
时间:2013-04-03 04:41:18
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我的英语老师英语作文 篇一







我的英语老师英语作文 篇二







我的英语老师英语作文 篇三

  I have a good English teacher. She is Miss Wu. She is my favorite teacher.

  We felt English very difficult when we began to study English. Miss Wu had a good idea to solve the problem. One day, she came into the classroom with some fruits, such as apples, bananas and oranges. She said, “Today we are going to learn the names of the fruits. You can eat the fruits if you can tell me their names in English. ”

  All of us were interested and wanted to win the fruits. We listened to her very carefully. Someone even stood up to answer questions. When the class was over, all the fruits were all eaten.

  From then on, I am more and more interested in English. I think Miss Wu is a good teacher. I really appreciate her help.

我的英语老师英语作文 篇四

  Jiao Meiren is Jiao Juan, the English teacher in our class. Why do you have such an "acquaintance"? Peppers, peppers, beauties, beauties. Hehe, let's explain together, that is to say, our teacher Jiao is a beautiful woman with a pepper character.

  Indeed, Teacher Jiao is beautiful. The big eyes, like a stream of clear spring, seem to be able to wash people's minds, and the white skin more brings out her exquisite features. Wearing a sportswear, a strong athlete, full of youthful breath; wearing a national style dress, a movie star walks out of the screen.

  Many classmates said that "Jiao Meiren" is a very good person. That's for sure, because I have experienced it myself.

  At that time, it was summer, and Teacher Jiao gave us morning self-study. The sun rose very early, and a few rays of sunlight hit the classroom and hit my seat. I couldn't stand the sun, so I had to cover the sun with my hands. When Teacher Jiao noticed this, she stood beside me and led us to read the words, using her body to block the sunlight that should have been shining on me.

  It was such a small act that made my heart surge, and Teacher Jiao inadvertently gave the students selfless care.

  When Jiao Beauty is also angry, or else, how can she be worthy of the nickname "Jiao"?

  In the morning self-study, Teacher Jiao dictated words for us. Several classmates copied small notes and cheated. Teacher Jiao found out. Teacher Jiao gently warned: "Don't cheat, I know your foundation clearly..." But there are a few little devils who are still trying to find out, and Teacher Jiao said earnestly: "Reading is your own business, why deceive teachers, deceive parents!" Those cheating people just can't stop the pace of "criminal", Jiao The teacher yelled: "I don't love face too much. I don't even understand the basic principles of being a human being. Stand up for me..." Suddenly, the gentle wind and drizzle turned into a torrential rain. The words and sentences choked people, and the classroom was filled with the offensive taste of frying chili until the cheating classmates bowed their heads.

  This is the English teacher in our class, how about it? Isn’t it a "pepper" beauty?

我的英语老师英语作文 篇五

  Teacher Davidson is my fifth grade English teacher. He appeared to be very strong, walking like a soldier in training, standing upright, his hands close together, and his shoulders relaxed. His head is light, like a big light bulb. His face is a very complete oval, with a prominent face and a beard just exposed under his nose, but no beard under his mouth.

  I like Mr. Davidson very much. I think he is very cool, very serious, and very funny.

  Teacher Davidson is very different from other teachers. He tried to apply for the British Air Force when he was in his twenties, but failed after two attempts. But his hobby of flying airplanes has not disappeared. He sometimes tells us his stories about flying airplanes in English class. When he first told us, the whole class admired him. Mr. Davidson also rode a motorcycle around Europe. Every time we showed him pictures of European cities, he knew where they were. I am so envious.

  On this day, students in fifth grade were fighting. I heard Teacher Davidson say angrily: "Come in!" The four of them walked in slowly. Teacher Davidson gave the four children a lesson, canceled their two-week break time, and gave them a self-reflection form to take home for their parents to sign, let them recognize their mistakes, and finally go to the principal’s office to apologize. I think Mr. Davidson is very wise to do this. They will not make the same mistake easily in the future.

