
时间:2018-07-08 01:26:11
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英语作文:安乐死 篇一

Euthanasia: A Controversial Issue

Euthanasia, also known as assisted suicide, is a highly controversial topic that has sparked intense debates worldwide. It refers to the act of intentionally ending a person's life to relieve their suffering from a severe illness or unbearable pain. While some argue that euthanasia is a compassionate choice that allows individuals to die with dignity, others believe it goes against the sanctity of life and opens the door to potential abuse.

Proponents of euthanasia argue that it is a humane option for those who are suffering immensely. They believe that individuals should have the right to decide when and how they want to end their lives, especially if they are enduring a terminal illness. By legalizing euthanasia, they argue, we can provide a compassionate alternative to prolonged suffering and allow individuals to die peacefully.

Moreover, proponents argue that euthanasia respects an individual's autonomy and personal freedom. They believe that it is not the role of the government or society to dictate how one should live or die. Instead, they advocate for the right to die with dignity and have control over one's own life and death.

On the other hand, opponents of euthanasia argue that it goes against the principles of medical ethics and the sanctity of life. They believe that every life is valuable and should be protected, regardless of the circumstances. They argue that legalizing euthanasia could have severe consequences, such as potential abuse by healthcare providers or family members who may pressure vulnerable individuals into ending their lives prematurely.

Furthermore, opponents argue that advancements in palliative care and pain management can effectively alleviate suffering without resorting to euthanasia. They believe that healthcare professionals should focus on providing the best possible care and support to patients, rather than taking the drastic step of ending their lives.

In conclusion, euthanasia is a complex and divisive issue that raises profound ethical and moral questions. While proponents argue for individual autonomy and the alleviation of suffering, opponents emphasize the sanctity of life and the potential for abuse. As society grapples with this issue, it is essential to have open and respectful discussions to ensure that any decisions made regarding euthanasia are based on compassion, empathy, and a deep understanding of the implications involved.

英语作文:安乐死 篇二

Euthanasia: A Personal Choice or a Slippery Slope?

Euthanasia, a topic that divides opinions, raises difficult questions about the role of medical professionals and the choices individuals can make regarding their own lives. Euthanasia, or assisted suicide, refers to the act of intentionally ending someone's life to relieve their suffering. While some argue that euthanasia is a compassionate option that allows individuals to control their own destiny, others fear that it could lead to a slippery slope, with potential for abuse.

Proponents of euthanasia argue that it is a matter of personal choice and autonomy. They believe that individuals should have the right to decide when and how they want to die, especially if they are enduring unbearable pain or suffering from a terminal illness. They argue that by legalizing euthanasia, we can provide a compassionate option for those who are desperate for relief.

Additionally, proponents highlight the importance of empathy and compassion in end-of-life care. They argue that it is inhumane to force individuals to endure prolonged suffering when there is no hope for recovery. By allowing euthanasia, they believe we can offer a dignified and peaceful death, sparing individuals unnecessary pain.

On the other hand, opponents of euthanasia raise concerns about the potential for abuse and the ethical implications involved. They argue that legalizing euthanasia could lead to a slippery slope, where the line between voluntary and involuntary euthanasia becomes blurred. They fear that vulnerable individuals, such as the elderly or disabled, could be coerced into ending their lives prematurely, either by family members or healthcare professionals.

Furthermore, opponents emphasize the importance of palliative care as an alternative to euthanasia. They argue that advancements in pain management and end-of-life care can effectively alleviate suffering without resorting to ending someone's life. They believe that healthcare professionals should focus on providing the best possible support and care to patients, rather than facilitating their deaths.

In conclusion, euthanasia remains a contentious issue that elicits strong emotions and conflicting viewpoints. While proponents argue for personal choice and compassion, opponents raise concerns about potential abuse and the sanctity of life. As society grapples with this complex issue, it is crucial to strike a balance between individual autonomy and the protection of vulnerable individuals, ensuring that any decisions made are based on careful consideration and ethical principles.

英语作文:安乐死 篇三



  Mercy killling has been the hot issue and some animals were accepted this way of death. In some countries, mercy killing is legal for human being. When people are badly ill and have given up life, they wished to die with pleasure. Betsy Davis made her choice.


  Betsy Davis was an artist and she suffered from ALS. After being treated for some time, she still got sick worse and worse and she had big trouble in moving, so she decided to accept mercy killing. But she was not going to die sadly, instead, she emailed her families and friends to join her good-bye party for two days, and she told them not to be sad but only with pleasure.



  This woman was so positive, even at the end of her life. She smiled and had the happy memory. Everybody has his last day, but if he can die with pleasure, this is the best ending. Death is not scare. When people can smile to face it, their lives are colorful when they recall. That’s enough.



