英语作文:成因说明:能的来源-Sources of Energy(推荐3篇)

时间:2017-08-03 03:22:10
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英语作文:成因说明:能的来源-Sources of Energy 篇一

Energy is an essential part of our daily lives and plays a crucial role in driving our economy and improving our quality of life. There are various sources of energy that we rely on to meet our needs. In this essay, I will discuss three major sources of energy: fossil fuels, renewable energy, and nuclear power.

Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, have been the dominant source of energy for centuries. They are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals that have been buried and subjected to high temperatures and pressures over millions of years. Fossil fuels are relatively cheap and easy to extract, making them widely available and widely used. However, their combustion releases large amounts of greenhouse gases, leading to climate change and air pollution. The depletion of fossil fuel reserves is also a concern, as they are finite resources.

Renewable energy, on the other hand, is derived from sources that are constantly replenished and do not deplete natural resources. This includes solar power, wind power, hydropower, and biomass energy. Solar power harnesses the energy of the sun using photovoltaic cells or solar thermal systems. Wind power converts the kinetic energy of moving air into electricity using wind turbines. Hydropower utilizes the energy of flowing or falling water to generate electricity. Biomass energy is derived from organic matter, such as wood or agricultural waste, and can be used for heating or electricity generation. Renewable energy sources are cleaner and have lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels. They also have the advantage of being inexhaustible, which makes them a sustainable and viable option for the future.

Nuclear power is another significant source of energy. It is generated through nuclear reactions that release a tremendous amount of energy. Nuclear power plants use uranium or plutonium as fuel and produce electricity through nuclear fission or fusion. Nuclear power is a highly efficient and reliable source of energy, capable of generating large amounts of electricity with minimal greenhouse gas emissions. However, there are concerns regarding the safety and waste management of nuclear power. Accidents, such as the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters, have highlighted the potential risks associated with nuclear power plants. The disposal of nuclear waste is also a significant challenge that needs to be addressed.

In conclusion, there are various sources of energy that we rely on to meet our needs. Fossil fuels have been the dominant source of energy, but their environmental impact and depletion of reserves make renewable energy a more sustainable option. Nuclear power also plays a significant role in meeting our energy demands, although safety and waste management remain major concerns. As we move towards a more sustainable future, it is crucial to invest in renewable energy and explore new technologies to meet our growing energy needs.

英语作文:成因说明:能的来源-Sources of Energy 篇三

英语作文:成因说明:能的来源-Sources of Energy

  在平平淡淡的'学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,下面是小编精心整理的英语作文:成因说明:能的来源-Sources of Energy,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

  Nearly all energy

comes from the sun, either in a roundabout① way or straight from it, in the form of heat rays and light rays. The light from the moon, too, comes from the sun. The moon can be said to be like a large mirror which throws back the sun's light to the earth.

  Electrical energy comes from the sun in a roundabout way, e.g.②, it can come from the power of water falling down a mountainside③. The water fell there as rain, and we know that rain is made by the sun's heat evaporating the water on the earth's surface. This water vapour rises, condenses④ on cooling, and falls as rain.

  The light and heat energy from coal also comes from the sun in a roundabout way. Coal was made by the rocks pressing on trees and plants which died millions of years ago. Those trees and plants grew with the aid of sunlight, from which they made carbohydrates⑤, in this way changing the sun's energy into chemical energy. When we burn coal, some of this energy is set free.

  Energy which we use to drive car engines comes from petrol⑥,which also was made with the aid of the sun in a roundabout way. Plants, and animals which ate the plants, died millions of years ago, and the parts of them that were left were pressed under the rocks in the 301earth. These parts left from dead animals and plants made petroleum⑦,from which petrol and oil are now obtained.

  Thus we can say that the is the place where nearly all energy comes from, and that without the sun's heat and light, there could be no life on earth.

英语作文:成因说明:能的来源-Sources of Energy(推荐3篇)

