
时间:2013-09-01 05:45:30
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Childhood Memories

Article One: A Journey Down Memory Lane

Childhood is a precious and unforgettable time in one's life. Looking back, my childhood was filled with joy, innocence, and countless memorable moments. It was a time when I was carefree and full of imagination.

One of my fondest childhood memories is spending summers at my grandparent's house in the countryside. Their house was nestled amidst vast green fields, surrounded by blooming flowers and chirping birds. The moment I stepped foot into their humble abode, I was greeted with warmth and love.

Each day, my siblings and I would wake up to the sound of birds singing and the aroma of freshly baked bread. We would gather around the breakfast table, where my grandma would serve us delicious homemade jam and freshly squeezed orange juice. With our stomachs full, we would embark on exciting adventures in the countryside.

One of our favorite activities was exploring the nearby forest. We would spend hours wandering through the dense trees, searching for hidden treasures and mythical creatures. Every step we took was filled with anticipation and excitement. We would create stories in our minds, imagining ourselves as brave explorers on a quest for adventure.

As the sun began to set, we would head back home, tired but content. My grandpa would be waiting for us with a warm smile and a steaming cup of hot chocolate. We would gather around him, listening to his fascinating stories of his own childhood adventures. His tales would transport us to a different time and place, where imagination had no limits.

Evenings at my grandparent's house were magical. We would sit by the fireplace, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories. The crackling sound of the fire and the soft glow of the flames created a cozy and intimate atmosphere. It was during these moments that I felt the true essence of family and the boundless love that surrounded us.

As the years passed, my childhood memories at my grandparent's house remain etched in my heart. They taught me the importance of family, imagination, and cherishing the simple moments in life. I am grateful for the endless love and joy they showered upon me during my childhood.

Childhood is a time that shapes us into the individuals we become. It is a time of innocence, wonder, and exploration. Looking back at my childhood memories, I am reminded of the joy and love that filled my days. These memories have become a part of who I am today and will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Article Two: Lessons Learned from Childhood Adventures

Childhood is a time of discovery, growth, and endless adventures. It is during this period that we learn valuable lessons that shape our character and future. Reflecting upon my own childhood, I can identify several key lessons that I learned through my various adventures.

One of the most important lessons I learned as a child was the power of perseverance. I vividly remember participating in a school talent show when I was in the third grade. I had decided to showcase my dancing skills, but during the performance, I stumbled and fell. The audience erupted in laughter, and I felt embarrassed and defeated. However, instead of giving up, I mustered the courage to get back on my feet and finish the routine. Although I did not win the talent show, I learned that setbacks are a part of life, and it is our ability to persevere that defines us.

Another valuable lesson I learned during my childhood adventures was the importance of teamwork. I was part of a soccer team, and we spent countless hours practicing and playing together. Through our shared experiences, I realized the power of collaboration and unity. Together, we could achieve goals that seemed impossible individually. This lesson of teamwork has stayed with me throughout my life, guiding me in my personal and professional endeavors.

Furthermore, my childhood adventures taught me the significance of embracing failure and learning from it. Whether it was attempting to ride a bike for the first time or learning a new instrument, failure was inevitable. However, I soon realized that failure was not something to be feared but rather an opportunity for growth. Each time I fell off my bike, I would dust myself off and try again, learning from my mistakes. This mindset of embracing failure has allowed me to approach challenges with resilience and determination.

Lastly, my childhood adventures taught me the importance of being present in the moment. As a child, I would immerse myself fully in whatever activity I was engaged in, whether it was playing with friends, exploring nature, or simply daydreaming. I would savor each moment, appreciating the beauty and joy it brought. This ability to be present has become increasingly challenging in today's fast-paced world, but I strive to incorporate it into my daily life, as it allows me to find happiness in the simplest of moments.

In conclusion, childhood adventures provide invaluable life lessons that shape our character and future. Through perseverance, teamwork, embracing failure, and being present in the moment, we learn to navigate life's challenges and appreciate its wonders. As I reminisce about my own childhood adventures, I am grateful for the lessons I learned and the person they have molded me into today.

童年的英语作文 篇三


  The same time like an arrow, suddenly gone, the last really memorable good times in the past years, many people yearn to tell you today, I look to my past.

  When I was five, I went out to pasture for a school to go home, sit all day cattle back, like a shepherd, always singing "cowboy riding cattle, singing the town of Lin." Every day into night 78 points, came back to wash dinner meal and watch the moon lay on the grass. Have an accident, sitting cattle back, just thunder, I was hit by lightning a bit, then collapsed to the ground, my friends see my cattle back from the cow fell off and quickly called my mother to the family man-I in three days, searched all the major hospitals, doctors say useless, and hold each desperate to come back, then they want to bury me, Who would have thought I played 5 years with a dog came to my bedroom, with a Tim the tongue a little, I woke up, doctors later said it was a miracle.

