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常见中考英语作文 篇一

How to Keep a Healthy Lifestyle

Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about their health. It is important for us to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to stay fit and happy. Here are some tips on how to keep a healthy lifestyle.

Firstly, we should eat a balanced diet. This means consuming a variety of foods from different food groups, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy products. Avoid eating too much junk food or processed food, as they are often high in fat, sugar, and salt. Instead, opt for fresh and natural foods that provide essential nutrients for our body.

Secondly, regular exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Engaging in physical activities not only helps to keep our body in good shape but also improves our mental well-being. We can choose to participate in sports, go for a jog, or even take a walk in the park. The key is to find an activity that we enjoy and make it a regular part of our routine.

In addition to a balanced diet and exercise, it is important to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can negatively affect our physical and mental health. It is recommended that teenagers should get around 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine can help us to achieve a good night's sleep.

Furthermore, it is essential to manage stress effectively. Stress can have a negative impact on our health and well-being. Find healthy ways to cope with stress, such as practicing relaxation techniques, engaging in hobbies, or talking to a trusted friend or family member. Taking breaks and engaging in activities that bring us joy can also help to reduce stress levels.

Lastly, it is important to avoid bad habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. These habits can lead to serious health problems and should be avoided at all costs.

In conclusion, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for our overall well-being. By following a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, getting enough sleep, managing stress effectively, and avoiding bad habits, we can lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

常见中考英语作文 篇二

The Importance of Environmental Protection

Environmental protection has become a major global issue in recent years. It is crucial for us to understand its importance and take actions to preserve our environment. Here are some reasons why environmental protection is important.

Firstly, a clean and healthy environment is vital for our own well-being. Pollution, deforestation, and other harmful activities can have a negative impact on our health. By protecting the environment, we are protecting ourselves and future generations from potential health risks.

Secondly, environmental protection is essential for the preservation of biodiversity. Every living organism plays a role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. When habitats are destroyed or polluted, countless species are at risk of extinction. This loss of biodiversity can disrupt the delicate balance of nature and have far-reaching consequences.

Furthermore, environmental protection is closely linked to sustainable development. By using resources responsibly and implementing sustainable practices, we can ensure that future generations will have access to the same resources that we have today. This includes reducing waste, conserving energy, and promoting renewable sources of energy.

In addition, environmental protection is important for mitigating climate change. The burning of fossil fuels and deforestation contribute to the release of greenhouse gases, which trap heat in the atmosphere and lead to global warming. By reducing our carbon footprint and adopting environmentally-friendly practices, we can help to slow down the effects of climate change and protect our planet.

Lastly, environmental protection is crucial for the preservation of natural beauty. Our planet is home to stunning landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and unique wildlife. By protecting our environment, we can ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of nature.

In conclusion, environmental protection is of utmost importance for our own well-being, the preservation of biodiversity, sustainable development, mitigating climate change, and the preservation of natural beauty. It is our responsibility to take actions to protect the environment and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

常见中考英语作文 篇三

范文30篇(续)2009-04-08 21:43我是这样学习英语的-I Learn English Like This English is very important for us.Everyone wants to learn it well.My English is very good.How do Ilearn English?First,I listen to the teacher and make notes carefully in cla.I revise my old le oand prepare my new le oafter cla.Second,I like eaking English withmy cla mates,not only in cla room,but also on the playground.It's to improve my oken English.Third,I keep adiary every day to practise my written English.Besides this,I often read English new apers or magazines in order to enrich my knowledge on English culture.英语对我们来说很重要,每个人都想学好英语。我的英语很好,那我是怎么学英语的呢?首先,我上课认真听老师讲课,认真记笔记,课下我复习旧功课,预习新功课。第二,我不仅在教室里,在操场上也一样喜欢和同学们说英语,这提高了我的口语。第三,我坚持每天记日记

来练习写作。除此之外,我经常阅读英语报纸和杂志来丰富我的文化知识。We know it is difficult to learn English.My English is very good.I learn English like this.I Listen to the teacher carefully and write the important point dow on my notebooks.After cla Irevise the le o.Before cla Iprepare new le oto find out the questio.Then Iwill listen carefully in cla.I also listen to the tape,and eak English with my cla mates in the cla room and on the playground.It's to improve my listening and eaking.I keep adiary every day to practise my written English.Besides this,I often read English new apers and magazines to enrich my knowlege on English culture.We will learn English well so long as we learn it hard.我们知道英语学起来很困难。我的英语不错,我是这样学英语的:上课认真听讲,把重点内容都记在笔记本上。课下复习这些功课。课前预习新功课,找出问题,然后在课上认真听。我也听磁带,并且在教室里、操场上和同学讲英语,这样提高了我的听力和口语。我每天坚持记日记以练习我的写作。除此之外,我经常阅读英语报纸和杂志,以扩大我的英语文化知识。只要我们用心去学,我们会学好英语的。 中考英语辅导--我们的学校-Our School This is our school.At the school gate,you can see the main road in front of you.Coming into the gate,you can see the tall teaching building in the middle of the school.On the two sides of the main road are two fiowerbeds.The library is on the left and the office building is on the right.Behind the teaching building is the playground.The computer room is next to it.Our school is beautiful and Ilove it.这是我们的学校。在学校大门口,你可以看到主路。进了大门,你可以看到学校中央高大的教学楼。主路两边是两个花圃。图书馆在左边,办公楼在右边。教学楼后是操场,计算机房挨着它。我们的学校很美,我爱它。This is our school.There is atall teaching building in the middle of the school.On either side of the main road is aflowerbed.The library is on the left and the office building is on the right.The playground is behind the teaching building.On the left of the playground is the computer room.The flowerbeds and trees make our school beautiful.I like having le ohere.I love my school.这里是我们的学校。学校中央有一座高大的`教学楼。主路两侧是花圃。图书馆楼在左边,办公楼在右边。操场在教学楼后面。操场左边是计算机房。花圃和树木使学校很美丽。我喜欢在这儿上课。我爱我们的学校。

