
时间:2014-09-08 08:21:21
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八年级克服困难的英语作文 篇一:坚持努力,克服困难

Facing Difficulties with Perseverance

As an eighth grader, I have encountered various difficulties and challenges both in my academic studies and personal life. However, I firmly believe that perseverance is the key to overcoming these obstacles.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was in my English class. English has always been a struggle for me, especially when it comes to writing essays. I often found it difficult to express my thoughts and ideas in a coherent manner. However, instead of giving up, I decided to face this difficulty head-on. I sought help from my English teacher and spent extra time studying English grammar and vocabulary. I also joined an English writing club, where I could practice and improve my writing skills. Through consistent effort and determination, I gradually improved my English writing and gained more confidence in expressing myself.

Another challenge I encountered was time management. With a heavy workload and extracurricular activities, it was often overwhelming to balance everything. However, I realized that managing my time effectively is crucial for achieving success. I started by prioritizing tasks and creating a schedule to organize my time. I also learned to say no to unnecessary distractions and focus on my priorities. It was not easy at first, but with practice and discipline, I gradually mastered the art of time management.

In addition to these academic challenges, I have also faced personal difficulties. There were times when I felt discouraged and wanted to give up. However, I reminded myself that setbacks and failures are a part of life. Instead of dwelling on them, I learned to embrace them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. I began to adopt a positive mindset and believe in my abilities. With every obstacle I faced, I grew stronger and more resilient.

In conclusion, overcoming difficulties requires perseverance and determination. By facing challenges head-on, seeking help when needed, and maintaining a positive mindset, I have been able to overcome various obstacles in my eighth-grade journey. I believe that with these qualities, anyone can overcome their own difficulties and achieve success.

八年级克服困难的英语作文 篇三


  When I was a child, every time I see someone in rollerblading, envy them very much, my mother found also give I bought a pair of dark blue ice skates. I am very excited, also began to learn skating.

  Sunday, see the children in the park are put on roller skates in slide to slide to the cement floor, very fun. Strange, the eight wheels boss would not listen to them on my feet, stand instability, slipped, not to mention it. At first, my mother holding me slip a few steps, but a let go easily fall down. Originally, this seemingly simple skate, it is so difficult to learn. A few more steps, and had a fall and hurt me crying, tears can't help flow down, but on the edge of the children laughed. Is really very frustrated, don't want to learn. "Even kindergarten children are skating, you as a senior person should not slip!" Mom accused me of said. Then stand up and I both hands to hold the fitness equipment, like a baby just learning to walk, a toddler, a missed let me fell a dog's face.

  Everything comes to him who waits, however, in my practice day by day, I can finally free sliding. Slowly I learned to skate, successfully overcome the difficulties.

  Tell me a truth - so long as has the perseverance, perseverance, nothing can stop us forward steps, as long as you dare to face the difficulty is not terrible!!!!!






