
时间:2018-01-07 02:12:20
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我喜欢乡村英语作文 篇一:感受乡村英语的魅力






我喜欢乡村英语作文 篇二:乡村英语带给我的改变






我喜欢乡村英语作文 篇三


  At first, I thought that the countryside is the fairyland of fairy tales. It has faded the city's ostentation and washed away the complexity of the world. It may be Al on Van Gogh's canvas, a pure blue sky like a mirror, a sea of colorful flowers like an oil paint, and the golden sunflowers grow the seeds of hope under the nurture of the sun; it may be the countryside in Tao Qian's poetry, performing the story of immortals in the misty fog, and the oblique light of the sun is leisurely.


  It's just the countryside in the poem. When we really go into the countryside and feel the countryside with our heart, we will find that our countryside is experiencing pain. There is also sunshine, which is not warm but scorching the land. From afar, the rickety back in the land, in the morning and night, in the spring and Autumn period, in this piece of land to work hard. He grew up in this land, and his sweat nourished this land; he learned to be strong in this land, and his steps strengthened this land; he was born in Loess and returned to loess, generation after generation, endless. When the storm came, his heart vibrated like the swaying crops in the field. His tears ran across his gullied cheeks, like the water submerged in the field, layer upon layer over his heart, soaking his breath. When the drought came, the crops fell like his thin body. He could not see the hope or the harvest. His turbid eyes dried up and emptied.


  They also have happy times, but this kind of happiness seems so humble. Their greatest happiness is the harvest. The full grains of grain seem to be jewels. Their eyes are full of smiles. Their most yearning life is good weather, they just want to have such an ordinary life.


  Will such a rural landscape disappoint us? In fact, the countryside is more real because of this cruel beauty. To feel the countryside, don't always be a leisurely tourist. While appreciating its tranquility and purity, give it more pain, understanding and compassion.


  Feel the countryside, feel the pulse of farming civilization, feel the deepest cry of China, feel the heaviness of the land, feel the sweat of the infiltration of the land, feel the most simple persistence and perseverance of Chinese farmers, feel the pain and helplessness experienced by Chinese farmers.


  When we look at them with disdainful eyes, we wonder if they bring us high hopes with blood and sweat.


  Chinese farmers with the most humble posture in the history of China has become an eternal stand, and let us feel the country with our hearts!

我喜欢乡村英语作文 篇四


  I'm tired of the smell of cement and the sound of car and flute. What I'm looking forward to is quiet mountains and forests, clear springs, low murmur of birds and simple and kind people.


  Scenery feeling


  Last year's holiday, I went to Tiantai Mountain, the "eighteen thousand Zhang" mountain, but in my heart, I always printed the feeling of beauty and beauty. Not so lofty, winding paths, tall trees, some small waterfalls, grass and gravel, it is all. Step on the stone steps, listen to the sound of water, smell the smell of soil and grass. I was touched by the tranquility and freshness of the mountain. I never thought that this simple scene was so reassuring. Is it the twigs that sway in the breeze that move me Is the water sliding through the fingers of the gentle touched me Or just a few gray rocks that moved me Yes, not even It's just that pure nature, pure peace, deeply imprinted in my heart.


  Human feelings


  I used to watch TV programs like "exchange life". When I saw the children in the poor countryside in the city and moved by the simplicity and sincerity of the people there, I couldn't help crying. My heart would be filled with waves. I also came into the city from the place called "village", which makes me feel more real.


  In fact, the simplicity of the villagers has never been shown in what magnificent feats, only the small things usually make people feel real. In the year of Grandpa's death, I once stepped back to the familiar but strange place. To be exact, I was born there, but I was far away from the people and things there. When I returned there, I was not familiar with anything except the imaginary cottage. In addition to the sadness of Grandpa's death, I had nothing to worry about. I am far away from all the people and things there. I am worried, even afraid, wandering and wondering in that strange land


  But the kind smile and friendly greetings from the villagers moved me. They carefully maintained my sad heart, let me completely put down the strong camouflage, safely sent away the dead relatives. Only that sentence: "children, not afraid, not crying!" It melts the ice and snow in my heart, turns into tears, wantonly but flows safely.


  My expectations


  The beauty of the countryside is real, simple and moving. So beautiful, so touched, will stay in the world, stay in my heart, never disappear Even if I have no chance to step into the mountains and rivers of the countryside, or enter the flowing houses of the countryside, I can still smell the familiar rural flavor from the breeze sitting in front of the window of the high-rise buildings of the city at night

我喜欢乡村英语作文 篇五

  my birthplace is extremely beautiful! Everywhere branch numerous Xie Mao, mao Linxiu bamboo, the road of country is uneven, after rain during springtime passes, the seeper in pothole is in of sunshine beamed fall to resemble gem showing brilliance commonly, road both sides is growing lofty covert, covert stays in partial sunshine keep out, sunshine the spot like can overhand star, be in fairy tale world personally among them on foot in.

  midday, sun fierce part of the day, old people sleeps in the home, but lively jump again leather children run in cool river water to swim however, sprinkle that sparkling water, below blue sky, river water is clear see an end, water of that dark green lake is glittering and translucent and bright, resemble the mirror of one side beauty, resemble gem again dazzling in that way, in river water, fish in lively swim, they are much joy!

  dusk, I lie in shiny green grass, look at a sky, at this moment the sun already stopped a ray, became the big disc of a Gong Gong, look really lovely. He resembles the child's face, lie is worn the mouth, resemble a big rubber ball, offend so that we burst out laughing, final sun is happy jump, hide west hill backside, leave light light only.The scenery of home town is much more beautiful!

我喜欢乡村英语作文 篇六


  "Cluck..." With the call of a rooster, a ray of sunshine came into my room, and with the breeze, it seemed to say hello to me.


  I got up and saw how beautiful the morning in the country was! The forest on the mountain is lush, the river in front of the village is clear, the sky is blue and far-reaching, and the air is fresh and sweet.


  At this time, I suddenly smelled a fragrance, and I ran out quickly. It turned out that the lotus in the river was blooming. It's a beautiful, elegant and fragrant lotus. It's really amazing!


  The lotus has blossomed a lot. Lotus leaves are squeezed like big green disks. The lotus is popping out of these big disks. The color of lotus is pink and milky white. They are like little dolls greeting you warmly, and you are greeting them with a smile. And at night, you can hear frogs singing.


  There are so many interesting and beautiful sceneries in the countryside, such as the orchard on the hill, the clear river, the crops in the field, the flowers and weeds on the side of the road, and many lovely ducks and chickens I've been dazzled by all this.


  In the evening, the farmers who had worked hard all day went home. The countryside in the evening is quite different. Every family is surrounded by smoke and delicious food. Some villagers sat on stone benches and talked about little things about life. They all seemed very happy.


  I like this kind of peace and tranquility in the countryside, but I prefer this kind of natural flavor which is quite different from the urban scenery.


