
时间:2018-02-01 08:49:36
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全国中学生英语作文大赛 篇一

Title: The Importance of Learning English

English has become a global language and is widely recognized as an essential skill in today's world. As a result, learning English has become increasingly important for students all over the world, including in China. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons why learning English is crucial and how it can benefit us.

Firstly, English is the language of international communication. In today's globalized world, being able to communicate effectively with people from different countries and cultures is essential. English serves as a bridge that connects people from various backgrounds and allows them to exchange ideas and information. By learning English, we can broaden our horizons and enhance our understanding of the world.

Secondly, English is the language of science, technology, and innovation. The majority of scientific research papers, technological advancements, and academic publications are written in English. Therefore, proficiency in English is necessary for students who wish to pursue higher education or careers in these fields. By learning English, we can access a vast amount of knowledge and stay updated with the latest developments in these areas.

Furthermore, English is the language of business and commerce. Many multinational companies and organizations use English as their primary language for communication. By being proficient in English, students can improve their employment prospects and increase their chances of success in the global job market. English fluency is often seen as a valuable asset by employers, as it demonstrates effective communication skills and adaptability.

In addition, learning English can also have personal benefits. It can boost our self-confidence and open up opportunities for personal growth and development. By acquiring English language skills, we can feel more confident when traveling abroad, studying in English-speaking countries, or participating in international events. Moreover, learning a new language can enhance our cognitive abilities, improve our memory, and sharpen our problem-solving skills.

In conclusion, learning English is of utmost importance for students in today's globalized world. It provides numerous advantages, ranging from improved communication skills to better career prospects. Therefore, schools and educational institutions should prioritize English language education and provide students with ample opportunities to develop their English proficiency. By doing so, we can equip our future generations with the necessary skills to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

全国中学生英语作文大赛 篇二

Title: The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers

In recent years, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, especially for teenagers. While social media platforms offer numerous benefits, such as staying connected with friends and access to information, they also have several negative impacts. In this essay, I will discuss the effects of social media on teenagers and how they can mitigate the negative consequences.

Firstly, social media can have detrimental effects on teenagers' mental health. Constant exposure to carefully curated and idealized images on platforms like Instagram and Facebook can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Moreover, cyberbullying is a prevalent issue on social media, which can have severe psychological consequences for teenagers. It is important for teenagers to be aware of these negative impacts and practice self-care to protect their mental well-being.

Secondly, social media can negatively impact teenagers' academic performance. Spending excessive time on social media can result in procrastination and decreased productivity. The constant distractions and notifications from social media platforms can hinder students' ability to concentrate and focus on their studies. Teenagers need to manage their time effectively and create a balance between social media usage and academic responsibilities.

Furthermore, social media can contribute to a sedentary lifestyle and physical health problems. Spending long hours sitting and scrolling through social media can lead to a lack of physical activity, which can increase the risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and other health issues. Teenagers should be encouraged to engage in outdoor activities, exercise, and maintain a healthy lifestyle to counteract the negative effects of excessive social media usage.

Additionally, social media can impact teenagers' interpersonal relationships. While it facilitates communication and connection with friends, it can also lead to a decrease in face-to-face interactions. Teenagers may become more engrossed in virtual relationships and neglect building strong, real-life connections. It is important for teenagers to strike a balance between online and offline interactions to foster healthy relationships and social skills.

In conclusion, social media has both positive and negative impacts on teenagers. While it offers various benefits, such as connectivity and access to information, it can also have detrimental effects on mental health, academic performance, physical well-being, and interpersonal relationships. Teenagers need to be educated about the potential negative consequences of social media usage and be encouraged to adopt healthy online habits. By promoting digital literacy and responsible social media use, we can ensure that teenagers can harness the benefits of social media while mitigating its negative effects.

全国中学生英语作文大赛 篇三


' 罗一:蘩’夸国 孛警 坐集 镑 名 灰 大 饔 擘.全 国 中学 生 英 语 作 文 大 赛 是 由 《 试 与 评 价 》 志 社 举 办 的 面 向 全 国 中学 生 的英 语 作 考 杂。文 竞赛旨在 为 全 国 中学 生 提 供,、一个 展 现 英 语 写 作 能 力 抒 发 情 感 的 平 台 培 养 中学 生 英 语、 ,写 作 的兴 趣 并 激 励在 英 语 写 作 教 学方 面 表 现 突 出的师 生,。全 国 中学 生 英 语 作 文 大 赛 由大 赛 组 委 会 专 家 命 题 题 目 贴 近 生 活 贴 近 中学 生 实 际, ,,。大赛 按 年 级 分 成 六 个 参 赛 组 各 年 级 题 目均 能 体 现 学 生 的 英 语 写 作 能 力 和 精 神 面 貌

对 参 赛 学生 起 着 积 极 的 引导 作 用。大 赛 于 每 年 9 月 份 开 始 为 六 个参赛 组 各提 供 三 个题 目 参赛者可,,从 其 中任 选一个 参赛。具 体 参 赛 事宜 在 《 试 与 评 价 》 学 各 版 杂 志 的' 第 9 期 上 公 布 考 中一。全 国 中学 生 英 语 作 文 大 赛 共 设 三 个 奖 励 等 级:等奖、二等奖和 三 等奖 全部为师 生 同,奖 每个 年 级 组 各 设。一等奖,30人,二等奖50人,三等奖10 0人 向获 奖 学 生 颁 发获 奖 证 书,,向指 导 教 师 颁 发 荣誉 证 书并 第一文库网分 别 奖 励获 奖 学 生 和 指 导 教 师 各 价 值 约一80元 6 0 元和 4 0 元、的英 语 辅 导 类 书 刊,一。考 杂 等 奖获得 者名 单将 在《 试 与 评 价 》 志 上 公 布。,等 奖 作 文 更 有机 会在 杂 志 上 发 表 向全 国 中 学 生 展 示,大 赛 自举 办 以 来 深 受 全 国 广 大 师 生 的喜 爱。有 位 教 师 称 自 己 很 重 视 英 语 写 作 向来 喜,,欢让 学 生 写 作 文 并 进 行 批 改。。作 文 大 赛 通 知 下 来 的 时候 他 就 让 两 个 班 级 的学 生 都 按 要 求。写 作 并进 行 了 批 改 然 后 寄 出。,学 生 在 大 赛 中 获 奖 后 他 们 师 生 的 积 极 性 更 高 了 全 国 中学, ,生 英 语 作 文 大 赛 让 他们 更 加 重 视 英 语 写 作 了 奖学生和指 导教 师,。有 的学 校 更 是 在 网 络 上 登 出 喜报!““,祝贺获。在 全 国 中 学 生 英 语 作 文 大 赛 中获 取 的 奖 励 证 书 是 教 学 业 绩 和 学 习 成 绩,的有 力 证 明 是 对 广 大 师 生 的鼓 励 更 是 教 育行 政 部 门评 优 和 评 职 时 的 重 要 佐 证杂 考 通 讯 地 址 :吉 林 省 通 化 市 西 昌工 贸 开 发 区 2 号 天 仁 报 业 集 团 《 试 与评 价 》 志 社邮政 编 码:1340 0 1


