
时间:2018-02-04 04:12:30
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音乐小学生英语作文 篇一

Title: The Magic of Music

Music is a universal language that has the power to touch our hearts and stir our emotions. As a primary school student, I have always enjoyed listening to music and playing musical instruments. In this essay, I would like to share my thoughts on the magic of music and how it has influenced my life.

Firstly, music has the ability to bring people together. Whether it is singing in a choir or playing in a band, music allows individuals to collaborate and create something beautiful. I remember participating in our school's music club, where we would practice songs together and perform at various events. It was such a wonderful experience to see how music united us and brought joy to everyone around us.

Moreover, music has the power to express emotions. Sometimes, when words are not enough, music can convey what we feel deep inside. I often find solace in listening to sad melodies when I am feeling down, and uplifting tunes when I am happy. Music helps me to connect with my emotions and understand myself better.

Furthermore, music enhances our creativity and imagination. When I learn to play a new instrument or compose a melody, I am able to explore different sounds and experiment with various musical techniques. This allows me to think outside the box and come up with unique ideas. Music encourages me to think creatively and express myself in ways that words alone cannot.

Lastly, music is a form of self-expression. When I play the piano or sing a song, I am able to showcase my individuality and share a part of myself with others. It gives me a sense of confidence and pride to perform in front of an audience, knowing that I am able to communicate my thoughts and emotions through music.

In conclusion, music is a powerful force that has the ability to bring people together, express emotions, enhance creativity, and allow for self-expression. As a primary school student, I am grateful for the opportunities I have to explore the world of music. It has truly enriched my life and taught me valuable lessons about collaboration, emotions, creativity, and self-confidence. Music will always hold a special place in my heart.

音乐小学生英语作文 篇二

Title: Exploring Different Genres of Music

Music is a diverse art form that encompasses various genres and styles. As a primary school student, I have been exposed to different types of music and have developed a love for exploring the rich world of musical genres. In this essay, I would like to share my experiences with different genres of music and how they have broadened my musical horizons.

One of my favorite genres of music is classical music. I am fascinated by the complexity and beauty of classical compositions, such as symphonies and concertos. Listening to classical music allows me to appreciate the talent and skill of the composers and musicians. I also enjoy attending classical music concerts, where I can witness the magic of live performances.

Another genre of music that I enjoy is pop music. Pop songs are catchy and upbeat, and they often have a positive message. Listening to pop music makes me feel energized and uplifted. I also enjoy singing along to popular songs and learning the dance routines that accompany them. Pop music is a great way to have fun and let loose.

In addition to classical and pop music, I also appreciate the beauty of traditional music from different cultures. Whether it is Chinese traditional music or African tribal music, these genres offer a glimpse into the rich heritage and history of different regions. I find it fascinating to listen to the unique rhythms and melodies that are characteristic of each culture.

Furthermore, I have recently started exploring the world of jazz music. Jazz is a genre that allows for improvisation and creativity. I am amazed by the talent of jazz musicians who can create beautiful melodies on the spot. Listening to jazz music has inspired me to experiment with improvisation on my own musical instruments.

In conclusion, exploring different genres of music has been a rewarding experience for me as a primary school student. Whether it is classical, pop, traditional, or jazz music, each genre offers its own unique characteristics and appeal. By listening to and appreciating different genres, I have been able to broaden my musical horizons and develop a deeper understanding and love for music.

音乐小学生英语作文 篇三


  many people like music. it has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music great, light music relaxing, and children, music interesting.

  you can pick and choose whatever you like. now popular songs are in fashion. if you like music, you usually like singing

, too. i am no exception. my brother and i like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music.

  we are a musical family. do you like music? is your family full of music, too? music is really great! i like it very much.


