
时间:2019-08-03 06:32:43
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飞屋环游记英语观后感 篇一

"Up" is a heartwarming and adventurous film that takes viewers on a journey filled with laughter, tears, and valuable life lessons. The film tells the story of Carl, an elderly man who embarks on a grand adventure by attaching thousands of balloons to his house, in order to fulfill his late wife's dream of traveling to Paradise Falls. Along the way, he meets Russell, a young Wilderness Explorer who becomes an unexpected but endearing companion on this extraordinary journey.

One of the aspects that struck me about "Up" is its ability to evoke a wide range of emotions. The film begins with a heart-wrenching montage that showcases the lifelong love story between Carl and his wife, Ellie. This sequence beautifully captures their dreams, disappointments, and the bittersweet reality of growing old together. This emotional depth carries throughout the film, as Carl learns to let go of his grief and find new meaning in life.

The relationship between Carl and Russell is another highlight of the film. At first, Carl sees Russell as an unwanted burden, but as their journey progresses, he comes to realize the value of companionship and the importance of nurturing the next generation. Their bond is heartwarming and reminds us of the power of unlikely friendships.

The animation in "Up" is visually stunning. The attention to detail is remarkable, from the intricate design of the floating house to the vibrant landscapes of Paradise Falls. The use of color and texture adds depth to the story and enhances the overall viewing experience.

What sets "Up" apart from other animated films is its ability to tackle complex themes such as loss, aging, and the pursuit of dreams. The film explores the idea that it's never too late to embark on a new adventure and find happiness. It teaches us that life's greatest treasures are not material possessions, but the relationships we build and the memories we create along the way.

In conclusion, "Up" is a cinematic masterpiece that combines humor, adventure, and heartfelt storytelling. It is a film that resonates with audiences of all ages, reminding us of the importance of love, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams. I highly recommend watching "Up" and experiencing the emotional journey it takes you on.

飞屋环游记英语观后感 篇二

"Up" is a captivating and enchanting film that left a lasting impression on me. The film revolves around the extraordinary adventure of Carl, an elderly man who decides to fulfill his late wife's dream of traveling to Paradise Falls by attaching thousands of balloons to his house. Throughout the film, Carl learns valuable life lessons and discovers the true meaning of love, friendship, and self-discovery.

One of the aspects that stood out to me in "Up" is the attention to detail in the storytelling. The film begins with a touching and emotional montage that showcases the ups and downs of Carl and Ellie's life together. This sequence sets the tone for the rest of the film and instantly connects the audience with the characters. The depth of their relationship is beautifully portrayed and sets the stage for Carl's journey of self-discovery.

The animation in "Up" is truly breathtaking. The vibrant colors and stunning visuals bring the story to life and create a sense of wonder and adventure. The attention to detail in the character designs and the landscapes is remarkable, making it easy to get lost in the world of the film.

The film also explores deeper themes such as loss, regret, and the importance of embracing change. Carl's journey is not just a physical one but also an emotional and psychological one. Through his interactions with Russell, a young Wilderness Explorer, and other colorful characters they encounter along the way, Carl learns to confront his fears, let go of his past, and open his heart to new experiences.

Another aspect that I appreciated about "Up" is its ability to balance humor and heartwarming moments. The film seamlessly transitions between laugh-out-loud funny scenes and touching, emotional moments. This balance keeps the audience engaged and invested in the story, and adds another layer of depth to the overall viewing experience.

In conclusion, "Up" is a truly remarkable film that combines stunning animation, heartfelt storytelling, and valuable life lessons. It is a film that appeals to both children and adults, reminding us of the power of love, friendship, and the importance of embracing life's adventures. "Up" is a must-watch film that will leave you with a sense of wonder and a renewed appreciation for the beauty of life.

飞屋环游记英语观后感 篇三


  篇一:飞屋环游记的英文观后感(The Up about it)

  Given the inherent three-dimensional quality evident in Pixar's cutting-edge output, the fact that the studio's 10th animated film is the first to be presented in digital 3-D wouldn't seem to be particularly groundbreaking in and of itself.

  But what gives "Up" such a joyously buoyant lift is the refreshingly nongimmicky way in which the process has been incorporated into the big picture -- and what a wonderful big picture it is.

  Winsome, touching and arguably the funniest Pixar effort ever, the gorgeously rendered, high-flying adventure is a tidy 90-minute distillation of all the signature touches that came before it.

  It's also the ideal choice to serve as the first animated feature ever to open the Festival de Cannes, considering the way it also pays fond homage to cinema's past, touching upon the works of Chaplin and Hitchcock, not to mention aspects of "It's a Wonderful Life" "The Wizard of Oz" and, more recently, "About Schmidt."

  Boxoffice-wise, the sky's the limit for "Up."

  Even with its PG rating (the first non-G-rated Pixar picture since "The Incredibles"), there really is no demographic that won't respond to its many charms.

  The Chaplin-esque influence is certainly felt in the stirring prelude, tracing the formative years of the film's 78-year-old protagonist, recent widower Carl Fredricksen (terrifically voiced by Ed Asner).

  Borrowing "WALL-E's" poetic, economy of dialogue and backed by composer Michael Giacchino's plaintive score, the nostalgic waltz between Carl and the love of his life, Ellie, effectively lays all the groundwork for the fun stuff to follow.

