
时间:2016-06-03 05:14:39
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英语作文展示 篇一

The Importance of Learning English

English has become the most widely spoken language in the world, and its importance cannot be underestimated. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone who loves to travel, learning English can open up countless opportunities and enhance your personal and professional life.

Firstly, learning English can provide you with better job prospects. In today's globalized world, many companies require employees who can speak English fluently. By learning English, you can expand your career options and increase your chances of landing a well-paying job. Additionally, English is often used as the language of communication in international business, and being proficient in English can give you a competitive edge in the job market.

Furthermore, learning English can broaden your horizons and allow you to connect with people from different cultures. English is spoken by people from all corners of the globe, and by mastering the language, you can communicate with individuals from different backgrounds and gain a deeper understanding of their customs and traditions. This can foster tolerance, empathy, and cultural appreciation, making you a more well-rounded individual.

Moreover, learning English can enhance your educational opportunities. Many prestigious universities and educational institutions around the world offer courses and programs in English. By being proficient in the language, you can access a wider range of educational resources and pursue academic excellence. Additionally, English is the primary language of academic publications and research papers, and by understanding and being able to communicate in English, you can stay up-to-date with the latest developments in various fields.

Lastly, learning English can enrich your personal life and open up a world of literature, music, and movies. English is the language of Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and J.K. Rowling, to name just a few iconic authors. By learning English, you can read their works in their original language and fully appreciate their literary genius. Furthermore, English is the language of many popular songs and movies, and by understanding the lyrics and dialogues, you can enjoy a wider range of entertainment.

In conclusion, learning English is of utmost importance in today's world. It can improve your job prospects, help you connect with people from different cultures, enhance your educational opportunities, and enrich your personal life. Therefore, it is essential to invest time and effort in learning and mastering the English language.

英语作文展示 篇二

The Benefits of Reading

Reading is a fundamental skill that plays a crucial role in our personal and intellectual development. It is not only a source of knowledge and information but also a means of entertainment and self-improvement. Whether you prefer fiction or non-fiction, reading has numerous benefits that can positively impact your life.

Firstly, reading expands your knowledge and broadens your horizons. Through books, you can learn about different subjects, cultures, and eras. Whether you are reading a history book, a science article, or a novel set in a different country, reading exposes you to new ideas and perspectives. It allows you to explore the world without leaving your home and gain a deeper understanding of various topics.

Secondly, reading improves your vocabulary and language skills. When you read books, you encounter new words, phrases, and sentence structures. This exposure to a wide range of vocabulary helps you improve your own writing and speaking skills. Additionally, reading enhances your comprehension and critical thinking abilities, as you need to understand and analyze the content of the book.

Moreover, reading is a great way to relax and reduce stress. In our fast-paced world, finding time to unwind and escape from daily pressures is essential for our well-being. Reading offers a form of escapism and allows you to immerse yourself in different worlds and stories. It can be a therapeutic activity that helps you relax, recharge, and forget about your worries for a while.

Furthermore, reading stimulates your imagination and creativity. Unlike watching movies or TV shows, reading requires you to create images and scenes in your mind. This imaginative process enhances your creativity and helps you think outside the box. It allows you to envision characters, settings, and events in your own unique way, fostering your creativity and imagination.

Lastly, reading can inspire and motivate you. Many books contain stories of triumph over adversity, personal growth, and self-discovery. By reading about the journeys and experiences of others, you can find inspiration and motivation to overcome your own challenges and pursue your dreams. Books have the power to ignite a spark within you and encourage you to strive for greatness.

In conclusion, reading is a valuable activity that offers numerous benefits. It expands your knowledge, improves your language skills, helps you relax, stimulates your imagination, and inspires you. Therefore, it is important to cultivate a reading habit and make time for this enriching activity in your daily life.

英语作文展示 篇三



  根据材料写短文给Lora .

  English horizons

  Dear editor, I’m a senior high school student and I want to work part-time this summer .I think it is good to do so ,but my parents don’t agree with me .I just can’t understand them ,I need your help.


  I think Lora wants to work part-time for these reasons. First , she can make some pocket money to meet pet needs and thus develop a sense of independence. Second, she can learn how to deal with various problems in the workplace . Third , she can build up new friendships and improve better social skills.

  But her parents may regard learning as an increasingly important task for Lora. This holiday should be a catch-up time for independent study . Besides , personal safety may also be one of their major considerations .

  My advice for Lora is this : make a detailed plan for her study and work ; ask her friends to work together with her and tell her parents she can manage things properly . I wish Lora a pleasant summer.


  在英语课上,你喜欢你的老师授课只用英语,还是英汉兼用; “how do you prefer your English class to be taught ? English only , or in both English an

d Chinese?”



  I prefer my English classes to be taught both in Chinese and English . In my opinion , learning is a step-to-step process. As middle school students , we only have a small vocabulary. If the teacher can use some Chinese in an English class, we will understand the lesson better.

  Of course , an English class taught in both languages has its shortcomings. Such a class can’t create a good atmosphere for English learning. Some students will speak Chinese all the time and can’t learn English well.




  Recently I learned from the newspaper that normal universities belonging to the educational department would recruit some students free. As a return , the students must serve as a primary school teacher for at least ten years in his hometown . I feel it is a good news for me and I will contact the universities to get enrolled.

  First all of all, as a farmer’s child, my family’s living condition is not so good, I can hardly afford the high tuition of regular universities . I am so happy to get this chance to become a college student and continue my study.

  Secondly, serving as a teacher is my dream since I was a child. I was brought up in a mountain village .Many of my little friends got poor education and they had to get to work as a teenager. If become a teacher , I will devote myself to giving them better education .

  Lastly, our country is in great need of teachers , especially in rural areas. After I graduate , I will return to my hometown and serve as a good teacher.


