends,We talked and laughed,It make me happy.I have many hobbies,such as runing,drawing,writting,reading and playing chess.f In these, my favorite drawing, because It always make me forget something unhappy.I like making friends,too.

  If you want to make friends with me,please join me!Friends!I look forward to your arrival.Happy Year of the Tiger!

初二英语作文 篇五

  Dear Mary,

  Thank you very much for inviting me to your party.But I am very sorry I can’t come.My mother is ill.The doctor asks her to stay in bed for several days.I have to take care of my mother.Thank you very much for sending me such a beautiful postcard.I like it very much.I am going to put it on my desk.Could I hear from you soont Give my best wishes to your family.


  Han Meimei

初二英语作文 篇六


  “叮——叮”上课铃响了,教室里立刻鸦雀无声。匡老师满面春风地走了进来对我们说:“Hi!Good morning boys and girls。”





  “cold drink”匡老师说一句英语。

  “cold drink”我们也跟她说了一句英语。