  Deciding it's better late than never, the retired balloon salesman depletes his entire inventory and takes to the skies (house included), determined to finally follow the path taken by his childhood hero, discredited world adventurer Charles F. Muntz (Christopher Plummer).

  But he soon discovers there's a stowaway hiding in his South America-bound home in the form of Russell, a persistent eight-year-old boy scout (scene-stealing young newcomer Jordan Nagai), and the pair prove to be one irresistible odd couple.

  Despite the innate sentimentality, director Pete Docter ("Monsters, Inc.") and co- director-writer Bob Peterson keep the laughs coming at an agreeably ticklish pace.

  Between that Carl/Russell dynamic and Muntz's pack of hunting dogs equipped with multilingual thought translation collars, "Up" ups the Pixar comedy ante considerably.

  Meanwhile, those attending theaters equipped with the Disney Digital 3-D technology will have the added bonus of experiencing a three-dimensional process that is less concerned with the usual "comin' at ya" razzle-dazzle than it is with creating exquisitely detailed textures and appropriately expansive depths of field.

  There’s nothing better than an easy review: Pixar’s latest summer offering, UP, is a fantastic film. Simply fantastic. Seriously, if Ratatouille and Wall-E deserved to be in the running for Best Picture of the Year (as many said they did at the times of their releases) then UP certainly does.

  It’s that good.

  篇二:飞屋环游记的英文观后感(The Up about it)

  Something I want to say after seeing this movie.

  Adventuring,everyone wants at least once in his short life ,I suppose 。But another truth we all know clearly is that only a few of us could achieve what we want and what we consider。

  It needs courage when you decides to take one adventure。We may think more than we should care。The safety,the money,our age and so on。In the movie, everything all above seems to be nothing if you own a strong will and take these words as your motto “If you want something ,go for it。”(Rocky)

  Let us talk more about the story happens in the movie。This old couple has been imaging one adventure to the Paradise Falls for their whole life 。Their life seems romantic but only left one regret 。

  Well, I think the Paradise Falls stands for a dream that all of us would have。The flying house is the way we make our dreams come true。You see that the way we could achieve our goals is so simple and easy。Just keep going ,never quit no matter what difficulties you have what trouble you meet。I began to think that would there be any regret in my life when I get old。I didn’t have a great plan to adventure anywhere。I am nobody now 。But no one wants to be nobody all the time。

  We can see that boys grows up,old man becomes younger after the adventure。Everything seems come back to their fresh life。That is exactly what the movie wants to tell us and that should be all these art masterpieces should give us 。They bring us courage to continue our life ,maybe not a pleasant one ,at least we can go on our life with hope。

  The movie creates hope and dream for us all。That is why I love movies so much。I cannot even image what my life will be like without any fancy any imagination。Fortunately,I have got a lot of great movies books to watch to read。With al these ,my life becomes a little wonderful at last。

  To observe this cartoon movie from another angle, we can find something interesting. The team for the Paradise Falls is made up of two guys, Mr.Fredricksen and little Russell. An old man and a child .We all think that old men and children are the weakest group we should care more. But they form this team and make a great success. So there is not any contact between success and age or other things like that.

  You may be curious about that where the young adults are being.Yeah; maybe they are busy with their jobs, their money. Walking around the profit and money all day makes them forget the beautiful dreams they had when they were children. So the mission to pursuit dreams is given to the old men and children.

  We have to admit that people who are in their middle age are busier .But I don’t think that should be an excuse of forgetting their romance and their dreams.

  篇三:飞屋环游记的英文观后感(The Up about it)

  What can I say about Pixar? Amazing?? Perfect?? Got to see this at the Cannes Film Festival in France (went on a trip with my family) and Pixar gives us another instant classic: Up.

  The movie focuses on 78-year old man Carl Fredrickson's (voiced by Edward Asner) life who always had a dream of going on a journey to South American to see the wilds of it. He buys thousands of balloons just to attach it to his house to float up in the sky. So, he starts with his journey up in the sky in his house with balloons attached to it. Suddenly, he's not alone and somebody's at the door while flying, it's a boy scout kid named Russell. He invites the boy with him on his journey to South America.

  Just brilliant and si-mp-le story-telling, beautiful visuals as usual with Pixar, awesome voice work, funny and smart dialogue, beautiful score once again by Michael Giacchino & very, very enjoyable characters. Speaking of characters, the highlight of the film: Dug the Dog. A sort of "robot" dog that will have you have you in a lot of stitches each scene that dog is in and that was the case with me. Simply, one of the funniest characters Pixar ever made. Pete Doctor, one of the four Pixar directors (John Lassester, Andrew Stanton, Brad Bird) who directed Monster's Inc (2001) needs and should get nominated for his clever, genius and smart directing of this but if Stanton didn't get the nods for (Finding Nemo and WALL-E) and Bird for (The Incredibles & Ratatouille) which they should of been, then the Oscars are ma-ki-ng another HUGE mistake for not nominating this guy for this movie.

  Up is the funniest Pixar movie, funnier than the Toy Story movies, A Bug's Life & Finding Nemo which were the funniest, in my opinion. The movie is not just hilarious, it's emotional and sad at times. Like WALL-E, it focuses on the character feelings but not as magical as WALL-E. Still, Up is full of emotional, fun and hilarious proportions. Your in for a BIG ride in this!!