  I know this is useless to tell you, because you would not believe, and if I talk about fantasy, you love letter on the letter, do not believe even

童年的英语作文 篇四


  In the colorful world, is happy childhood, childhood is mowgli, childhood is... Everyone has their own childhood, my childhood is naive.

  When I was six, I went to my grandmother's house, that yes I naive. Listening to the adults said, on a plane can roam in blue sky, live. So, I think all day to fly, and one day, I sat a small bench, see a few chickens climb come up to the balcony, and want to take them out and went downstairs. So I will learn to the grandmother, the way a wave, a shout: "go to go to!" Behold, the chicken did not listen to my words, good scurrying about everywhere.

  Suddenly, a chicken from the balcony jumped down and I was frightened, and looked down and saw a chicken wings, he flopped about safety "landing......." I look for, surprise of call way "chicken fly, chicken fly! Fly, fly chicken chicken!" I like discovered the new continent, loudly rang way. From then on, I will know what is "fly chicken" mean, know the meaning, I will plan a "fly chicken" do.

  One afternoon, the grandmother went for a walk. I secretly slipped into the chicken tents, took a fancy to a terrible rooster, think it is right. The only big rooster as expected to catastrophizing, a rampant. I am very not easy to catch the chicken, and go to him a sit, chicken early struggle hard, a bellow, then move. The grandmother heard chicken, and immediately called back, asked me the way it is. I as if nothing has occurredly said: "I want to do fly chicken." The grandmother heard, first one leng, and then laughed. But I still make the plane?

  In the south: YaoXiaoYu primary school grade five






童年的英语作文 篇五


  Memory, childhood is like the stars in the sky, countless. However, everyone has a childhood, and childhood story was like the sea the persiform shells, glittering in the water company, exudes be riotous with colour brilliance, count the number of never-ending childhood like spring a riot of colours, so I delude one to folly; childhood like summer everywhere Cang green, make me energetic; childhood like autumn fruitful, let me harvest happiness and smile; childhood like winter Snow gleams white., let me feel the purity of heart.

  We all had a pure and beautiful childhood, sculpting our beautiful life, the interpretation of our innocent and lively. In childhood we, is how of happiness, innocence and goodness, and ignore all the sadness and melancholy side occurs, do not set foot on the vicissitudes of the ocean, healthy and happy growth only in the parents under the wings, just play in the play. But time is always so rushed and short-lived, once beautiful childhood now vanish like soap bubbles, now we can do is to pursue the beautiful fragment of childhood, but can't again.

  When I was very young, I was very naive, also always want to study adults do, often whimsical, try to think of some wrong ideas, can not, one day after supper, I went with my mother to a bowl of wine, start my experiment, I foretaste taste wine, find it difficult to drink bitter. So I came to the kitchen, saw my mother cooking seasoning, think: my mother usually cooking, only put these ingredients, food is very delicious. If I put them also put some in, wine became a good drink it.

  Say to work, first I put the salt and sugar together inside, then put the vinegar, oil, chicken together put in, then I picked up the chopsticks to stir it, stir well, I think I should taste to it, just put the bowl to his lips. Then I heard mother called me, I had to end with this bowl of things came to the mother, mother saw my hand with a bowl of things asked me what it is? So I am very proud with my mother about what had happened. Mom listened to all of a sudden loud laugh, I confused, I do not know why is mother to laugh. I asked my mother how, mother said: "silly boy, originally is the taste of wine, you add these things can you drink? Maybe you can use chopsticks to mak

e a bit of taste, what is the taste." I listened to my mother, to taste a little, say is what taste, but it is difficult to drink, also know why does mother smiled

  Of course, after this, I also understand a truth, not what is put together, can be delicious good drink, then I will read some books about how to do the experiment, get more knowledge.

  Childhood is like a seven color flowers, inside his body, is filled with all kinds of color, make life more beautiful: childhood is like a paper airplane, it flows on the good old days of childhood.

童年的英语作文 篇六


  I always dream about returning to the past. As many people say, childhood is the happiest and easiest time in one’s life. Children show you their true emotions.

  They know what is compassion and what is tolerance better than adults.

  In their world, all real thoughts are presented.

  They may easily have different opinions with others, but they never understand what is animosity.

  They enjoy making friends but they never think about making social communication net. Every child talks from the bottom of his heart without evil plans hidden and never intrigues against each other.

  Only in children’s way can adults make our life simple, more real and more enjoyable.

  I wish everyone’s heart would keep as innocent and lovely as they ever did in their childhood. Then, the walls between our hearts can be broken down and the world would be a better place to live in.


