
时间:2017-05-01 01:45:25
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中考英语之公共交通的作文 篇一

The Importance of Public Transportation

Public transportation plays a vital role in our daily lives. It not only helps reduce traffic congestion but also contributes to a cleaner environment. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of public transportation and how it benefits us.

Firstly, public transportation helps alleviate traffic congestion. With the increasing number of private vehicles on the road, traffic jams have become a common issue in many cities. However, if more people choose to use public transportation such as buses and trains, it can significantly reduce the number of cars on the road, thus easing traffic congestion. This will not only save time for commuters but also reduce the air pollution caused by vehicle emissions.

Secondly, public transportation is more affordable compared to private vehicles. Owning a car involves various expenses such as fuel, maintenance, and insurance. On the other hand, public transportation fares are usually much lower and offer discounted rates for students and senior citizens. By choosing public transportation, people can save a significant amount of money, especially for those who have limited budgets.

Moreover, public transportation provides a safer travel option. Professional drivers operate buses and trains, ensuring the safety of passengers. Public transportation systems are regularly inspected and maintained to meet safety standards. In addition, crowded public transportation can discourage potential criminals, making it a safer choice for commuters, especially during late hours.

Furthermore, public transportation reduces carbon emissions and helps protect the environment. Private vehicles emit harmful greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. By using public transportation, we can reduce our carbon footprint and help combat global warming. Additionally, public transportation systems are gradually transitioning to electric or hybrid vehicles, further reducing emissions and promoting a greener future.

In conclusion, public transportation is of great importance in our society. It helps alleviate traffic congestion, saves money, provides safer travel options, and contributes to a cleaner environment. It is crucial for individuals to consider using public transportation whenever possible to enjoy these benefits and create a sustainable future.

中考英语之公共交通的作文 篇二

Improving Public Transportation

While public transportation is essential, there are still areas for improvement. In this essay, I will discuss some ways to enhance public transportation systems to better serve the public.

Firstly, it is crucial to improve the frequency and reliability of public transportation. Many commuters rely on buses and trains to get to work or school. However, when the frequency is low, it can lead to overcrowding and delays. By increasing the number of vehicles and implementing better scheduling, public transportation systems can provide a more efficient and reliable service. This will encourage more people to choose public transportation as their preferred mode of travel.

Secondly, public transportation should strive to be more accessible for all individuals, including those with disabilities. Accessibility features such as ramps, elevators, and designated seating areas for people with disabilities should be available in all public transportation vehicles and stations. This will ensure that everyone, regardless of their physical abilities, can use public transportation without any difficulties. Additionally, clear signage and announcements should be provided to assist visually impaired passengers.

Moreover, integrating technology into public transportation systems can greatly improve the overall experience. Implementing real-time tracking systems allows commuters to check the arrival times of buses or trains, reducing waiting time and providing a more convenient travel experience. Mobile ticketing options can also be introduced, allowing passengers to purchase tickets using their smartphones, further enhancing efficiency.

Furthermore, public transportation systems should prioritize passenger comfort. Comfortable seating, air conditioning, and proper ventilation are essential for a pleasant journey, especially during peak hours when vehicles are crowded. Regular maintenance and cleanliness of vehicles and stations are also crucial to ensure a comfortable and hygienic environment for passengers.

In conclusion, there are several ways to improve public transportation systems. Enhancing the frequency and reliability, ensuring accessibility for all individuals, integrating technology, and prioritizing passenger comfort are all important aspects to consider. By implementing these improvements, public transportation can become a more attractive and efficient option for everyone, leading to a better overall transportation experience.

中考英语之公共交通的作文 篇三


  Sample:A letter on talking bus service in Beijing 英文书信(北京公共交通)Dear Tony,I am glad to know your grandpa is coming to Beijing.Yes, your grandpa is right. The bus service in Beijing is really good now. there are more than 900 bus lines all over Beijing and bus can even take you to some small villages. Besides, special(yellow) seats are provided on buses. People do not have to spend a long time waiting for a bus and the tickets are very cheap.

  I like taking a bus because I think it is comfortable and also good for our environment. So it is a good choice for your grandpa to travel by bus in Beijing.If you have more questions, please ask me.Yours,Liu Jing


