
时间:2012-01-04 08:33:24
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善意的谎言英语作文 篇一:The White Lie

As humans, we often find ourselves in situations where we need to make a decision between telling the truth and telling a white lie. A white lie is a small falsehood told to avoid hurting someone's feelings or causing unnecessary conflict. While lying is generally frowned upon, white lies are sometimes necessary in maintaining healthy relationships and showing empathy towards others.

One common scenario where a white lie may be used is when someone asks for our opinion on their appearance. For example, if a friend tries on a new outfit and asks us if it looks good on them, we may choose to tell a white lie and say that it looks great, even if we don't particularly like it. By doing so, we help to boost their confidence and make them feel good about themselves. In this case, the white lie serves a positive purpose and does not cause any harm.

Another situation where a white lie may be employed is when someone asks for advice or feedback on their work. For instance, if a colleague asks for our opinion on their presentation, we may choose to focus on the strengths and offer constructive criticism rather than pointing out all the flaws. By doing so, we can encourage their progress and maintain a positive working relationship. In this case, the white lie is used to support and motivate the individual without discouraging them.

However, it is important to note that white lies should not be used as a means to deceive or manipulate others. They should only be employed in situations where the intention is genuinely to protect someone's feelings or maintain harmony. It is essential to strike a balance between honesty and empathy when deciding whether to use a white lie.

In conclusion, while lying is generally discouraged, white lies can sometimes serve a purpose in maintaining relationships and showing empathy towards others. By carefully considering the situation and the intentions behind the lie, we can use white lies to protect others' feelings and promote harmony. However, it is important to use them sparingly and with caution, ensuring that they are truly necessary and serve a positive purpose.

善意的谎言英语作文 篇三

  In our daily lives,we all hate people who lie to you.

  We often regard those who tell lies out of some ulterior motive associated with something bad and consider those people as being dishonest and persons who cannot be trusted.But not all lies are out of indecent motive and all "liers" are bad persons.On certain occasions,out of necessity,we simply cannot tell the truth but have to lie with good rather than bad intentions.To "lie with good intentions" is very common and almost all of us have done it.In evaluating another person,we more than often do not tell the truth or speak out what we truly think about the other person for purposes of trying not to hurt the feelings of the person being evaluated.

  Even though s/he looks ugly,we often tend to lie to her or him."You look great!" "You are so pretty/handsome." In essence,in judging the nature of lies,we need to determine the intentions behind the lies,some with bad intentions and some with good intentions,and we should judge people who tell lies accordingly.

善意的谎言英语作文 篇四

  Everyone learning English knows what a white lie means, but since it is a lie, it has always been a controversial topic. A case in point is when a patient is suffering an incurable illness, should the doctor or the other people inform the patient of the truth?

  People who against this insist that the patients should be informed the true information about their illness, so that they can make proper decision according to their health. And the laws entitle people to know the truth which concerns themselves, so telling them a lie in fact invades their legal right.

  Contrary to the above belief, some people hold that a white lie is t acceptable. They worry about that if the patient was told the true about their condition, it will risks destroying their hope, which will make the situation even worse, they might refuse to receive treatment or commit suicide. Therefore, we should keep the true to ourselves.

  As far as I’m concerned, whether people should tell a white lie or not depends on what kind of person the patient is. If the patient has a strong will to live and has positive attitude, telling them the truth will be helpful to the treatment. But if the patient is the opposite, we had better not do so. To conclude, no matter the white lie is acceptable nor not, we should keep in mind that the information should be conveyed in a humane way.

善意的谎言英语作文 篇五

  Once upon A time, I write A composition is very poor, the teacher gave me A level of no one.

  Once I write to is very bad, the teacher gave me, please come to the office. I saw the teacher is a face of serious, psychological very nervous. Finally the teacher said: "the writing is so bad that I have to let you rewrite. I see if you can write well the sun would tangel." I think: the teacher how so? How can so discrimination against me? It seems that I must that a grade to give teacher to see see!

  From the next day on, I put some time for play out to see about the composition, the theme of the book, on Sunday also offered on composition class, as days passed. My ZuoWenBen on gradually with some A appeared, and it makes me feel happy. Think: this day will soon come. Another half A month, my ZuoWenBen have A gal grades. I delighted to: Im going to ask the teacher, look at the sun is how from west out!

  One day, the teacher told us to make good composition to her E-mail. I was ecstatic, already prepared article played out to the teachers mail. For untold how many days and nights teacher finally put my hard for several months of Cyprus award look forward to. The teacher let me explain onstage experience, I hope a teacher say: "this have to thank the teacher." Say that finish and watched the teacher one eye, as if to say: when the sun from the west out?

  During the break, next door class teacher made me, I dont know anything hastily past. The teacher said: "you ah, is did not know the teacher to your great effort, she is to let you can write a composition with" dared to shock you. Let you go hard practice, can now grades out, but you didnt understand. Only I to say with you." I listened to immediately speechless think: originally teacher is good for me, its just so barking the teacher.

  The teacher I want to say to you: "I am wrong, please forgive me!"


