
时间:2014-09-04 02:11:15
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我的爸爸英语作文1000字 篇一

My Amazing Father

My father, a hardworking and loving man, is the hero in my life. He is always there for me, providing support, guidance, and love. I am truly blessed to have him as my father.

First and foremost, my father is an incredibly hardworking individual. He wakes up early every morning and goes to work to provide for our family. I admire his dedication and commitment to his job. Despite the long hours and demanding workload, he always manages to come home with a smile on his face. His work ethic is truly inspiring and has taught me the importance of perseverance and determination.

In addition to being hardworking, my father is also extremely supportive. He is my biggest cheerleader and is always there to encourage me. Whether it's in academics, sports, or any other aspect of my life, he always believes in me and pushes me to reach my full potential. His unwavering support has given me the confidence to chase my dreams and never give up.

Furthermore, my father is a loving and caring man. He makes it a priority to spend quality time with our family despite his busy schedule. Whether it's going on family vacations, watching movies together, or simply having dinner as a family, he always makes sure that we bond and create lasting memories. He is always there to listen to my problems and offer advice, and his love and understanding make me feel safe and secure.

In conclusion, my father is truly amazing. His hardworking nature, unwavering support, and love have shaped me into the person I am today. I am grateful for all that he does for our family and I hope to make him proud. He is not only my father but also my role model, and I am lucky to have him in my life.

我的爸爸英语作文1000字 篇二

Lessons from My Father

My father has taught me numerous valuable lessons throughout my life. From his guidance and wisdom, I have learned important life skills and values that have shaped me into the person I am today. I am forever grateful for the lessons my father has taught me.

Firstly, my father has taught me the importance of hard work and perseverance. He has always emphasized the value of putting in the effort and never giving up. He has shown me that success comes from dedication and determination. Through his own hard work, he has achieved great accomplishments and has always encouraged me to do the same.

Secondly, my father has taught me the value of honesty and integrity. He has always emphasized the importance of being truthful and doing the right thing, even when it is difficult. He has shown me that honesty builds trust and respect, and that integrity is a fundamental aspect of one's character. These values have guided me in making ethical decisions and treating others with respect.

Furthermore, my father has taught me the importance of compassion and empathy. He has always encouraged me to be kind and understanding towards others. He has shown me that small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life. His compassion towards others has inspired me to be more caring and to always lend a helping hand to those in need.

In addition, my father has taught me the value of family and the importance of cherishing our loved ones. He has always prioritized spending quality time with our family and has taught me the significance of creating lasting memories with those we hold dear. He has shown me the power of love and support within a family unit.

In conclusion, my father has been an incredible teacher in my life. His lessons on hard work, honesty, compassion, and family have shaped me into the person I am today. I am forever grateful for the wisdom and guidance he has provided me with. I hope to carry these lessons with me throughout my life and pass them on to future generations.

我的爸爸英语作文1000字 篇三



  My Father

  If someone asks me who affects me most in my life, I will definitely tell him or her that the person should be no one else but my father. As a ma

tter of fact, I have been much affected by fathers humor, kindness, enterprise, strong will ever since I was a little girl.

  Father is well-known for his humor. He always makes use of his wit and humor to relax tense situation at work. He is m humorous that his colleagues and friends all enjoy staying with him. He also uses humor to create a very happy family atmosphere. My mother tends to chatter over little things. Sometimes she talks angrily without any pause. When this happens, father just listens to her without a word. "Why dont you say a word, man?", mother is more angry at father. At this time father would give a cup of tea to mother , then replies: "Why not have tea first, my dear? Just take your time to enjoy it. Im always your attentive listener." Hearing these words, mother stops talking with her anger gone at once. Such funny scenes often appear between father and mother which makes our family life happy and interesting.

  Father is also very kind to people. He often invites those poor temporary workers who are far away from home to have dinner with us. He always helps our neighbors repair bikes, fill the flat, fix locks, and so on. Whenever any one is in trouble, he never hesitates to offer his warm hands. All this earns him lots of friends and their respect as well.

  Father is filled with enterprise in his life. He lost many chances of studying before for .some reasons. But he has never given up learning all the time. He has read many books on architecture in order to work much better as a house-builder. He has gone through lots of difficulties because of his inadequate education. But he hasnt lost heart at all. He keeps learning with strong will. Now he has become a very excellent worker in his company.

  My father is the greatest man in the world. His humor, kindness, enterprise, and strong will are always the power of my life. I am very proud of my father.