  Many people like Mr. Davidson, he makes everyone laugh from time to time. Once, in order for us to understand simple machines, he and other teachers made a machine with many simple machines. They used toy bows and arrows to move the big ball, and then the big ball hit the small ball. The small ball slid down from the tube and hit the domino. The domino knocked down a basin of water and hit Mr. Davidson on the head to make him "get up." . This design makes us laugh. On another occasion, the whole class performed very well. Mr. Davidson was very happy and rewarded the whole class with a ten-minute break. We were very happy.

  I admire Mr. Davidson very much, he makes me want to be a teacher. If all the teachers in the world were like him, how nice it would be!

我的英语老师英语作文 篇六

  When you see the topic, you will definitely wonder who my English teacher is, and it will appear in my composition, so you can look down.

  A long black hair like a waterfall, a pair of piercing eyes, quite like two big grapes, a small talkative cherry mouth, plus a pair of beautiful willow eyebrows, this is my English teacher——Geng teacher.

  Teacher Geng is particularly interesting. I still remember when school just started, when the beautiful girl walked into the classroom, we immediately calmed down when we were just noisy. She stepped onto the podium and smiled and said to us: "Classmates, my surname is Geng, you can call me Teacher Geng, I will take your English this semester." There was a warm applause in the classroom. After that, Teacher Geng took us to play a small game of driving a train, she is very good at adjusting the atmosphere. When we drove the train, the train stopped at a certain classmate, and the teacher said: "Okay, this car is currently in a big jam or the train is malfunctioning..." Her words always made us laugh. Therefore, our whole class likes her very much.

  Although the teacher is interesting, he is also very strict.

  Once, the teacher was in class, and the "Xiong Da" of our class was talking secretly with him at the table below, and was seen by Teacher Geng. The teacher winked him several times and motioned him to listen to the lesson. I've seen it all, but "Xiong Da" pretended to be nonchalant, still going its own way. The teacher couldn't bear it and walked quickly to his seat, "Why are you still talking? I winked you so many times, haven't you seen it? I really don't know how to repent. I copied every English word 10 times today." "Xiong" "Big" immediately became honest, and copied the words obediently. Since then, he never dared to make mistakes in Teacher Geng's class.

  This is my beautiful, funny and strict English teacher. I like her very much.

  我的'英语老师英语作文 篇5

  My English teacher has a beautiful appearance. She has a pointed chin, wears a dark red round glasses, two rings on her ears, and often wears a dark blue silk dress.

  She looked like a tigress when she became fierce. It's just that she has never scolded her classmates like a class A English teacher. Once I finished eating at noon and it was not time to go to the playground, so I ran to the playground with two good friends without authorization. Halfway through the game, there was a "Hedong Lion Roar" from the playground: "You guys, come back to me!" We turned our heads to see that the English teacher was staring at us with his hips akimbo and frowning. We had to walk to the teacher obediently. The teacher stared at us with her hips akimbo, without blinking her eyes: "You three, go upstairs and write a 300-word review book later, and then review it in front of the class!" She just sternly screamed. After the announcement, I felt that the whole world was quiet-everyone on the playground was watching the three of us intently. We lowered our heads and shook our hands and feet that were nowhere to be found. There was only one capitalized feeling-embarrassment!

  We like the way our English teacher is not fierce. Once, the teacher saw N as V during class, and we shouted in unison: "Teacher, isn't this N?" The teacher said with surprise, "No, this is V!" The stunned teacher, we firmly demanded: "Teacher, take a look again." The teacher looked back at the blackboard, blushing and squeezing out a smile: "Oh, yes, I read it wrong." Suddenly, there was one. The naughty egg deliberately joked: "Teacher, how short-sighted are you?" The teacher was rarely amused. She grinned and showed white teeth, her eyes were black and shiny, and there was no wrinkle on her face. At this moment, I discovered that the teacher is so pretty!

  Alas, teacher, I hope you don’t just bloom your smile in the office, but leave us with a lot of smiles. Seriously, as long as you smile, we are happy.


