考研英语作文 长难句万能套用(通用3篇)

时间:2013-05-02 01:48:24
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考研英语作文 长难句万能套用 篇一:如何提高英语写作能力


首先,要注意使用一些复杂的句子结构。比如,在表达原因时,可以使用“Due to/owing to/because of + 名词/代词/从句”的结构。例如,“Due to the heavy rain, the outdoor concert was canceled.”(由于大雨,户外音乐会被取消了。)在表达结果时,可以使用“as a result/consequently/therefore/thus + 句子”的结构。例如,“As a result of the economic crisis, many people lost their jobs.”(由于经济危机的结果,很多人失业了。)

其次,要注意使用一些高级的词汇和短语。比如,在表达观点时,可以使用一些高级的形容词和副词,如“remarkable/outstanding/significant”等。例如,“The development of technology has had a remarkable impact on our daily lives.”(技术的发展对我们的日常生活产生了显著的影响。)同时,还可以使用一些强调的表达方式,如“what is more/moreover/furthermore/in addition”等。例如,“What is more, the new policy will also benefit the environment.”(而且,新政策还将使环境受益。)

最后,要注意使用一些复杂的从句结构。比如,在表达条件时,可以使用“if/unless + 从句”的结构。例如,“If you study hard, you will pass the exam.”(如果你努力学习,你会通过考试。)在表达目的时,可以使用“so that/in order to + 动词原形”的结构。例如,“He worked hard so that he could achieve his goals.”(他努力工作,以便实现他的目标。)


考研英语作文 长难句万能套用 篇二:如何应对考研英语阅读中的长难句


首先,要注意理解句子的结构。长难句通常由多个从句和主句构成,考生们需要先理清各个从句之间的逻辑关系,再理解主句的核心意思。可以通过找出关键词和短语来帮助理解句子的结构。例如,在表达因果关系时,可以通过关键词“because/due to/owing to”等来确定句子的主从关系。




考研英语作文 长难句万能套用 篇三

2015考研英语作文 长难句万能套用模板


1.This is ,says Luban, a desk. (简单句中加上插入语)

2. To a certain extent, you can be a good teacher. (简单句前面


3. Rather than decreasing, the population in China is increasing. (简单句前面加上分词短语)

4. With skilled workers, we could accomplish the task within the deadline; without proficient workers, we should have to give up half way. (排比句型增加句子可读性)

5. A case in point is my neighbor, who lost both legs in a traffic accident. (举例子方法)

6. According to a recent survey made by professor Wang, head of social department in Peking University, 90% of the people across the country are suffering from the problem. (举例子方法)

7. With the rapid advances in the standard of living of the Chinese people in recent years, air conditioners have joined other household electrical appliances as items. (举例子方法)

8.___is usually the first to be considered, but it is not the most important. The most important aspect of the phenomenon has much to do with___. It is in this area that ___find themselves having to face many confusing and conflicting feelings. (经典原因段)

9. Basically, what we see in this picture/really matters is a bird lamenting the fact that its home has been destroyed. (主语从句描述现象)

10. There is no denying that automobiles are indications of civilization, progress and development; nevertheless, automobiles cause the serious problem of air pollution..(名词性从句引出观点)

考研英语作文 长难句万能套用(通用3篇)

