
时间:2011-07-09 01:16:49
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Title: The Phenomenon of College Students Occupying Seats

Nowadays, the phenomenon of college students occupying seats has become increasingly common on campuses. This behavior refers to when students leave their belongings on seats in libraries, classrooms, or other public places to reserve them for themselves, even if they are not present at the moment. This issue has sparked heated discussions among students and teachers. In my opinion, this behavior is not only disrespectful but also hinders the fair use of public resources.

Firstly, the act of occupying seats shows a lack of respect for others. By leaving personal belongings on seats, students are essentially claiming ownership over them, disregarding the rights of other students who may need those seats. This behavior goes against the basic principle of fairness and consideration for others, which should be cultivated among college students. It reflects a sense of entitlement and selfishness, which are not desirable traits for individuals who are supposed to contribute positively to society.

Moreover, the phenomenon of occupying seats leads to the inefficient use of public resources. When seats are reserved but left unattended for extended periods of time, it prevents other students from utilizing them. This is particularly problematic in libraries and study areas where seats are limited. As a result, students who genuinely need a place to study may be forced to find alternative, less conducive environments or wait for a long time to secure a seat. This not only wastes their time but also hampers their academic progress.

To address this issue, it is crucial for both students and educational institutions to take action. Firstly, students should be educated about the importance of respect and fairness. They need to understand that everyone has an equal right to use public resources and that their personal convenience should not come at the expense of others. Additionally, educational institutions should implement stricter regulations and penalties for those who engage in seat occupying behavior. By setting clear rules and enforcing them, colleges can create a more harmonious and fair environment for all students.

In conclusion, the phenomenon of college students occupying seats is a disrespectful and inefficient behavior that hinders the fair use of public resources. It is essential for students and educational institutions to work together to address this issue. By promoting respect and implementing stricter regulations, we can create a more equitable campus environment where everyone has equal access to resources.


Title: Finding Solutions to the Phenomenon of College Students Occupying Seats

The phenomenon of college students occupying seats has become a widespread issue on campuses, causing inconvenience and frustration among students. In order to address this problem, it is necessary to explore effective solutions that can discourage such behavior and promote fair and considerate use of public resources.

Firstly, raising awareness among students about the negative consequences of occupying seats is crucial. Educational institutions should organize campaigns or workshops to educate students about the importance of fairness and respect for others. By highlighting the impact of seat occupying on fellow students, such as causing delays in studying or hindering academic progress, students can develop a better understanding of the consequences of their actions. This awareness-raising effort should also emphasize the benefits of sharing resources and creating a harmonious campus environment.

Secondly, it is essential to improve the availability of seats on campus. Many students occupy seats because they fear not being able to find another one later. By increasing the number of seats in libraries, study areas, and classrooms, students will have more options available to them, reducing the need to reserve seats in advance. Educational institutions should invest in infrastructure to create more study spaces, including expanding existing facilities or building new ones. This will not only alleviate the problem of seat occupying but also enhance the overall learning experience for students.

Additionally, adopting a system of seat reservation with time limits can also be an effective solution. Instead of allowing students to leave their belongings unattended on seats for an indefinite period, a reservation system can be implemented where students are required to register their reservation and specify the duration. If a student fails to occupy the seat within the specified time, it will be made available to other students. This system can discourage students from unnecessarily occupying seats for long periods and ensure fair access for all.

In conclusion, addressing the phenomenon of college students occupying seats requires a multi-faceted approach. By raising awareness, improving seat availability, and implementing a reservation system, we can discourage this behavior and promote fair use of public resources. It is essential for both students and educational institutions to work together to create a more considerate and equitable campus environment.

大学生占座现象英语作文 篇三



  We often see there is a table-cloth, a book or something else on the desk in the classroom or library, [1]indicating the seat is taken. This kind of phenomenon is very usual in almost all colleges and universities. [2]Strangely enough, most of students seem to [3]take this for granted, and few will protest it.

  [4]Though most of students’ taking seats in advance is for the purpose of better study, this ki

nd of phenomenon has great negative effects. [5]On the one hand, it is a selfish behavior, which damages other students’ interests. [6]Even if many students come to the classroom very early, they can not find a seat. [5]On the other hand, reserving a seat [7]violates the rule of fairness. [8]No matter how late you come to class, the seat is still reserved for you [6]even though many others are eager for that seat.

  [9]Considering the above-mentioned, I think, [10]it is high time that we college students took a good look of our behavior. [5]Indeed, only if all of us can improve our consciousness, it is not a difficult task for us to get rid of this kind of phenomenon “reserving a seat”.