中考英语作文--make homgworker-做家务Is it good for students to do some housework Some people think studengts need not do any housework.They think the only thing students need do is to study well.I don't think so.It is good for students to do some housework for three reason.examda Firstly,to do some housework can make you independent.You can't depend on others all your life.So,you should learn to do some housework now.Secondly,to do some housework can keep you healthy and strong,some hard housework can be regarded as akind of physical exercise.Finally,to do some housework can share your parents'work.They must be ha yif you say"Have arest,and Iwill do the housework"So Ithink it is good for students to do some housework.

Deep Mother Love-深沉的母爱Deep Mother Love Every child is surrounded by the deep mother love.However,we often turn ablind eye to the love.One day Ideeply felt the love.One day Ihurried home for lunch after school,because there would be an exam in the afternoon and Ihad expected to go back to school early to prepare for the exam.But when Igot home,the lunch was not ready yet.I felt unha y.When the dishes were served,I forund none Ilike.I ran out of my house angrily and wanderde on the street for awhile,hungry.Then Iwalked to school.When Igot into the cla room,I saw alunch box on my desk.One cla mate told me that it was my mother ther that had brought it here.After opening the box,I found my favorite food iide.My eyes was moist with tears.Mother gave me her love without asking for return,How deep mother love is!深沉的母爱每个孩子都被深沉的母爱包围着,然而我们经常对这种爱视而不见。一天我深深感受到了这种爱。一天放学后我匆忙回家吃午饭,因为下午考试,我希望早一点回校准备考试。但是我到家时午饭还没有准备好,我很不高兴。饭菜端上来时,我发现没有一样是我喜欢的。我生气地跑出了家门,饿着肚子在街上游荡了一会,然后往学校走去。走进教室后,我看到书桌上有一个午餐盒,一个同学告诉我那是我妈妈送来的。打开盖子,里面是我喜欢吃的。我的眼睛湿润了。妈妈无私地把爱给了我,却不求任何回报。多么深沉的母爱啊!

My younger Brother-我的弟弟My younger Brother Iremember my brother as asweet baby,bringing much fun and delight to the family with his pleasant ga les of no ee.He was avery likable chu ylittle thing,always on his feet climbing up and down,chasing after iects,birds,and me.I do not recall him ever having any white clothes since he started school.He was extremely untidy,He used to come home with aface of smudges,an ink attered shirt,a pair of dirt-bedraggled pants.examda He did not care much for ready-made toys,and was very anx

ious to break them into bits,to satisfy his childish curiosity.But he treasured his sell-made toys,such as the slingshots which he used to break the gla es on the windows,and had receivedpunishments time and time again.我的弟弟我记得我的弟弟还是一个可爱的小孩时,就以他那讨人喜欢的无意识的胡谈,给家人带来许多乐趣。他是个胖乎乎的逗人喜欢的小家伙,他的脚不停地爬上爬下,追逐昆虫、鸟和我。我不记得自他入学校后,有哪件衣服是干净的。他非常地不整洁。回家时,他常常是脸上满是污点,衬衣上沾满墨水渍,裤子上全是尘土。他不太喜爱现成的玩具,而是急于将它们一片片拆开,来满足他童稚的好奇心。不过,他很珍爱他自己制造的玩具,如他常常用来射击窗门上玻璃的弹弓,为此他曾受到过多次责罚。

2009年中考语文作文-MyMother-我的母亲My Mother My Mother isa kind and gentle woman.She is always very gentle.She takes good care of her children and kee them all at school.I have one brother and two sistets.So she gets four children in all.She gives us every comfort.We all love her and she loves us also.My mother has too much to do in bringing us up.As our family is too poor to keep aservant,my mother has always to do very much work.She gets up very early and slee very late every day.She works hard,yet without complaining.examda She is also athrifty,and industrious woman.She saves every cent that she can and kee everything in order.As she has been busy eversince she was young,she looks older than she really is.Her face is wrinkled,her hair becomes silver white,but she works as hard as ever.Often she says to us,"work while you work,play while you play.If you do not work,you will become lazy and of no use to society."What piece of good advice this is!We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind.我的母亲我的母亲是一位心地善良、性情温和的女性。她总是彬彬有礼。她细心地照顾孩子并使他们都上学读书。我有一个哥哥,两个妹妹,所以她总共有四个孩子。她使我们做每件事时都感到舒适。我们都爱她,她也爱我们。为了抚养我们,母亲有太多的事要做。因为我们家很穷,雇不起佣人,母亲总是必须做很多工作。她每天起早贪黑,辛苦地工作,从无怨言。她又是一位节俭勤勉的妇女。她尽可能地节省每一分钱,并且使每一件事情都井井有条。由于年轻时就一直忙碌,所以从外表看上去更见苍老。她的脸布满皱纹,头发也变成了灰白,但她仍像从前一样辛勤地操劳。她常对我们说:"工作时工作,玩乐时玩乐,如果不工作,你将变得懒惰,从而无


