
时间:2012-05-04 09:39:27
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有趣的英语课作文 篇一

Hello, My Name is Alex

In our English class, we recently had a fun activity that involved introducing ourselves to the class using only English. Each student had to prepare a short speech about themselves and present it in front of the class. It was a great opportunity for us to practice our speaking skills and get to know each other better.

I was a little nervous at first, but as soon as I started speaking, my nerves disappeared. I introduced myself by saying, "Hello, my name is Alex. I am 15 years old and I come from China. I love playing basketball and listening to music. My favorite subject in school is English because I find it interesting and challenging."

After my introduction, I asked a few questions to the audience, such as "What is your favorite hobby?" and "What is your favorite subject in school?" It was amazing to see how everyone responded in English, even though some were a bit shy at first. It was a great way to practice our conversation skills and build our confidence in speaking English.

The best part of the activity was hearing everyone's unique stories and interests. There were students who loved playing musical instruments, others who enjoyed reading books, and some who were passionate about sports. It was fascinating to learn about their different backgrounds and experiences.

Overall, this activity made our English class more engaging and interactive. It helped us improve our speaking skills and build stronger relationships with our classmates. I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my story and hear others' stories as well. It made me realize how diverse and interesting our class is.

I'm looking forward to more fun activities like this in our English class. It not only helps us improve our language skills but also allows us to connect with each other on a deeper level. English class has become a place where we can learn, grow, and have fun together. I am excited about the journey ahead and all the interesting things we will discover along the way.

有趣的英语课作文 篇二

The English Game Show

In our English class, we recently had an exciting game show activity that tested our knowledge of the English language. The teacher divided us into teams and gave us a series of challenges to complete. It was a competitive yet fun way to learn and review our English skills.

The game show consisted of different rounds, each focusing on a specific aspect of English. We had a vocabulary round where we had to match words with their definitions, a grammar round where we had to correct sentences, and a pronunciation round where we had to say tongue twisters correctly.

One of the most challenging rounds was the speaking round. Each team was given a random topic and had to come up with a short speech on the spot. It was nerve-wracking but also exhilarating to think on our feet and speak in English without much preparation. It definitely pushed us out of our comfort zones and forced us to think creatively.

The game show not only tested our knowledge but also encouraged teamwork and collaboration. We had to work together as a team to solve the challenges and earn points. It was interesting to see how each team member contributed their strengths and helped each other overcome the difficulties.

What made the game show even more enjoyable was the lively atmosphere in the classroom. Everyone was cheering for their teams and supporting each other. It created a sense of camaraderie and excitement that made the whole experience memorable.

At the end of the game show, the teacher announced the winning team and awarded them with small prizes. However, the true reward was the knowledge and confidence we gained from participating in the activity. It showed us that learning English can be fun and engaging.

I believe that incorporating more interactive activities like the game show in our English class will help us become more motivated and enthusiastic about learning the language. It allows us to apply what we've learned in a practical and entertaining way.

Overall, the English game show was a great success. It not only tested our language skills but also brought us closer as a class. It showed us that learning English doesn't have to be boring or intimidating. With the right activities and approach, it can be a truly enjoyable and rewarding experience.

有趣的英语课作文 篇三




教我们英语的是一位美国老外,他的名字叫奥里。你瞧!说着奥里来了,“hello prince"!奥里在向我打招呼,我赶忙回过去,“hello 奥里”!于是,奥里微笑着走进了教室,开始上课了!



很快到了放学的时间了,奥里让每个小朋友说一遍刚才所学的单词,一个一个问完才放学。轮到我了,我很快说完了,奥里把手一伸和我击掌一下。“goodbey prince",''goodbey 奥里”!















班上的英语尖子们对《Let’s talk》很感兴趣,个个高声地朗读。一句句流利的英语,直让老师连声赞叹:“Very good!”琅琅的书声飞出了教室,飞到了空旷的操场上,如同美 妙的音乐,沁人肺腑。






